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  1. mylovelyhorse

    Refurbishing my 2007 Norge

    It has done me sterling service for 10,000 miles, unfortunately I am now getting it ready to maybe sell. I have been diagnosed with slightly early onset Parkinson’s disease (I’m 58.) The bike is simply too heavy for me to manage any more 😢 I shall miss it terribly if it does sell, but if it...
  2. mylovelyhorse

    2007 Norge - fairing issue

    Yah, shan't be doing that - the fairing is >£350 just for the nose cone and it's on back order only, similarly the frame (which I suspect is bent) is >£250 and also on back order only. I'll take it off and see what the damage is soon.
  3. mylovelyhorse

    2007 Norge - fairing issue

    When I went to the Dragon Rally this year I managed to get in and out of the site without a problem, except that a fellow camper "helped" me get the bike backwards from where it was parked up to the track, which involved traversing some deep mud. Despite my shouting "don't push on the fairing"...
  4. mylovelyhorse

    Refurbishing my 2007 Norge

    That is, after all, rather the point
  5. mylovelyhorse

    Refurbishing my 2007 Norge

    Happy to report that the Norge did me very well indeed from Hampshire to Bristol & on to Blaenau Ffestiniog on Friday. It was again lovely from Blaenau to Capel Curig and on to nr Bangor on Sat for the Dragon Rally. I'm very pleased to say that it incurred no damage from storm Ciara overnight...
  6. mylovelyhorse

    Refurbishing my 2007 Norge

    So. Er. After the visit on Friday, the Norge appears to be as close as it’s ever going to get to being finished. I absolutely could not have done it without the help and support of this group. Thank you very much, every one of you that’s liked, suggested, helped, considered and otherwise...
  7. mylovelyhorse

    Refurbishing my 2007 Norge

    Well, the Norge has been to Baldrick's place this morning. It rained all the way there and all the way back again :( He did the throttle balance, TPS reset and a gentle twiddling to get the FI set up nicely. It felt nice on the way there and better on the way back. It didn't 'alf get mucky on...
  8. mylovelyhorse

    Refurbishing my 2007 Norge

    It’s windy and wet this morning. I shall be grateful for the big Norge fairing as I venture out to take the bike to Baldrick in Leatherhead (around 65 miles) to get the fuel injection set up, including balancing the throttles & resetting the TPS. More importantly, he adjusted the sacred screw...
  9. mylovelyhorse

    Refurbishing my 2007 Norge

    Like, oh, I don’t know, wearing the slot into an oval, you mean? ;) Might do. Most of the rubber still being there, I’ll live with that possibility.
  10. mylovelyhorse

    Refurbishing my 2007 Norge

    Today’s been cold. This hasn’t been enjoyable, but I did get the indicators working - left as well as right. The left fairing came off, letting me get to the two connectors between the switch / bar loom and the main electrics: I gave them as good a clean as I could without disassembling the...
  11. mylovelyhorse

    Refurbishing my 2007 Norge

    Good grief!
  12. mylovelyhorse

    Refurbishing my 2007 Norge

    While I was thinking about that, I thought I’d adjust the gear lever, just moving it down one notch. Off came the cover plate (with its partially seized in fasteners) to find it’s a lot mucky. I thought I’d do some cleaning while I was there - I mean that clearly hasn’t been done in years, if...
  13. mylovelyhorse

    Refurbishing my 2007 Norge

    So, the cowl is off and I have I have found the two connectors from the left hand switch pack. Guess I’ll be trying to do some connector cleaning tomorrow.
  14. mylovelyhorse

    Refurbishing my 2007 Norge

    I have been looking at why the right hand indicators work just fine but when I push the button for the left indicators, nothing happens. I have gone over the switch and given it a good clean but this has not made a difference. I think it must be a fault at the other end of the cabling as...
  15. mylovelyhorse

    cannot turn off my heated grips

    And I’m pleased to say that it is :)
  16. mylovelyhorse

    Refurbishing my 2007 Norge

    Oh god, that means taking the cowl off again. I hate doing that. Still, if. I can raise the dipped beam slightly it’ll be worth it, I guess. Thanks for the reminder - I’d forgotten about doing that
  17. mylovelyhorse

    Refurbishing my 2007 Norge

    I rarely go into the office but today I had to - so I rode my Norge in. It has done 135 miles since the MOT now. Two issues: the dipped beam is a bit low, although the main beam is bang on 1/2 mile from home the red ! came on & the dash showed SERVICE for approx 150 yards So... can the dipped...
  18. mylovelyhorse

    Refurbishing my 2007 Norge

    Knowing my general luck... So I shall clean the switch and try to follow the cable as far as I can. We shall see - maybe tomorrow evening. The starter switch is still sticking slightly now and then too, as it happens. Might as well do them both.
  19. mylovelyhorse

    Refurbishing my 2007 Norge

    Curses, switch cleaning again - mind you, beats the hell out of taking the tank off again and looking for a problem at that end of the wiring.
  20. mylovelyhorse

    Refurbishing my 2007 Norge

    Well I've not done a throttle body sync or TPS reset but I have been out for a 50 mile road test. The outcome was as follows: The bike doesn't like to tick over when stone cold The bike ticks over happily once it's had 30 secs to get a little warmth into it The engine feels smoother than it...