• NOTICE: Starting March 24, we've shifted to a mandatory user Account upgrade (donation) to post here. Once you've created an account, see the SITE SUPPORT section at the bottom on how to upgrade. This is to help try and cover site costs, and reduce redundant and argumentative posts. Search and read before staring a new thread, most topics are well covered here. We still require ONE post in the Intro section (bottom of the main Forum section list) to introduce yourself: NO QUESTIONS THERE - THEY WILL BE DELETED. Small $ donations via our link above will not be considered. Also to NOTE, the owner here lost his home in the LA Wildfire storm in January; See the USA section for more details. Your compassion, consideration and understanding on use of this site is expected. It's NOT a free social media platform - decades of time and money went into this site. We have a zero tolerance policy on attacks and anything NOT related to Guzzi motorbikes.


  1. M

    Do V7iii’s have clutch delay valves?

    Pretty much as stated. I notice when shifting aggressively, there is a noticeable delay when the clutch is fully let out and when I feel the engine RPM decrease from being hooked back up to the transmission. It’s a small, but noticeable delay, enough that I’m a little confused because I figured...
  2. G

    Rear Diff Creak

    Hello all my name is Garrett, and I just purchased my first guzzi. 2016 V7II special abs with 12000 milesI know these bikes have there quirks but I brought it home last night I noticed when i push it into the garage there was a loud creaking (similar to an old door without wd40) coming from...
  3. N

    XMSN output oil seal stuck

    This is my last, and longest lasting oil leak to correct before the bike goes back together to ride. The PO used a non-standard seal in this spot. It is metallic, thin, and didn’t actually seal at all against the speedo drive. There isn’t any seal material, it’s just a flat washer-like piece...
  4. J

    V85TT trans failure--help?

    I apologize in advance for the length, there's a lot going on here—I'm trying to ask around on behalf of my father, who is having a rough time with his new V85TT. As a bit of a background, he bought the bike towards the end of April and while trailering the bike home from the dealership, the...
  5. GTM®

    Final drive leak thread

    Thread started by Franco below on his rear drive leak. This thread is now to keep track of and help those who have this issue. Please vote above and post below on your issue and whether or not it was resolved by a Guzzi dealer.
  6. Sean_Kelly

    Transmission Cage Breather Leak

    Has anyone else experienced an issue like this? It seems like whenever the temperature rises (SoCal heat cutting through traffic) or if I push the bike too long in 6th doing 90ish I get a leak from the transmission housing breather plug.This is the plug I'm talking about: Any idea what could...