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  1. S

    California 1400

    Hello all!! First time, long time here on this forum. I’m writing as I’m having some issues with my 2015 California 1400 custom. Shawn
  2. MG_Zach

    Gas Cap Replacement Options

    I tried searching and going back through old threads to the 2017 time frame without any luck. So I do apologize if I'm asking a previously answered question. I need to replace the gas cap on my recently purchased '17 GMX-21. It is a theft recovery and I'm assuming that's why the gas cap was...
  3. BCarnage

    Hydraulic Lines

    I had some custom bars made for my 2016 Audace. I will now be able to sit upright. I am really looking forward to this. I now of course have to lengthen my my cables and hydraulic lines. Does anyone happen to know how long the hydraulic lines are from the reservoirs to the split for the front...
  4. Michael Davis

    Mounting Brackets for Throw Over Saddlebags...

    Hello, This is my first posting and I was wondering if anyone has mounted any throw over saddlebags or and other type of saddlebag that is not necessarily made for a Cali 1400. I bought a set of Saddleman Throw Over Saddlebags and I am looking for some mounting brackets to keep it away from the...
  5. Vintagehoarder

    California 1400 Touring with Agostini's

    Watch with some good speakers.
  6. scrublink

    Top Box Option

    A little background: I am pretty foolish, I purchased a leftover 14 Touring without ever seeing one in person (or obviously riding one) and now I am in the market for a top box. I will probably go with the Guzzi box in matching white and I know I have to order the luggage rack in order to...