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  1. ChupaThingy

    Do ya go camping and riding in the WET?

    I ride all year round, every day. Rain/shine. Bout the only thing I wont go out in is if its below 25 or so, don't enjoy the loss of traction on icy roads.. although I have done it before in when I was living in Colorado b/c I didn't have a choice - had to get to work! I'm back down in Texas now...
  2. ChupaThingy

    New 2022 V7 Stone Alignment Issues

    Left to right, were perfectly centered. Left side was back further from the handlebar mount being tweaked, dunno how but its fixed now.. I couldn't see it while sitting in the saddle at all!
  3. ChupaThingy

    New 2022 V7 Stone Alignment Issues

    So! Finally got to the bottom of everything. Tech at the shop had it running on the dyno to weed out any potential frame/wheel misalignment. After checking everything over and taking measurements from fixed points on the frame & suspension found that the OEM rubber mounted bar risers were the...
  4. ChupaThingy

    New 2022 V7 Stone Alignment Issues

    I very well may be.. I do have a tendency to over analyze things.. I'm just to the point where I am thoroughly confused, seeing as my buddies V7 does not have this lean sensation. My old V7 never did this. I digress, I'll let you know what happens
  5. ChupaThingy

    Any Guzzi buddies around ATX?

    Getting re-situated outside the Austin area and looking for riding buddies! Shoot me a msg if you're interested in going for a bbq/beer run sometime. 🍻
  6. ChupaThingy

    Water/Moisture In Engine Oil

    Thanks John! Nothing serious to worry about? Made me kinda nervous thinking about the lubrication system getting gummed up or something : /
  7. ChupaThingy

    New 2022 V7 Stone Alignment Issues

    Update on these shenanigans- Had one of the techs ride along with me last week and recorded our trip on a go pro. I could feel and see the lean while riding along but he could not. We sat down and watched the footage afterward to see if it was noticeable from his perspective and we both agreed...
  8. ChupaThingy

    Water/Moisture In Engine Oil

    Hey gents! Checking over my bike after a rather wet ride this morning and noticed while looking at my oil level I have some white residue inside the sight glass... I ride in all types of weather, rain or shine and never noticed anything like this before. Is this normal or possible...
  9. ChupaThingy

    V7 III GTM Muffled Drags

    Let me know if those views work, or if you would like photos in/at a different angle.
  10. ChupaThingy

    V7 III GTM Muffled Drags

    Hey Todd! Here's what I'm working with. Looks like the herpco stand takes the place of the rear frame brace, the mounting tabs described are free.
  11. ChupaThingy

    V7 III GTM Muffled Drags

    Compatible with a Herpco :drunk: center stand?
  12. ChupaThingy

    New 2022 V7 Stone Alignment Issues

    Hey DeadEye, I dig your idea as well. Going to chat with the tech about trying this as well if they have the time while I'm there. Probably get them to pop on a gopro so we can get some footage for comparison
  13. ChupaThingy

    New 2022 V7 Stone Alignment Issues

    Yessir, second V7 from them over the years. What you mentioned was going to be my next route! I'll post an update of my findings after turkey day
  14. ChupaThingy

    New 2022 V7 Stone Alignment Issues

    Alrighty, so just made it back from the shop and got the new tires mounted up. Mile 1 on the new rubber and still having the same lean. Measurements from inside swingarm to outside of gearbox @swingarm pivot - Right side- .132" Left Side- .232"
  15. ChupaThingy

    New 2022 V7 Stone Alignment Issues

    John, I am not tooled up to check this at my house. I will be returning to the shop in a few weeks to get different tires mounted and will have them check while its there. I have mentioned the alignment to them twice now and they have yet to put it on the stand to actually check it..
  16. ChupaThingy

    New 2022 V7 Stone Alignment Issues

    Update on this- Returned to AF1 and spoke with the tech and service manager who were both great to work with, explained everything to them and had the tech ride the bike. He was unable to reproduce the lean that occurs when I'm operating the bike, but we did discuss the fact the my tires are...
  17. ChupaThingy

    New 2022 V7 Stone Alignment Issues

    Hey Dave, sure has.
  18. ChupaThingy

    New 2022 V7 Stone Alignment Issues

    Greetings gents, Having an issue with my new, almost 2000 mile V7. Purchased new about 2 months back and been commuting on it ever since. Have noticed over about the past 2 weeks I have a slight lean about 5-10 degrees to the left when I'm cruising at highway speeds, lower speeds it's not as...
  19. ChupaThingy

    V7 850-E5 Cylinder head retorque?

    Excellent. Many thanks guys!
  20. ChupaThingy

    V7 850-E5 Cylinder head retorque?

    Greetings Gents Been peeling through the forums trying to locate some info on this to no avail. Remembered reading in the past that the cylinder heads need re torqueing (preferably during 1st service). Nothing in the service or engine manuals about this, but don't think there ever was.. Getting...