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  1. Wallace J Gingerich

    (SOLVED) Idle Stepper Readings

    I'm in the process of tracking down an episodic high idle on my 2007 Norge with 48,000 miles and trying to check to see if the idle stepper motor is working as it is supposed to. Only problem is I don't know for sure what the various idle stepper readings (base, break, and controller) refer to...
  2. C

    Starting V9

    My new V9 seems to be a very primitive motorcycle and I love it for that. When starting the bike cold it takes some cranking if I don't add a little throttle. Then when riding off it stumbles unless I am heavy on the throttle. It's like the bike has no idea what the temperature is or does not...
  3. jkristjan

    Cannot hold steady "elevated idle" with the throttle

    What do you think about that? The idle is fine and acceleration is fine, no abruptness or jerking, but it is nearly impossible to hold a steady higher-than-idle RPM with the throttle. It's not about sensitivity, the speed just does not depend on the throttle position. You open it a little to get...
  4. Kacey3

    V7 II Fuel/Idle Issue

    I bought my 2016 V7 II used with only 2500 miles on it, but it has this persistent sputter for the first few minutes, and continues to exhibit inconsistent power at low revs at throughout my rides. Any ideas what could be causing it? Is it something I can take care of myself or should I be...
  5. S

    V7 II; irregular idle?

    I've got a brand new V7 II Stone at about 65 miles and the idle sounds... odd. Irregular is the best word I can think of to describe it.I figured it was just a Guzzi quirk until another rider commented on while I was out today at lunch.It idles fine for a bit, and then hesitates for half a...
  6. Auris

    Unstable idle after cleaning the carbs

    Hi guzzi people,I got my carburators (dellorto phbh 30) cleaned by a local mechanic who cleaned the parts in a bath, replaced the float needles and a few gaskets and o-rings. Since then the idle has been unstable. It starts at around 1200 rpm but quickly goes up to 2000 - 2200. I've tried...