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  1. M

    V7 Sticky Throttle..

    Hi, Didn't like the throttle response on my V7II and now that I ordered new grips I got a new throttle sleeve in my attempt to get it to roll smoother.When I took the throttle control apart I noticed the throttle return cable was sort of disengaged - was loosened all the way and it didn't...
  2. O

    Just a small V9 update and a few questions

    Hi all,Been reading a few posts for a while but never actually contributed much here.I’ve had my V9 Bobber Sport for almost a year now, and I absolutely love it. I had a few changes done before I took delivery.1. Original flatboard saddle, because it complements the lines of the bike...
  3. Mitch Clyman

    V9 Strange Behavior Near Stall

    Hey Guy's, At first I thought this was a one off but this has happened several times and I've grown suspicious. First thing if I rev the throttle and not even on a cold start it's sounds as if the engine stalls or skips. Secondly when I was pulling away in first the engine lights came on and the...
  4. A

    Fuel/Throttle issue

    Hi all,Thought I would ask here before I go on the Guzzi forum and take to dealer. I have a 2014 California 1400 Custom that has just started doing something strange. Sometimes it takes about three goes to start and then when you twist the throttle it doesn't rev. The red triangle with the...
  5. jkristjan

    Cannot hold steady "elevated idle" with the throttle

    What do you think about that? The idle is fine and acceleration is fine, no abruptness or jerking, but it is nearly impossible to hold a steady higher-than-idle RPM with the throttle. It's not about sensitivity, the speed just does not depend on the throttle position. You open it a little to get...
  6. Jesse P

    Throttle/Fuel issues

    I'm experiencing a weird issue that I'm not too sure of the cause. The issue first happened right after my ECU was flashed at GT. When I left the bike acted like it wasn't getting fuel almost like it was choking. Power was sporadic feeling like it was getting fuel then not then getting fuel...