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Breva 11 - Norge 12 & 1200 Sport Registry and picture thread


Staff member
GT di Razza Pura
Jul 1, 2009
Reaction score
Below is an on-going database of Breva 1100 & 1200(S) and Norge variants worldwide. Why? Just for the fun of it. If your bike isn't listed below, post a reply to this thread, and I'll add you along with a link to your post with a picture (hopefully of you and your bike, as they all look the same otherwise). If you've sold your bike, or bought one recently and are the new owner of one below, please post.
Feel free to write me direct e-mail to add a photo if you're having any issues in doing so; Info at GuzziTech.com


Norge 8V

VIN#ZGULPT004BM111380 - Mike Mattenson - Downers Grove, IL - D.O.P. 12.27.12
VIN#ZGULPT007BM111387 - Mark Grillo, Pullman, WA - D.O.P. 8.11.11 - Pic below
VIN#ZGULPT002BM111457 - @J.R. Thompson - Blacksburg, VA - D.O.P. 10.16.23 - O.O. John Decker Jr. - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPT005BN111498 - Claudio Arena - Sugar Land, TX - D.O.P. 2.1.14 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPS013BM111549 - @David Bracey - City?, UK - D.O.P. ? - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULPS014BM111642 - Peter Meywes - Sydney, Australia - D.O.P. 5.29.13
VIN#ZGULPS018BM111725 - Phil Slater - Lincolnshire UK - D.O.P. ? - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPT00XCM111837 - SALVAGE - Wilmer, TX - 1.25
VIN#ZGULPT003CM111842 - Mike Sullivan - Oxnard, CA - D.O.P. 5.15.13 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPT006CM111849 - Rudy Gallucci - Niles, OH - D.O.P. 3.12.16 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPS010CM111851 - Preston Tully - NSW Australia - D.O.P. 3.28.14
VIN#ZGULPT00XCM111885 - Kyle Turner - New York, NY - D.O.P. 11.8.12
VIN#ZGULPT009CM111909 - Eric Murrell - Allen, Texas - D.O.P. 7.13.13
VIN#ZGULPT000CM111913 - @P.odono76a - Winfield, KS - D.O.P. 5.18.12
VIN#ZGULPT00XCM111921 - SALVAGE - Chambersburg, PA - 9.21
VIN#ZGULPT002CM111928 - Craig Massey @husker_in_kc - Lee's Summit, MO - D.O.P. 5.7.12
VIN#ZGULPT007CM112007 - SALVAGE - Adelanto, CA - 12.22
VIN#ZGULPS010CM112014 - Jim Mac - Edinburgh UK - D.O.P. 5.29.15 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPT004CM112174 - SALVAGE - 4.17 - MN - O.O.?
VIN#ZGULPT005CM112183 - SALVAGE - W. Warren, MA
VIN#ZGULPT000CM112219 - SALVAGE - O.O. Guzzooks - Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada - D.O.P. 3.22 - Pics HERE
VIN# ZGULPT005CM112202 - @bobbyfromnc - N.C. - D.O.P. 3.18.15
VIN#ZGULPT002CM112206 - Garrett Fulton, Gold Hill, NC - 11.28.14
VIN#ZGULPT005CM112216 - James @Raven - Lac Ste. Marie, QC - D.O.P 7.1.17
VIN#ZGULPT006DM112405 - @Redracechris36 - Christopher Hepler - Graham, NC - D.O.P ? - Pic HERE - O.O. ?
VIN#ZGULPT00?DM112407 - Clarke Morian - Loveland, OH - D.O.P. ?
VIN#ZGULPT003DM112409 - @Jim Filice - Los Gatos, CA - D.O.P. 6.18.18 - Pic HERE - SOLD
VIN#ZGULPT005DM112413 - @Old as Dirt - Kingston, TN - D.O.P. 4.10.15 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPT005DM112430 - Alex Tong - Seattle, WA - D.O.P. 6.6.13 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPT006DM112422 - @Alan Scott - Irvine, CA - D.O.P. 6.20.13 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPT00?DM112459 - @David E - Madison, MS - D.O.P. 2.14.18
VIN#ZGULPT007M112462 - @Bill Crane - Northern IL - D.O.P. 1.26.17 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPT003DM112489 - Christian Knapp, Toronto, ON, Canada - D.O.P. 7.9.14 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPT009EM112657 - John Parker - Wooster, Ohio - D.O.P. 9.25.15
VIN#ZGULPT00XEM112697 - @Sgrabin - New Castle, PA - D.O.P. ? - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULPT001EM112698 - SALVAGE - Nampa, ID - 8.24
VIN#ZGULPT000EM112711 - Mark Sandvigen - Sterling VA - D.O.P. 9.26.14
VIN#ZGULPU0048M114293 - SALVAGE - Lyman, ME - 8.22
VIN#ZGULPU0069M114541 - @Luca Fontanarosa - Port St. Lucie, FL - D.O.P. 8.8.13
VIN#ZGULPS014BM111723 - @FCR - Frossasco, Italy - D.O.P. 08.15 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPT005EM200010 - @newgriso - @Echo Cycle, Edmonton, AB - D.O.P. 8.14 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPT003EM200023 - @Dale Baker - Cumming, GA - D.O.P. 5.15 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPT000EM200044 - SALVAGE - Atlanta, GA
VIN#ZGULPT002EM200045 - Steve Pratel - Washington - D.O.P. 7.5.16 - No Pic
VIN#ZGULPT003EM200054 - Keith Anderson Woodstock, GA - D.O.P. 01.02.16 Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPT009EM200060 - @King of Fleece - Western NY - D.O.P. 9.15
VIN#ZGULPT008EM200065 - @Mack Ashabranner - Macon, GA - D.O.P. 12.17.16
VIN#ZGULPT00XEM200066 - @craigclu - NW Wisconsin - D.O.P. 3.16 @AF1 Racing - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPT003FM200072 - @Max Gilmour - ontario canada - D.O.P. ? - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPT005FM200073 - @Toby Jug - Kamloops, BC -D.O.P. 8.29.15 - @Rivercity Cycle
VIN#ZGULPT002FM200080 - @NJNorge - Northern, NJ - D.O.P. 2.16 - @AF1
VIN#ZGULPT004FM200100 - @maverick9611 - Augusta, GA - D.O.P. ? - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPT003FM200105 - Barry Sebastian - Cincinnati, OH - @Cadre Cycles - D.O.P. 4.22.16 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPT000FM200109 - @scotte Scott Eyler - Port Hueneme, CA - D.O.P. 4.10.16 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPT007FM200110 - @jdub - Bay Area, CA - D.O.P. 11.14.18 (3rd owner) - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPT000FM200126 - Dimitri Constas - Westminster, CA - D.O.P. 2017
VIN#ZGULPT000GM200144 - @Scott McD - Lawrence, KS - D.O.P. ? - Pic HERE

Norge 1200-2V

VIN#ZGULPH0186M111409 - Brian Le Cornu - Addlestone, Surrey UK - D.O.P. 6.21.07 - No Pic
VIN#ZGULPH0176M111420 - @mylovelyhorse (4th owner) - Hampshire, UK - D.O.P. 09.18 - No Pic
VIN#ZGULPH0146M111469 - Dave Gale - GuzziGander.com Rentals - Glenfield, Auckland, NZ - D.O.P. 10.26.06 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPH01X6M111685 - Geoffrey Hansford - Castlemaine, Victoria AUS - Orig. Owner: John McDonald - Hobart, Tasmania - D.O.P. 10.07 - No Pics
VIN#ZGULPH0116M111719 - Berry Van der Lee - The Hague, S Holland - D.O.P. 5.2.14
VIN#ZGULPH0106M111775 - Larry Botheras - Maldon, Essex, UK - D.O.P. 4.3.07
VIN#ZGULPH0126M111860 - Milos Kanjo - Belgrade, Serbia - D.O.P. 2011
VIN#ZGULPH0146M111908 - David-Olivier Flamand - Nord, France - D.O.P. 5.26.18 - O.O.: René Bertin - Paris, France - D.O.P. 6.30.07 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPU0087M112089 - John Warren - LaCenter, WA - D.O.P. 12.19.06- Pic
VIN#ZGULPU0067M112091 - GTM 6.6.20 - S.O.: Philip C - Fullerton, CA - O.O. ?
VIN#ZGULPU0087M112092 - Brent Babcock - Myrtle Creek, OR - D.O.P. 5.14 - O.O. ?
VIN#ZGULPU00X7M112093 - Rod Radke - Salem, Oregon - D.O.P. 6.13.07 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPU00X3M112139 - Don Tarinelli - Collinsville, CT - D.O.P. ?
VIN#ZGULPU0067M112205 - Matthew Polhamus - Mechanicsville, IA - D.O.P. 4.4.12 -- O.O. Carl Allison - Chandler, OK - D.O.P. 12.8.06 - Pics
VIN: ZGULPU0017M112211 - @M0T0Geezer - Sun City West, AZ - D.O.P. 9.18 - Pic HERE - O.O. ?
VIN#ZGULPU0067M112219 - Val Kerrigan - Allen, TX - D.O.P. 12.12.06 - Pics
VIN#ZGULPU0057M112230 - SALVAGE - Dayton, OH - 8.19 - O.O. ?
VIN#ZGULPU0067M112303 - Nick Di Croce - Mullica Hill, NJ - D.O.P. 2.3.07 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPU0087M112304 - Steven E Braun - Bellingham, WA - D.O.P. 4.09 - Pic - Former Ownr: Ritchie Julian - Livermore, CA - D.O.P. 5.9.07 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPU00X7M112305 - @Lunchbucket Alec Selz - Powhatan, VA - D.O.P. ? O.O. @Bill Hagan - formerly of Inman Park (Atlanta), GA - D.O.P. 2.2.07 - No Pic
VIN#ZGULPU0077M112309 - Matt Manfredi - Anchorage, AK - D.O.P. 12.9.06 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPU0057M112311 - John Wells - Hollidaysburg, PA - D.O.P. 12.23.06 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPH01X6M112335 - Alexandre Simões @Alex Simon - Santarém, Portugal - D.O.P. 7.22.14 - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULPU0057M112342 - Noel Cassidy - Walpole, NH - D.O.P. 1.07
VIN#ZGULPU0097M112361 - Sandy Cheyne - Wrentham, MA - D.O.P. 7.17.08
VIN#ZGULPU0047M112364 - @NorgeCapt.Bob - Rossmoor, CA - D.O.P. ? - Pics HERE - T.O. Michael Wajszczuk - Santa Monica, CA - S.O. @GTM® - Pics HERE - O.O.: Mike Bui - Katy, TX - D.O.P. 1.8.07
VIN#ZGULPU0087M112366 - Shawn Coyne (aka Lemonorge) - Waveland, IN - D.O.P. 1.3.07 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPU0077M112469 - Stevens E. Woodburn @Captstevens - Given, WV - 4.07 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPU0037M112476 - Kent Ailes - Phoenix, AZ - D.O.P. 2.24.07 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPU0087M112481 - Thawatchai N. Chusivaratn (aka ~Chai) - Pasadena, CA - D.O.P. 2.3.07 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPU0097M112506 - John Gretzinger - Canoga Park, CA - D.O.P.– 4.15.09 - Pics - Formerly: Piaggio U.S. - Media/Press Services - Pics
VIN#ZGULPU0027M112587 - Tim Hayes - Spruce Pine, NC - D.O.P. 5.22.07 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPU0067M112589 - Tiff Kramer - Camarillo, CA - D.O.P. 3.18.07 - Pics
VIN#ZGULPT001EM112703 - George Hellinger - Delaware, OH - D.O.P. 4.28.14
VIN#ZGULPU0097M112828 - Mark Sandvigen - Sterling, VA - D.O.P. 11.26.12
VIN#ZGULPU0047M112719 - David McConnell - Oakland, CA - D.O.P. 6.30.07 - Pics
VIN#ZGULPU0047M112722 - Kevin Gilbert - Wichita, KS - D.O.P. 5.18.12
VIN#ZGULPU0037M112727 - John Quiram - Atlanta, IL - D.O.P. 5.1.07 - No Pic
VIN#ZGULPU0007M112734 - Richard Poworski - Regina, SK, Canada - D.O.P 5.18.07 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPU0007M112748 - Ronald Michaud - Fairview, Alberta - D.O.P. 4.23.07 - Pic
VIN: ZGULPU0007M112782 - Rob M @Crackers - Dutchess Co, NY - D.O.P. 7.18 - Pic HERE - O.O. ?
VIN#ZGULPU0027M112783 - Storm Shearon - Sammamish, Washington - D.O.P. 3.8.08 - Pics soon
VIN#ZGULPU0027M112833 - Dominick - Patchogue, NY - D.O.P. 4.30.07 - Pics
VIN#ZGULPU00X7M112837 - SALVAGE - Tom Fraser - Manassas, VA - D.O.P. 5.9.07
VIN#ZGULPU0017M112841 - Brian Peters - Cathedral City, CA - D.O.P. 4.21.07 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPU0067M112849 - Angie Pelosi-Glassco - Nashville, TN - D.O.P. 2.2.08 - No pics
VIN#ZGULPH0187M112897 - Rob Rahaley - Adelaide, AUS - D.O.P. 3.2.07 - No Pic
VIN#ZGULPU0097M112974 - John Lloyd - Norman, OK - D.O.P. 2.19.08 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPU0007M112975 - Robert Cantrell - Spring Hill, FL - D.O.P. 10.3.07 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPH0166M112995 - Brent Sheridan - Christchurch, NZ - D.O.P. 2.13 - PIC HERE
VIN#ZGULPU0027M113013 - Dan Raidt - Hernando, FL - D.O.P. 6.4.07 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPU0097M113056 - @scottmastrocinque - Findlay, OH - D.O.P. 10.25.21 - 2nd owner - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPU0067M113063 - @GTM® - Malibu, CA - S.O. Mark Sovern - Los Angeles, CA - O.O. ? - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGVLPU00X7M113082 - Howard Robinson - Vacaville, CA - D.O.P. 9.1.07 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPU0017M113083 - Michael Gies - Beaverton, OR - D.O.P. 7.15.07 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPU0097M113087 - Caleb McCarry - Leesburg, VA - D.O.P. 6.15.07 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPH0117M113133 - Tommy Nilsson - Halmstad, Sweden - D.O.P. 5.16.07 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPU0077M113234 - Barry Neubauer - Bradenton, FL - D.O.P. 9.13.07 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPU0017M113245 - Carlos Storch @maxpower0 - Seattle, WA - D.O.P. 10.30.07
VIN#ZGULPU0007M113298 - Chuck Stottlemeyer - Elwood, IN - D.O.P. 9.25.07 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPU0037M113067 - Frank Reynolds - Nether Providence, PA - D.O.P. 11.2.07 - Pic soon
VIN#ZGULPU0087M113307 - Dale Brown - Saint Croix, IN - D.O.P. 10.07 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPH0167M113399 - Ah Teck - Singapore - D.O.P. 8.30.07 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPU0027M113464 - Roger Harrison - Tucson, AZ - D.O.P. 2.14.14
VIN#ZGULPU0087M113467 - SALVAGE - O.O.?
VIN#ZGULPU0087M113470 - Alan Pratt - Littleton, CO - D.O.P. 6.30.07 - Pics
VIN#ZGULPU0037M113490 - SALVAGE - O.O.? - Antelope, CA - 8.22
VIN#ZGUKPU0057M113572 - Ken Radford - Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada - D.O.P. 7.28.07 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPU0077M113573 - O.O. Jerome Fryer @jcjf - Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada - D.O.P 06.17 - SOLD
VIN#ZGULPU0067M113578 - Gregory Moss - Mississauga, Ontario, Canada - D.O.P. 9.28.07 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPU0087M113579 - Kai St-Louis - Montreal, Quebec - D.O.P. 23rd Nov. 2007 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPU0037M113666 - Dasu Baregala - Tomball, TX - D.O.P. 4.08 - Pic Soon
VIN#ZGULPU0097M113669 - Robert Metzger - SFV, CA - D.O.P. 4.20.08 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPU0057M113717 - Mike Kooken - Arvada, CO - D.O.P. 5.21.09 - Pics
VIN#XGULPU0077M113718 - Bill Mazza - Brooklyn, NY - D.O.P. 11.07 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPU0077M113721 - Robert Dentico - Wiscasset, Maine - D.O.P. 11.20.07 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPU0067M113726 - SALVAGE - O.O.?
VIN#ZGULPU0047M113742 - @FJFOOL - Belfair, WA - D.O.P. 7.28.15
VIN#ZGULPU0077M1137XX - Bob Dickman - L.A., CA - D.O.P. 3.23.08 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPU0058M113895 - John Connors - Tampa, FL (by way of Boston) - D.O.P. ?
VIN#ZGULPU0068M113906 - Michael Buckman - Town? - 5.29.08 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPU0088M113910 - SALVAGE - O.O.?
VIN#ZGULPU00X8M113911 - @Dycokac - Grand Rapids, MI - D.O.P. 3.17 - Pic? O.O. in AZ?
VIN#ZGULPU0098M113916 - SALVAGE - West Chester, OH - 12.20
VIN#ZGULPU0038M113930 - SALVAGE - O.O.: Mark Zach - Northfield, MN - D.O.P. 4.18.15 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPU0058M113931 - SALVAGE - Lyman ME - 8.22
VIN#ZGULPU00X8M113956 - Tracy Novacich - Newark, DE - D.O.P. 2.16.08 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPU0028M113966 - SALVAGE - Puyallup, WA - 6.24
VIN#ZGULPH0167M114083 - Eric Turton - Leyland, Lancashire, UK - D.O.P. 11.1.08 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPH01X8M114136 - Antonio Alday - Guatemala City, Guatemala - D.O.P. 1.28.08 - No Pics yet
VIN#ZGULPU00X8M114170 - Sam Baker - Dallas, TX - D.O.P. 4.4.08 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPU0028M114180 - SALVAGE 6.20: O.O.: Kurt Worden - Lincoln Acres, CA - D.O.P. 10.10.08 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPU0058M114187 - Barry Haynes - Murrieta, CA - D.O.P. 9.19.15 - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULPU0048M114228 - SALVAGE - San Diego, CA
VIN#ZGULPH0118M114235 - David Gibbons - Lancashire, UK - D.O.P. 8.08
VIN#ZGULPU0098M114242 - Greg Jarvis - Bristol, RI USA - D.O.P. 9.15.08 - Pics
VIN#ZGULPU0018M114283 - @JJ Eckerman - City?, MI - D.O.P. 4.13.19 - Pic HERE - S.O. @Rick Hamill - Highland, MI - D.O.P. 6.17 - O.O.?
VIN#ZGULPU0078M114305 - @JJC1957 - Rehoboth, MA - D.O.P. 7.7.15 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPU0038M114348 - @Captincvmn Rob Pierce - Dover, PA - SALVAGE TITLE - D.O.P. 5.20.23 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPU0029M114455 - @Merlin Stewart - Stettler, AB Canada - D.O.P. 05.16 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPH0156M111464 - @msoysal - Istanbul, Turkey - D.O.P. ?
VIN#ZGULPH0198M114466 - @Les - Liecestershire UK - D.O.P. 07.13
VIN#ZGULPU0019M114544 - John Warren @nwrider - La Center, WA - D.O.P. 7.26.16 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPU0089M114573 - @David Powell - Huffman, TX - D.O.P. 8.15.16 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULP?000?M11???? - Ray Woodly - Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada - D.O.P. 7.07 - Pic

Sport 1200 4V

VIN#ZGULPR0038M111169 - Antonio Abriola - Strasbourg, France - D.O.P. 6.09 - Pics
VIN#ZGULPR0169M111175 - Pål @Chev - N Oslo, Norway - D.O.P. Fall 2015 - O.O.? - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPR0089M111282 - Chris Ford - Fordo, Marlborough New Zealand - D.O.P. ?
VIN#ZGULPR0019M111320 - Chris Ford - Warranty Replaced
VIN#ZGULPR007AM111391 - Mark Templeton - Launceston, Tasmania - D.O.P. 4.1.22. -- O.O. Richard Martin - Devonport, Tasmania - D.O.P: 3.09.10
VIN#ZGULPR008AM111397 - @Fredrik - Västerås, Sweden - D.O.P. 10.22 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPR009AM111411 - Steven Sims - Merredin Western Australia - D.O.P. 5.17.13 - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULPPR006BM111528 - @triple3 - Scotland - D.O.P. ? - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPR007BM111537 - John Bolland - Birkenhead, Auckland, New Zealand - D.O.P. 3.22.12 - TOTALLED
VIN#ZGULPR000CM111574 - Gregg Farebrother - Wahroonga, NSW, Australia - D.O.P. ?
VIN#ZGULPR015DM200048 - Glenn Purcell - Tauranga, New Zealand - D.O.P. 12.24.13 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPR017DM200049 - John Bolland - Birkenhead, Auckland, New Zealand - D.O.P. 1.24.14

Sport 1200 2V

VIN#ZGULPM0086M111409 - Florian Engel - Coburg/Frankonia/Germany - D.O.P. 12.28.06 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPM0076M111420 - New Owner? - O.O.: John Bolland - Birkenhead, Auckland, New Zealand - D.O.P. 2.26.07
VIN#ZGULPM0107M111138 - Iñigo Zapata - Pamplona, Navarra, Spain - D.O.P. 5.5.08 - Pics
VIN#ZGULPM0167M111158 - Maxime Aerts - Luxembourg, France - D.O.P. 4.23.07 - Pics
VIN#ZGULPM0077M111595 - Nick Dando - Stamford, Lincolnshire, UK - D.O.P. 3.5.07 - Pics
VIN#ZGULPM0077M111628 - Andrew Phillips - Christchurch, Dorset - D.O.P. ? : O.O. Paul Upton - Cambridge, UK - O.D.O.P. 3.1.07
VIN#ZGULPM0067M111703 - Tony Mardell - Dubbo NSW Australia - D.O.P. 8.28.07 - Pics
VIN#ZGULPM0097M111713- @Garry Aaldring - Drenthe, Netherlands - D.O.P. 6.17 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPM0067M111801 - Adam Woods - Wiltshire, UK - D.O.P. 9.15.07 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPM0097M111985 - Dave Buchanan - Greymouth, NZ - D.O.P. ?
VIN#ZGULPM0047M112090 - Ian Bucknell @hairybiker - Cambridgeshire, UK - D.O.P. 05.08 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPM0037M112162 - Jonathan Barrett @JonnyB - Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland DOP 7.24.17 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPUS028M112250 - @Flat Cap Cafe Racer - Jerry Adams - Boise, Idaho - D.O.P. 10.20.22 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPUS018M112255 - Bob Hayes - Bowling Green, KY - D.O.P. 11.11
VIN#ZGULPUS078M112261 - Chuck Smolka - New Milford, CT - D.O.P. 4.8.08 - Pics soon
VIN#ZGULPUS058M112291 - Mike Hardy @GuzziWings - Cincinnati, OH - D.O.P 08.09.17 (3rd OWNER) - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULPUS068M112347 - Marco Granello - Regina, Canada - D.O.P. 2011
VIN#ZGULPUS028M112359 - @Eddie6Speed - Lower Ontario, CAN - D.O.P. 01.18 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPUS078M112373 - Allan Engel - Boulder, CO - D.O.P. 1.4.08 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPUS068M112381 - @Douglas Haas - Chester County, PA - D.O.P. 2.17.17 - O.O. Charles Hursh - Harrisburg, PA USA - D.O.P. 10.24.08
VIN#ZGULPUS088M112382 - Brian Garceau - Mont Vernon, NH - D.O.P: 6.29.14 - O.O.?
VIN#ZGULPUS0X8M112383 - Bob Taylor - Thousand Palms, CA - D.O.P. 7.26.14
VIN#ZGULPUS098M112469 - Bill Sluys - Westfield, NC - Third Owner: Tom Albertson - Houston, TX - D.O.P. 9.22.12 - Second owner: Andy Servio, MI - O.O? - NH
VIN#ZGULPUS0X8M112495 - N.O. ? :: O.O.: Jörg Mager - Santa Monica, CA - D.O.P. 5.13
VIN#ZGULPUS038M112516 - @audiowize - Seattle, WA - D.O.P. ?- O.O. ? - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPUS088M112527 - Bob Gilligan - Hudson, OH - D.O.P. 10.30.09
VIN#ZGULPUS018M112529 - @nate78 Nathan Morrow - Akron, OH - D.O.P 10.19.22 - No Pic
VIN#ZGULPUS058M112534 - @scottmastrocinque - Findlay, OH - D.O.P. 10.2.19 - 2nd owner - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPUS0X8M112545 - O.O. ? - N.O. William McCrory - Houston, TX - D.O.P. ?
VIN#ZGULPUS058M112548 - @Patman - Queensland, AUS - D.O.P. 10.09 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPUS068M112557 - O.O. @Nick Greear - Cedaredge, CO - D.O.P. 08.14.20 in Up-state NY - Pic HERE - SOLD
VIN#ZGULPUS038M112600 - @groundhog105 - S.D., CA - D.O.P. 3.24 - O.O. @jbhotchkiss - Pic Soon
VIN#ZGULPUS008M112604 - SALVAGE - San Diego, CA - 8.18

Breva 1200

VIN#ZGULSE032AM111297 - @Gary Taylor - Tyrendarra. Victoria Australia - D.O.P. 12.20.18 - Pics HERE

Breva 1100

VIN#ZGULPA0006M111225 - Vince Klorto - Vichy, France - D.O.P. 4.22.06 - Pics
VIN#ZGULPG0037M111238 - Piotr Świątkiewicz @pswiatki - Kraków, Małopolskie, Poland - D.O.P. 5.25.11
VIN#ZGULPG0078M111325 - Neil Carruthers - Preston, England - D.O.P. 6.18.08 - Pics
VIN#ZGULPC0097M114136 - GuzziGuy59 Guy Fortier - City?, CAN - D.O.P. 5.20 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPA0086M111411 - Dimitris Hatzibougias - Thessaloniki, Greece - D.O.P: 6.7.06 - Pics
VIN#ZGULPA0016M111539 - @wolf68 - City?, Netherlands - D.O.P. 1.20 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPA0096M111546 - Alex Collins - Chelmsford, Essex, UK - D.O.P. 6.27.06 - No Pic
VIN#ZGULPA0026M111632 - Stephen Rees - Bristol, UK - D.O.P. 7.17.06 - Pic
VIN#ZGULP00095M111684 - Kim Roberts - Co Clare, Ireland - 10.5.14
VIN#ZGULP00005M11170X - Dominik E. (aka Brevadom) - Cornwall, UK and Hessen/Germany - D.O.P. 10.19.05 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPA0016M111752 - Dominique Wright - Warrington, Cheshire - D.O.P. 1.11.06 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPA0056M111835 - Mick Wallis - South East England - D.O.P. 3.17.07 - Need Pic
VIN#ZGULP00015M111873 - Dave Gale - GuzziGander.com Rentals - Glenfield, Auckland, NZ - D.O.P. 9.3.05 - Pic
VIN#ZGULP000X5M111919 - Glenn Milson - Arundel Qld, Australia - D.O.P. 9.12.05 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPA0047M112055 - Krzysztof @Mazur - Gdańsk, Poland - D.O.P. 6.22 - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULP00075M112266 - Stewart Bourner - Aberdeenshire, Scotland - D.O.P. 8.5.05
VIN#ZGULP000X5M112276 - @Davy - City?, Scotland - D.O.P. ?.06- Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULP00005M112285 - @JOE CORRIGAN - Essex, England - D.0.P. 5.1.17
VIN#ZGULP00075M112445 - Steve Hooper - Bognor Regis, UK - D.O.P 8.10.13
VIN#ZGULP00095M112446 - @Chris Jessop - West Yorkshire, England - D.O.P. 8.27.05 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULP00025M112563 - (aka) Guzziresi - Nuremberg/Frankonia/Germany - D.O.P. 4.12.06
VIN#ZGULP00075M112607 - Graham Heath - Ashby de la Zouch, Leicestershire UK - D.O.P. 10.1.13 - Pic HERE - Traded 12.15 @HBC Motorcycles - Nottingham UK
VIN#ZGULP000X5M112732 - Brian Clancy (AKA organfixsing) - ROMA, Queensland, Australia, - D.O.P 2.23.13
VIN#ZGULP00065M112906 - Dave & Leslie Rocklyn (AKA BREVAN) - Adelaide, AUS - D.O.P. 2012
VIN#ZGULP00015M112909 - G. Warren - Northland, New Zealand - D.O.P. 5.15 in Maroochydore, Queensland
VIN#ZGULPC0036M112980 - @edward hessel - Louisville, KY - D.O.P. 10.18.18 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPC0006M112984 - Richy Bryan - Weirton, WV - D.O.P. 4.28.09 - Pic -- Former owner: John Wells - Hollidaysburg, PA - O.D.O.P. 4.29.06 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPC0096M113003 - @tony D.’Agostino - Newton, MA USA - D.O.P. 9.17.17
VIN#ZGULPC0006M113018 - Dave Gale - GuzziGander.com - L.A., CA USA - D.O.P. 6.14.07 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPC0096M113048 - SALVAGE - Lebanon, TN - 7.22
VIN#ZGULPC0096M113051 - Piaggio U.S. - Press Fleet Svcs. - Pic
VIN#ZGULPC0006M113052 - Brett Stiles - Edson, Alberta, Canada - D.O.P. 8.4.11 - Pic below
VIN#ZGULPC0066M113055 - SALVAGE - Portland, OR - 2.17
VIN#ZGULPC0096M113065 - SALVAGE - Denver, CO - 12.20
VIN#ZGULPC0086M113073 - SALVAGE - Loganville, GA - 10.23
VIN#ZGULPC0056M113077 - Kevin Maher - Coatesville, PA - D.O.P. 10.17.07
VIN#ZGULPC0066M113086 - Chris Galardi - Deland, FL - D.O.P. 12.2.06 - Pics
VIN#ZGULPC0016M113092 - Mike Harrison - Moses Lake, WA - D.O.P. 3.18.06 - Pics
VIN#ZGULP00026M113100 - Paul Figge - Springfield, IL - D.O.P. 3.23.06 - Need Pic
VIN#ZGULPC00X6M113107 - SALVAGE - O.O.: Warren Rhen - York, PA - D.O.P. 2.12.07
VIN#ZGULPC0096M113115 - Bruce Cohen - Santa Rosa Valley, CA - D.O.P. 7.27.06 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPC0006M113116 - SALVAGE - Fontana, CA - 2.25
VIN#ZGULP00076M113120 - Piaggio U.S. - Technical Svcs. - No Pic
VIN#ZGULP00016M113124 - Ian Thomson - Tasmania, Australia - D.O.P. 9.27.07 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPC0046M113250 - Mike Caniglia - Papillion, NE - DOP: 10.22.07 - Pics - Orig. Ownr: Tim Grubaugh
VIN#ZGULP00055M113271 - Bernhard Breier – Auckland, New Zealand - D.O.P. 5.06 - Pics
VIN#ZGULP00075M113272 - Kevin Taylor - Howick, Auckland, New Zealand - D.O.P. 1.07 - Pics
VIN#ZGULPC0036M113305 - SALVAGE - ?, TX - 6.20
VIN#ZGULP00076M113371 - Dolf Maas - Mill (NL) - D.O.P. 2.9.08 - Pics
VIN#ZGULPC0006M113438 - SALVAGE - O.O.?
VIN#ZGULPC0096M113440 - SALVAGE - WA - O.O.?
VIN#ZGULPC0006M113441 - John Reagan - Nashua, NH - D.O.P. ?
VIN#ZGULPC0076M113596 - Joe Sokohl - Richmond, VA - D.O.P. 6.10.06 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPC0056M113600 - @Alan E. Brittenham - Renton, WA - D.O.P. ? - 3rd owner
VIN#ZGULPC0026M113683 - Chad Lewis - Oswego, IL USA - D.O.P. 2.2.09 - Pics
VIN#ZGULPC00X6M113687 - Alan James - Glen Ellyn, IL - D.O.P. 11.02.14
VIN#ZGUKRAKR9M113789 - Graham Allardice (aka Graham in NZ) - New Zealand - D.O.P.: 10.30.05 - Pics
VIN#ZGULPC0036M113790 - Eric Miller - Houston, TX - D.O.P. 2.23.07 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPC0017M113966 - Mike Malloy - Fremont, NH - D.O.P. 10.14
VIN#ZGULPC0037M113970 - Fred Manuel - Granite Bay, CA USA - D.O.P. 6.06 - Pics
VIN#ZGULPC0007M114106 - Adam Witpen - Hoboken, NJ - D.O.P. 8.19.06
VIN#ZGULPC0067M114112 - Lee Turner - Simi Valley, CA - DOP 9.23.12
VIN#ZGULPC00X7M114131 - @Nordicnorm
- Vancouver Island, BC - D.O.P. 5.31.13- Sold new in Canada 6.06 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPC0097M114136 - @Guzziguy59 Guy Fortier - City?, CAN - D.O.P. 5.20 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPC0007M114140 - Paul Martin - Montréal,Québec,Canada - D.O.P. 3.14.07 - Need Pic
VIN#ZGULP00096M114277 - Matthew Whyte - Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, UK - D.O.P. 3.21.07
VIN#ZGULPC0067M114305 - Jonathan Turquette - Houston, TX, USA - D.O.P. 8.25.14 - Pic >HERE<
VIN#ZGULPC0087M114340 - W. Twiford @Rmoorhead - Williamstown, NJ - D.O.P. 5.16 - O.O.?
VIN#ZGULPC0027M114348 - SALVAGE - Fremont, TX - 10.19
VIN#ZGULPC0047M114349 - SALVAGE - O.O.?
VIN# ZGULPC0097M114380 - @Brandon Tamakloe - Dallas, TX - D.O.P. 5.4.18 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPC0037MI114505 - Jim Byrd @byrdock - Angier, NC - D.O.P. 11.02.16 - No Pic
VIN#ZGULPC0047M114514 - Sean O'Hara @KB9QWL - Millersport, OH - D.O.P. 3.25.19 - O.O. ? - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPC0067M114515 - SALVAGE - Magna, UT - 8.24
VIN#ZGULPC0017M114681 - Tobin Henderson @tobinh - Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada - D.O.P. 6.08 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPC0017M114812 - @GT-Rx® - Malibu, CA - D.O.P. 3.8.19 - S.O. Sidney Landry - Lafayette, LA - D.O.P. 10.7.17 @AF1 - O.O.?
VIN#ZGULPC0077M114815 - SALVAGE - East Point, GA - 1.20
VIN#ZGULPC0007M114817 - @maddmechanic - Albany, OR - D.O.P. ? - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULP00078M115222 - Martin Vlk - @calupmar - Kuřim, Czech Rep. - D.O.P. 11.15 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULP000??M11???? - Steve Adams - Bury St. Edmunds England GB - D.O.P. ? - No Pic

Breva 850

VIN#ZGULPB0066M111171 - Name To Come - City?, Serbia - D.O.P. ? -- Pic HERE
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Re:B/N/S12 Pic thread

Re:B/N/S12 Pic thread

Perfect! A great machine in a vineyard. I hope the panniers and top box were big enough for the refreshments!

Great pic - love the light highlighting the bike and the colour of the sky is stunning.
Below is an on-going database of 1200 Sports worldwide. Why? Just for the fun of it. If your bike isn't listed below, post a reply to this thread, and I'll add you along with a link to your post with a picture (hopefully of you and your bike, as they all look the same otherwise). If you've sold your bike, or bought one recently and are the new owner of one below, please post.
Feel free to write me direct e-mail to add a photo if you're having any issues in doing so; Todd at GuzziTech.com

Sport 1200 4V

VIN#ZGULPR0038M111169 - Antonio Abriola - Strasbourg, France - D.O.P. 6.09 - Pics
VIN#ZGULPR0169M111175 - Pål @Chev - N Oslo, Norway - D.O.P. Fall 2015 - O.O.? - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPR0089M111282 - Chris Ford - Fordo, Marlborough New Zealand - D.O.P. ?
VIN#ZGULPR0019M111320 - Chris Ford - Warranty Replaced
VIN#ZGULPR007AM111391 - Richard Martin - Devonport, Tasmania - D.O.P: 3.09.10
VIN#ZGULPR009AM111411 - Steven Sims - Merredin Western Australia - D.O.P. 5.17.13 - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULPPR006BM111528 - @triple3 - Scotland - D.O.P. ? - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPR007BM111537 - John Bolland - Birkenhead, Auckland, New Zealand - D.O.P. 3.22.12 - TOTALLED
VIN#ZGULPR000CM111574 - Gregg Farebrother - Wahroonga, NSW, Australia - D.O.P. ?
VIN#ZGULPR015DM200048 - Glenn Purcell - Tauranga, New Zealand - D.O.P. 12.24.13 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPR017DM200049 - John Bolland - Birkenhead, Auckland, New Zealand - D.O.P. 1.24.14

Sport 1200 2V

VIN#ZGULPM0086M111409 - Florian Engel - Coburg/Frankonia/Germany - D.O.P. 12.28.06 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPM0076M111420 - New Owner? - O.O.: John Bolland - Birkenhead, Auckland, New Zealand - D.O.P. 2.26.07
VIN#ZGULPM0107M111138 - Iñigo Zapata - Pamplona, Navarra, Spain - D.O.P. 5.5.08 - Pics
VIN#ZGULPM0167M111158 - Maxime Aerts - Luxembourg, France - D.O.P. 4.23.07 - Pics
VIN#ZGULPM0077M111595 - Nick Dando - Stamford, Lincolnshire, UK - D.O.P. 3.5.07 - Pics
VIN#ZGULPM0077M111628 - Andrew Phillips - Christchurch, Dorset - D.O.P. ? : O.O. Paul Upton - Cambridge, UK - O.D.O.P. 3.1.07
VIN#ZGULPM0067M111703 - Tony Mardell - Dubbo NSW Australia - D.O.P. 8.28.07 - Pics
VIN#ZGULPM0067M111801 - Adam Woods - Wiltshire, UK - D.O.P. 9.15.07 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPM0097M111985 - Dave Buchanan - Greymouth, NZ - D.O.P. ?
VIN#ZGULPM0047M112090 - Ian Bucknell @hairybiker - Cambridgeshire, UK - D.O.P. 05.08 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPM0037M112162 - Jonathan Barrett @JonnyB - Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland DOP 7.24.17 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPUS018M112255 - Bob Hayes - Bowling Green, KY - D.O.P. 11.11
VIN#ZGULPUS078M112261 - Chuck Smolka - New Milford, CT - D.O.P. 4.8.08 - Pics soon
VIN#ZGULPUS058M112291 - Mike Hardy @GuzziWings - Cincinnati, OH - D.O.P 08.09.17 (3rd OWNER) - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULPUS068M112347 - Marco Granello - Regina, Canada - D.O.P. 2011
VIN#ZGULPUS078M112373 - Allan Engel - Boulder, CO - D.O.P. 1.4.08 - Pic
VIN#ZGULPUS068M112381 - @Douglas Haas - Chester County, PA - D.O.P. 2.17.17 - O.O. Charles Hursh - Harrisburg, PA USA - D.O.P. 10.24.08
VIN#ZGULPUS088M112382 - Brian Garceau - Mont Vernon, NH - D.O.P: 6.29.14 - O.O.?
VIN#ZGULPUS0X8M112383 - Bob Taylor - Thousand Palms, CA - D.O.P. 7.26.14
VIN#ZGULPUS098M112469 - Bill Sluys - Westfield, NC - Third Owner: Tom Albertson - Houston, TX - D.O.P. 9.22.12 - Second owner: Andy Servio, MI - O.O? - NH
VIN#ZGULPUS048M112489 - Totalled/Salvaged - O.O.?
VIN#ZGULPUS0X8M112495 - N.O. ? :: O.O.: Jörg Mager - Santa Monica, CA - D.O.P. 5.13
VIN#ZGULPUS088M112527 - Bob Gilligan - Hudson, OH - D.O.P. 10.30.09
VIN#ZGULPUS0X8M112545 - O.O. ? - N.O. William McCrory - Houston, TX - D.O.P. ?
VIN#ZGULPUS058M112548 - @Patman - Queensland, AUS - D.O.P. 10.09 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPUS008M112604 - Salvage - San Diego, CA - 8.18
Last edited:
Re:B/N Pic thread

Flight 93 Memorial in PA

On BRP in VA


Chesapeake Bay Bridge in VA


Climbing Mt Washington in NH

Deals Gap NC
Re:B/N Pic thread

fall in Rhode Island


day one with new bike

Re:B/N Pic thread

Welcome, Greg!

Are you allowed to tell your pupils what a great rides Guzzi make? If that's what you think, of course ;)
Re:B/N Pic thread

Onya Greg, welcome to the board. I'm sure RacerX will be along soon fishing for your details on the registry - he's a big hairy bloke so better just go along with his demands - it's safer ;)

But really - Day 1 and it's not dirty - you need to ride it more B)

Post often mate, we need some riding instruction round here, I'm still wondering why they can't design a motorcycle that doesn't need to be ridden like a trike with my knee on the road all the time as a third wheel - it seems to want to fall over if I don't - am I doing something wrong?
Re:B/N Pic thread

Mike.C wrote:
But really - Day 1 and it's not dirty - you need to ride it more B)


She had exactly 4 miles on her at that point (dealer to home)... got the g/f on the back & we took off for a 200 odd mile loop (just to see the sights).

thanks for the welcome...

and yes, if I phrase it properly, I can express an opinion on bikes to students... ;)
Re:B/N Pic thread

Brevabrabo wrote:
trying to add a picture to my message, I don"t really know how to do this.

Its real easy with this forum as long as the pics are rescaled to a small enough size & resolution. PIXresizer is a free download that does this well. Then add the picture to your post by using the "select image file to attach" button below your post window ("choose file" lets you select the correct pic from your personal computer)

Give it a try. We love love pictures:)
Re:B/N Pic thread

:woohoo: Thanks for helping me out YBFAST.
Here the first picture of me newest Italian girlfriend. We date since februari 2008. :p

more pics to follow soon.
