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  1. SerialCereal

    Replacement speedometer California 1400

    Hey folks, Unfortunately I have experienced a problem with the speedometer. Prolonged exposure to sun has perhaps burnt the LCD/ Polariser. Now, I managed to find another speedometer (used spare) and purchased it and it'll be arriving soon. Here's the rub, Do any of you kind folk know if...
  2. J

    1973 Eldorado speedo cable routing

    My '73 Eldorado has been missing its speedo cable since I got the bike. I finally got one and installed it, but would like to know how this cable was originally routed. Can anybody help me with this?
  3. Jkd

    ECU and Warning Lights

    Hi all - I'm looking at changing out the stock gauges and replacing with something smaller. The concern is that the replacement gauge only has one programmable general alarm / alert light.Am I stuck having to choose only one of the four (MGCT, MI, ABS, and General Alarm (RPM)) that are...
  4. MG in NYC

    V7 iii - Lower Gauges Mod, Total Cost $1.90

    I love my Anniversario but to my eye the gauges, headlight and mirrors all protrude too tall on the front of the bike, giving it a top-heavy appearance. So I came up with a simple way to lower the gauges by moving the gauges from the top to the bottom of the triple-tree flange. Two hex bolts...
  5. ploose

    Odometer stopped working - 2004 V11 Cafe Sport

    Hello, the odometer on my Cafe Sport stopped working recently. Symptoms were slowing turn over on the dial and dancing speedometer needle. While riding I hit the instruments and the speedo reacted normal but the odometer counter (trip and and total mileage stopped working..). Any suggestions? I...
  6. AJC

    Change v7ii stock clocks for single clock from V7iii?

    Hi guys, checked through the thread about changing the stock clocks on the v7ii, and apparently it's a bit of a nightmare because of the ECU combination.I was wondering if anyone knows if it might be possible to get a stock single clock from the new V7iii and put it on the v7ii? Would this...
  7. Spumoni

    V7 BAAK Speedo install issue

    I'm in the process of trying to install a supposedly "plug and play" motogadget mini speedo on my '16 V7 Stone, and I had to disconnect those two ABS lights in the process. After a 10 mile ride I noticed a few indicator lights were not working , so I temporarily reinstalled the original speedo...
  8. dejfidek

    V7 speedo dash back light stopped working

    Hi racers, my speedometer light has died. It was on and off for some time, mainly only when I was starting engine and eventually it fixed itself, but now it won't work. Is it LED backlighted? If so, I assume this won't be easy fix.