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  1. P

    Confused about oils for Sessantacinque GT

    Hello Guzzisti, I just joined bc I acquired my father's 1991 Sessantacinque GT with 33,000 kM. I shipped it to the US and I am putting it back in shape, trying to stick with original parts. New tires, brakes, battery, mirrors, turn signals and yes... oils. I am drunk with reading posts about...
  2. S

    1992 V65 florida ignition. Role of single capacitor?

    Hi folks.Not new to bikes or spannering but not worked on guzzi before. Used to electronic stuff on other bikes and cars.Trying to sort out an intermittent cut out on a 1992 v65 florida.Odd thing, not my cup of tea but it's for a friend.It has factory electronic ignition. From what I...
  3. Auris

    Wrong mixture after replacing mufflers v65?

    Recently I replaced my old mufflers for a set of used stock v65 SP (my bike is not SP) mufflers, which look almost the same only 2 cm shorter. I went for a ride they felt great. But after the engine warmed up it started hesitating when accelerating. It would idle ok, but as soon as I pull the...
  4. Auris

    Starter motor replacement for v65 (1985)

    Hello guzzi people,I am back from a long (~2500 km) motorcycle trip (it was awesome). The old Guzzy did very well. So my trust in the old machine grew a lot since I bought it 4 months ago.A few small issues did come up however. One of them - the starter motor. It scared the hell out me when...
  5. Auris

    Road trip Holland - Ibiza blog

    Hello Guzzi enthsiasts,my wife and I are going on a motorcycle road trip from Holland to Spain and we started a blog which already has one post about preparations and planning. More posts will come daily from tomorrow on. If you're interested in our road adventures please follow our blog...
  6. Auris

    How to replace speedo drive v65?

    My second speedo drive failed after a meachanic put in the new one (http://www.tlm.nl/webshop/en/speedo-drive-gear-set-v35-v65-617625300000-moto-guzzi). I've just received another one from my MG parts dealer (for free) and I'm thinking that this time I could do it myself. My question, is it...
  7. Auris

    Unstable idle after cleaning the carbs

    Hi guzzi people,I got my carburators (dellorto phbh 30) cleaned by a local mechanic who cleaned the parts in a bath, replaced the float needles and a few gaskets and o-rings. Since then the idle has been unstable. It starts at around 1200 rpm but quickly goes up to 2000 - 2200. I've tried...
  8. Auris

    Turn signal relay v65

    Turn signals on my v65 have a second's delay after I turn them on, which is very annoying while driving. For that I bought a new flasher relay. It's not the original one but the mechanic said it's a good one because it can also handle LED lights. So I took the side covers off in search of the...
  9. Auris

    Carb cleanup question (Dellorto PHBH 30)

    Hello, I am planning to clean my Dell'Orto PHBH 30 carbs for the first time. I have never done it before, so my question is, what parts are the most essential to replace before reassembling the carbs? I am not sure what I can expect to find after I open them up, but I think they haven't been...
  10. Auris

    v65 air filter box, breather hose question

    Hello,I have already asked this question in another thread, but probably because it was long and confusing nobody had time to answer it. I got my MG v65 recently and brought the bike to a mechanic who did all the basic things - changed oils, fixed the brakes, etc. What he also did was he...
  11. Auris

    K&N filters and crankcase breather modification for v65

    Hi Guzzi people, I am new to Moto Guzzi and still don't know many of its secrets, but one thing I learned since buying my v65 (1985) is that a regular mechanic (maybe I was unlucky with mine) won't know all about guzzi's. That's why I am determined to maintain my bike by myself when possible...
  12. Auris

    Moto Guzzi freshman in The Netherlands

    Hello Guzzi riders!I am a fresh guzzi enthusiast living in The Netherlands or as people like to call - Holland. This is my first post on this forum, so this time I just want to greet everyone and wish a pleasant ride.Here is my story... Previously I owned a Suzuki and a Honda and recently I...