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  1. B

    Newbie Post (Loop Frame)

    Hello all, thank you for adding me. I just bought my first Guzzi a 1973 Eldorado. She appears to be a tatty unmolested import from the US.The intention is a rolling restoration and keep her as original as possible.
  2. instant

    Russell Day-Long Saddle for Eldorado 1400

    Some of you may be looking into RDL saddle so here are few pictures of mine and how it looks on the bike. Can add detailed pics if interested.Unpacked on Friday, gave it a nice Easter Monday ride. The saddle works excellent as it should. Puts me UP and with added handlebar risers (I am 6-3 /...
  3. T

    Self Servicing

    I have a 2018 Eldorado. I have zero experience doing any servicing on bikes outside of that I replaced the pipes on my Triumph Thunderbird Commander without killing myself or the bike......but it was dirt simple so there's that. I really would like to get to the point where I can do a lot of the...
  4. T

    New Purchase - Eldorado vs Cali Touring

    First, thanks for having me on the forum. I appreciate the community. I'm 53 years young coming from a 2015 Triumph Thunderbird Commander that I just sold. I enjoyed the bike but never fell in love with it. The plain looks, low speed handling and engine sound just never let me get over the hump...
  5. T

    Forward controls- Eldorado/California/Audace

    I recently test rode a 2016 Eldorado and loved it, minus a couple issues. I’m 6’7” and the foot controls/floorboards had me pretty cramped, to the point where it was the only thing keeping me from buying. Does anyone know of a forward control kit for the Eldorado, California, or Audace? Or...
  6. Luko1

    Eldorado Stone???

    Hi AllJust a random thought bubble to start a chat. I was thinking that an Eldorado Stone would look really good. The basic principle would be to start with an Eldorado but make the following changes:Remove all chrome including the wheels and exhaust Keep the white wall tires Remove all...
  7. A

    Eldorado or California Touring

    hello everyone, I’m seriously considering getting the Eldorado but now I’m in 2 minds if I should get the California Touring or the Eldorado. What’s the fundamental difference in both machines.I would definitely want my partner to accompany me and I see the Eldo doesn’t have a back rest. I...
  8. B

    Eldorado mufflers

    Hi there, I really like the look of these mufflers on an Eldorado, does anyone here recognize them?Regards