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  1. N

    Carb Problem

    Hi - I usually do O.K. tuning carbs, but this one has me frustrated so need help.Bike: '79 SP 1000Problem: When I let off the throttle, it wants to keep running at the same RPM and then eventually and slowly drops in revs.Here is what I know: Timing is O.K. Sync is good. Idle is good...
  2. Auris

    Wrong mixture after replacing mufflers v65?

    Recently I replaced my old mufflers for a set of used stock v65 SP (my bike is not SP) mufflers, which look almost the same only 2 cm shorter. I went for a ride they felt great. But after the engine warmed up it started hesitating when accelerating. It would idle ok, but as soon as I pull the...
  3. Auris

    Unstable idle after cleaning the carbs

    Hi guzzi people,I got my carburators (dellorto phbh 30) cleaned by a local mechanic who cleaned the parts in a bath, replaced the float needles and a few gaskets and o-rings. Since then the idle has been unstable. It starts at around 1200 rpm but quickly goes up to 2000 - 2200. I've tried...
  4. Auris

    Carb cleanup question (Dellorto PHBH 30)

    Hello, I am planning to clean my Dell'Orto PHBH 30 carbs for the first time. I have never done it before, so my question is, what parts are the most essential to replace before reassembling the carbs? I am not sure what I can expect to find after I open them up, but I think they haven't been...
  5. O

    Eldorado rich carb problem

    Loopframe, original square slide DelOrtos. In storage for decade, carbs cleaned several times, including disassembly of the internal pump mechanisms. Bike now runs well, but only if the chokes are on just a bit. If forced to wide throttle, does not need choke. But idles best on closed chokes...