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1100 Sport Carb Model ignition Problem


Just got it firing!
Dec 25, 2011
Hi I have a 1996 Guzzi 1100 Sport

The ignition is switching on and off as I ride causing a backfire and the faster I go the worse it gets...Have checked for loose wires,bad earths etc..replaced ignition relay...Any help would be great..Is it a coil,ecu problem?

Have checked the igition switch,was a wee bit of of corrosion on one wire...Have replace the ignition relay,should I replace the other two relays? Could it be the coil? Could it be a bad ground wire somewhere?
guzzijayson said:
Have checked the igition switch,was a wee bit of of corrosion on one wire...Have replace the ignition relay,should I replace the other two relays? Could it be the coil? Could it be a bad ground wire somewhere?

It could be anything you mentioned. Also a poor contact somewhere as well. Updating all the relays wouldn't hurt, but I don't think the others play in the ignition area.
guzzijayson said:
How do i test cdi,coil

If the bike cuts out when hot, it may be coil related. As for checking the circuits, this may help. https://www.guzzitech.com/forum/160/30 ... 2994#p2994

As a general rule, most electrical problems can be solved by cleaning all connectors in the wire harness. Something like a TV tuner (the old contact type) contact cleaner and lubricant usually does well. Since you have already found a corroded wire, it wouldn't be a bad idea to go through everything.
guzzijayson said:
Is there any diagnostic programs I can download to check ecu for faults?

You can buy VDSTS from the store tab at the top of the page. Also there is a Ducati program you can download, but you still have to purchase an interface cable. Take a look here https://www.guzzitech.com/forum/163/6943.html

Note: I just realized you said your bike has carbs. The software I mentioned above won't help you with the ignition module, sorry.
guzzijayson said:
My mate has a spare ecu..Should I try that one..?

I just realized you said your bike has carbs. The software I mentioned above won't help you with the ignition module, sorry. If he has a spare ignition module and it is know to be good, that would aid the troubleshooting problem. If it runs well with that module, you have found the problem, if not then it is something else you will have to find, but at least you will have eliminated one component.
guzzijayson said:
Hi..Would a dirty fylwheel sensor cause the ecu to shut the ignition on and off?

Probably not, but it really will screw up the timing. That sensor should have the metal chips that collect removed at each oil change as part of a standard service. BTW, please don't call the ignition module and ECU, it lead me to suggest software that wouldn't help you.