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v7 classic

  1. B

    2008 V7 Cold Starter Control Setting

    Correct setting clearance for cold starter arm to throttle control arm? Direct measurement from a machine or quoted references ONLY Many Thanks
  2. V

    V7 Special 2011, Engine Guard

    Hello all,Im on the hunt for some good engine guards for my v7 special 2011. I found a pair of Givi's that are for Guzzi V7 III, does anyone know if they are compatible with the 2011?ebay.co.uk/itm/184491511833Ta!
  3. frocker

    V7 Classic rear wheel not engaging at all

    Bike: 2008 V7 ClassicHi folks, So I was riding along earlier today and experienced a sudden total loss of power to the rear wheel. I managed to coast to the side of the road and call a recovery truck.The engine runs fine, but every gear behaves like it's in neutral. I can also hear a...
  4. frocker

    V7 C - No slack in new clutch cable

    Hi folks, first post here since getting my bike, so hello! Forgive me for skipping introductions, I'm in a bit of a bind.My 2008 V7 Classic has just hit 18k, and had my clutch cable snap on me. Picked up a new one and tried to fit it, but there's not enough slack. I've got both ends of the...
  5. SamBarltrop

    V7 Classic - 17 inch front wheel?

    Hi guys,About to have my wheel hubs repainted on my V7 Classic and wondering if there would be any benefit in going down to 17" rim while im at it instead of the standard 18". I like the look of a smaller front wheel but I'm also curious about performance/handling. Any knowledge on this...
  6. SamBarltrop

    V7 Classic Monza Fuel Cap

    Hey guys, im considering purchasing this fuel cap for my 11' V7C. Claims to fit... 83mm bolt circle? https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.de%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F223283766545Could anyone guess whether or not it actually will fit without redrilling holes in the tank, and if...
  7. B

    2013 V7 Clutch Adjustment (again, sorry)

    Hi Chaps. The signs of poor clutch adjustment are present - absent neutrals, tricky box at stationary and an inclination to creep forwards. I'm hoping clutch adjustment (although the Nut is solid!) will improve these issues. But just a couple of questions - shouldn't the cable end fit into the...
  8. SamBarltrop

    V7 Classic - Guinea pig in my clutch

    Hey guys, I've got a funny noise coming from my V7 Classic clutch.Every now and then, when Ive got the bike in gear with the clutch disengaged (lever pulled), it makes a funny squeaky sound akin to a guinea pig (my best description). If I engage the clutch or put the bike in neutral and let...
  9. sarkkus

    Red Elbow Fuel Connector Issues

    I have read just about every forum/thread there is about figuring out a replacement for the red elbow that is so notorious for snapping. Several months ago when I first bought the bike (2011 V7 Classic), I broke mine and ended up replacing it with a metal equivalent from Zip-Ty Racing. I then...
  10. Nickscave

    V7 Classic - Loud squeal following 9k mile service

    After my 2009 V7 Classic was serviced at a reputable Moto Guzzi dealership, I experienced a loud squeal on the ride home (approximately 20 minutes into the drive, and on surface streets) and immediately pulled over. The squeal went away when I pulled the clutch lever in, but it did continue...
  11. sarkkus

    V7 Classic Valve Adjustment Help

    Well shoot. Call me what you like, but I broke a valve adjustment screw. Over-torqued when I was tightening down the locking nut and I get the bolt itself was weak enough that it snapped right off. The replacement screw is easy enough to get, but is replacing it even possible without taking...
  12. David Felton

    Speedo mod and dart screen

    Anybody lower their speedometer and tach on a v7 classic and fit a dart screen or any other fairing on? Working on my 2012 and was curious as to options to flatten out the front end to get more of a cafe look.
  13. Austin Rothbard

    Bar end mirror purchase/installation questions

    I have a 2010 v7 Classic and I want to replace the mirrors with bar-ends. I'd like the installation to be as easy as possible; however, when I search online, I never know what will easily fit my bike.For example, I love the CRG lanesplitters, but I don't think these are compatible, especially...
  14. D

    2009 V7 not shifting into neutral or 1st from 2nd

    HI, New to this forum. I have a 2009 v7 classic with 26,000 miles on it. When I am riding, and come up to a stop light I cannot shift into neutral or 1st gear with the clutch pulled in while still moving. The bike only shifts as low as 2nd gear and is stuck there. While at the stop light there...
  15. Austin Rothbard

    Motorcycle cover recommendation (v7 Classic)?

    I live in Chicago and just bought a 2010 v7 Classic. Now it's time to store it. Any recommendations on great motorcycle covers?The bike will be in an unheated garage during the Chicago winters.Any advice is appreciated.Thanks!
  16. M

    replacing breather hose...remove starter motor???

    Noticed I was dripping a little oil from my 2009 V7 Classic. Finally realized that the breather hose was split and cured it temporarily with a little electrical tape while ordering a new one from Af1. Got the hose and having a damn hard time putting the new one in...can I remove the starter...