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1982 v50iii Instrument Cluster


Just got it firing!
Oct 6, 2024
Reaction score
Celeste, Texas, United States of America (the)
Hi everyone, I'm in the process of making a 1982 v50iii that I just bought me! I really dislike the single gauge that the previous owner had installed, plus the speed was way off and no tach! I'm installing the original instruments, and I have the mounts but can't for the life of me figure out how it mounts to the triple tree. Can someone please post a photo of how the instrument cluster mounts? Thank you!
You may be missing the mounting plate. Find a parts book that illustrates the assemblies. Some dealer web sites have on line parts listings such as Harper's Moto Guzzi.
You may be missing the mounting plate. Find a parts book that illustrates the assemblies. Some dealer web sites have on line parts listings such as Harper's Moto Guzzi.
Thanks, but I have been on Harper's and other wen sites to no avail. I have the plate it's just not apparent how it mounts which is why I am requesting a photo! Thank you!
I had a similar problem with my V65 GT - single useless instrument fitted. I couldn't find a set of the GT instruments so bought the attached ones instead.

I did buy a mounting bracket but it didn't fit this bike either, so rather shamefully I have a few cable ties holding the bottom part of this cluster in place, and at the rear it's resting on a piece of plumbing pipe. The cables are probably doing 80% of holding them in place anyway. Yeah it is not pretty and not correct but having a tacho and speedo is worth it.

I have a mounting bracket I can't use but I don't know what bike it's for - the clocks look like they are spread quite wide and the plate doesn't fit the handlebar clamp I have (which is where I assume it was mounted). The instruments I'm using came in a plastic mount which has two rubber isolation mounts that fit nothing on this bike either.

I know what you mean, I thought it should mount under the handle bar clamp, but the angles are all wrong. I know the mount and cluster I have are correct and original to the bike, but again it isn't apparent how it mounts. I may end up fabbing my own adaptor.
Thanks, and I have scoured the owners manuals, Guzziology, and the workshop manual. Not to mention combing through the part illustrations, Harper's, and every other avenue I could think of. I have verified that I have all the parts, and the correct ones, but it will not click in my head how to attach the cluster. This is truly a first for me, I can typically figure these things out.
I had a look in parts & workshop man code 23920181 for V35's-V65's and on page 99 illustration 133 it shows good shot of where to put in fork oil. Shows a good shot of under dash IF you can make it out. Parts shows the 2 tabs for mounting but no help.
Look at the pic, I couldn't make out the parts but looks like it mounts to the top tree somewhere in front of bar mount. Good Luck.
My books are well worn & I tried w/magnifying glass & it just looked dark at part of pic.
Your correct, and I have studied that image as well, but is so dark you can't get any detail. I know it mounts forward of the handle bar mount,and the spacing of the holes are correct to marry with the handle bar mount, but the angles are incorrect. Additionally the IPB shows a bolt with washer and nut attaching the bracket to something, but again I don't/ can't see a mating surface. I am sure that I have all hardware and mounts as shown in every IPB, it just isn't making sense.
Hope these help. From memory the small bracket holding the instruments fits on top/front of the the front plate (plate with indicators & guzzi logo).

If you want to go back to standard Mk3 V50 front end, the headlamp plate (that the instruments bracket bolts on) is still available here from scrap yards, specialist breakers & ebay (probably same in US). If you go this way I know some great indicators that fit the solid stalks on the plate (requires some drilling). Or, if you are handy could peobably make a similar plate to fit the fork tops & the underside of the lower yolk.

front plate.webp
Sorry to keep posting but Smackeyacky picture above just reminded me..... another option is to use the V65 Florida & V65C & Cali maybe handlebar clamp (not best look IMHO but it has instrument deck mounting holes in the front).


This means you could make a really simple (relatively) metal plate to carry the instruments/warning lights that bolts onto the front of the mounting clamp......I only know this because I recently restored a V65 Florida as well, but I went full replacement plastic dash as you can still buy these new !!
Thank you Paul, I actually have that plate/Frame with my spare parts. I am thinking of using it as a template to fab my own mount so I can leave the open feeling o the bike currently has, although that handlebar clamp may not be a bad idea either, painted black with the GUZZI painted in red? I have some time to make a decision, the brakes were completely seized and have just done a full rebuild of all the calibers, still waiting on my new custom brake lines so I may order clamp and work on the wiring and upgrading the ignition. Thanks, that is a good option!