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  1. gfeher

    Audace Hard Saddle Bags

    After searching the forums, for saddle bag options, and being disappointed by the only option being either the very expensive hepco becker(and honestly ugly bags), the ridiculously over priced moto guzzi soft bag, or the modified SHAD bags another user posted which while practical seemed to not...
  2. JC3

    V7II luggage suggestion request

    My wife has a 2016 V7II Special. We would like to get her some waterproof soft panniers. We realize we would need to purchase bike specific racks to mount them on. Also if you have a suggestion about a rear rack that a tail pack could be attached we would be interested. Thanks in advance.
  3. Austin Rothbard

    Hepco and becker side cases and agostini exhaust

    I just bought a 2013 griso that has an agostini exhaust on it. I'd like to add the hepco and becker junior side cases, and to do so, I need to install the rack shown in the attached photo (I used to have these cases on my v7 and I love them).Does anyone know whether this rack is possible with...
  4. Mumbufuku

    Heated grips only work on one side

    Noticed that only the left side grip is heating up. It also takes a really long time to heat up, about 5 minutes before I feel anything. How do i go about diag on the heated grips?Also if anyone has an official moto guzzi luggage rack they'd be willing to sell me please let me know! Also...
  5. Godfrey

    A couple of V7 III Racer Qs: lights, luggage

    I've placed an order for a 2017 V7III Racer. I've been doing a lot of research by reading a lot of threads here, thank you all for posting your experiences and discoveries. I have a couple of questions I haven't seen treated here or on the Store's product information pages.- luggageI don't...
  6. P

    Stornello or V7II Ventura pack frame photos

    Hi all, can someone please post a side on photo or two of the Ventura pack frame on their Stornello or V7? I would like to see the position of the upright with regard to the rear of the seat both for appearance and seeing how much room is available on seat. The official shots show the exact...
  7. T

    Right suitcase, luggage, (valise droite)

    Hello,I lost the right suitcase on my Breva V1100. (2006) Do somebody can send me one or two. Do somebody can tell me how to replace them with an other model compatible.ThanksBonjour, J'ai perdu la valise droite de ma Breva V1100. (2006) Quelqu'un peut-il m'en vendre une ou les deux...
  8. scrublink

    Top Box Option

    A little background: I am pretty foolish, I purchased a leftover 14 Touring without ever seeing one in person (or obviously riding one) and now I am in the market for a top box. I will probably go with the Guzzi box in matching white and I know I have to order the luggage rack in order to...