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  1. CK V85 2023

    CK's 2023 V85TT

    Generally loving this bike.
  2. V

    New Guzzi owner in Denmark

    just Got a 2005 California 1100 (kd).
  3. Bassguy1111

    Headlight (& other stuff) not working, 2000 V11 Sport

    Hi there. My ‘00 V11 Sport has decided to shut down its headlight and left hand controls (with the exception of the turn signals). I’m pretty sure it’s a ground issue but I’m not 100%. I took apart the controls and cleaned them, cleaned the ignition switch and I seem to be getting juice to the...
  4. dbx

    Immobilizer antenna short circuit error after light install

    I recently installed on my v85tt some driving lights with a lighting controller to tie in to the high beams. The installation seemed to go well, and everything works correctly. But after finishing the installation, the bike shows a dash error b0005: immobilizer antenna short circuit to positive...
  5. M

    Cal1400 Rectifier / Stator replacement

    Hi, My 2014 California Custom 1400 has an electrical problem, which started when I replaced the horns (with Stebel). Even with 14V showing when the bike was running, the horns would only work occasionally. I thought it might be the battery and had one on order, but yesterday was on the freeway...
  6. Darwin L

    2017 V7 Stone Dies when going second to third gear

    Hi guys,i have an issue with my bike. It dies while I am riding. The issue has been somewhat consistent when I go from second to third gear the motor immediately dies. When stopped, I can turn on the motor again but the issue pops up again going from second to third. I got the message on the...
  7. N

    Coil Really Hot

    I decided to post this here rather than the vintage section because I assume ignition coils are pretty widespread. The bike is a ‘75 850T. I noticed that with the ignition turned on with the key, engine not running, that the coil for the right cylinder is getting very hot, and heating up the...
  8. P

    Burnt headlight cable on BREVA 1200 (MY 2008)

    Do I read the schematic diagram correctly, or the conclusion is utterly wrong: I see no over-current protection in the circuit of the headlight. The current flows straight from the main power bus (generator - battery bus) to the light relay (4 on my diagram) and then directly to the low beam...
  9. Steve Scrogum

    Dim brake light

    Hello everyone, I have a 16 V7ii and the brakelight is very faint and can't be seen over the tail light. I replaced the bulb and the ground seems good. Dose anyone have any ideas? Thanks.
  10. E

    Mode button won't work on 1200 sport

    Hi everyone, Can anyone help me out cos I'm baffled. Mode button on the front on the switch gear doesn't do anything when depressed, I'm trying to get in to the dash to look at the ECU# and DBC# , to try and find out why there's an oil can looking at me. ( but that'll be another thread ) I...
  11. alpal21

    Electrical Gremlin not starting after riding

    Hi there all guzzinista's i own 2 Guzzi's with the same problem and I need help. '07 Sport 1200 2v - bought and ridden in Scotland till i moved back to Oz 2017 and imported it( not recommended) '07 Breva 850 2V bought in oz '08 ridden til O/S 2014 back on road Feb '18Since I arrived back and...
  12. M

    1980 1000SP jump started with car

    Hello... I was recently given my grandfathers 1000SP... It had a bad battery and when it died on me one day, I ignorantly tried to jump the bike with my wifes car and something started to smoke when I tried to start it (still kicking myself). I pushed it home, got a new battery and now it won't...