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A whistling noise

Save the gas/WD40/Start-ya-bastard etc.
On several Guzzi's I have found the rubber inlet manifold clamps come loose, or the rubber shrinks over time.
Either way the screws can do with a few turns every 20,000k.
Check 'em all.
G'day Ghezzi
The rubber manifold clamps are on the side where the filter is, not the motor. They may well come loose but they shouldn't affect the fueling. It seems that the whistling and the lean fueling on the right hand pot may be connected. I won't know until I am able to give it a bit of a run.
In the meantime, I have had the right hand injector out and found a small bit of grunge on the seat for the O-ring. Maybe this is the cause. Will report further when I have had time to give it a run.
Brian :D
What holds the throttle body to the engine?
Mine has a rubber tube with a hose clamp at each end .......................
G'day Ghezzi
No you're right. I was forgetting that the throttle body is actually connected to the inlet manifolds containing the injectors, silly me. Yes that is something I will check, thanks Ghezzi.
I should have realized as I did have the throttle bodies off at one stage.
Thank you for your wake-up call. At this age I suffer from CRAFT disease.
Will chek and give results when I know further.

Brian :D
3I use propane cos its safe to use..
It dosent make ignitable fumes when applied to a hot motor but yes, you can use anything in a spray can as suggested. Not petrol but (Gas)
CRAFT Disease is quite common as you age - though I forgot what it means, again!
G'day Tony. I got the definition from you (if I remember correctly).
Looking at your profile, Senior Technical Officer, well I was also, in the Radio side of things.
Just for your benefit:-
C Can't
R Remember
F F...ing
T Thing

Brian :D
CRAFT? ...................................... and here's me thinking you found a new use for vegemite. B)

used peanut butter to seal a garden hose to the side of an orchy bottle once, for someone else mind you, when I was young
Well it is looking promising so far.
The spark plugs are now the same colour albeit a little lean.
Al this due to a small bit of crud on the mating face where the O-ring for the injector seats.
Probably further to come on this

Brian :D
Yes BrianUK, I think you may be right. I had taken the throttle bodies off for cleaning up. I was soon to regret that when I went to re-instal them. It is a while ago, but, I think I finished up using a wire lubricant to get the things back together.
Thanks for all your help people. I think I have most things sorted now.

Brian :D :D