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All my life I have waited for you…❤️

Nope, But we fell in love with Albania and Italy last year. Health challenges for my wife mean the move is happening much sooner than originally planned. Albania is easy to move to, easy to settle in and affordable. And Italy is a quick cheap flight or ferry ride away.
Hope your Mrs. feels better after the move, there are more motorcycles out there.

Nearly 2600 miles roundtrip (Lima, Ohio - Colorado Springs, CO) in 5 days, driving the Subaru Outback and our enclosed trailer.

"Rose", (I named her after my grandmother and mother) is now safe at home.

She's temporarily tucked in the garage for the night and tomorrow we will prepare a space of honor for her in the Moto Migliori, with her stablemates.

Today, I was a "machine" and drove a 750 mile day! 😵‍💫 (Topeka, KS to Lima, Ohio) so time for some serious 😴.

More adventures and photos with "Rose" tomorrow.
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Got up and started her up. That was a bit tricky for me as everything is on the opposite side of my whole life of experience.

Then I took her up and down my street. (I have no plate yet but living way out in the country has its advantages 👍😁).

The look on my neighbors faces was priceless. 🥰

What fun! Totally unexpected experience for sure.

I predict a long love affair with my newest mistress. 🤗

I tell you, Mother Mary was watching over me because no sooner than I pulled Rose back into the garage, the sky opened up raining cats and dogs! 😆😆😆

No photos today in this insane weather.
Got up and started her up. That was a bit tricky for me as everything is on the opposite side of my whole life of experience.
This put a huge smile on my face this morning Scott. Thankfully I had some experience with goofy-footed shifting from my dirt-track days (both shift and brake on the right side). It brought back good memories on my first experience on my good friend John’s Airone in the late 90’s… So for fun I just republished my words on the Dondo I raced HERE. Long read, but still a fun one 21+ years later. Enjoy the bike. Can’t wait to see more vids and perhaps a ride later this year. ;)
Rode her today to the County Title Office and then the BMV for registration.

What a hoot! She is really strange and fun. So different than a modern Moto Guzzi. I'm truly curious to ride Enzo's Nuovo Falcone for a comparison. Hopefully he will follow through on the sale to me. If not, well I will survive as I now have Rose to look after.

One thing is for certain, you aren't getting away from this motorcycle without a lot of people coming up to you with a dozen questions each. 😆

It's just like when I had my 1956 Isetta 300 Bubble Window Cabriolet. At least in her, I had a window where I hung a "Frequently Asked Questions" paper which allowed me to escape quickly most times.

I'm going to have to come up with something. 🧐😁👍

The ladies at the Clerk of the Courts Office were enamored with Rose. They just kept looking at her and complimenting her. I felt really proud as others who walked by, also stopped and commented how incredible she was.

It is truly an honor to be her current custodian.

She is definitely not an every day ride but once or twice a week to breakfast is going to be really sweet.

So grateful. Such fun. Lucky me. 🙏👍👌
Absolutely beautiful! I’m a little obsessed with them myself lately. Todd, please touch base off the list. Thanks, Mike
Congratulations Again, to be able to experience something so special !
Now imagine yourself getting her when she was *New* the first one in town !
What an adventure that must have been ?

While I was putt putting down the back country road to the BMV, I was thinking the same thing.

Imagine the experience of having just picked Rose up, brand new in 1952, and heading out on the road in Northern Italy.

She is an impressive sight today, and I can imagine, only 7 short years after the end of WWII, flying down the road on something this beautiful and special.

What a head trip that had to have been!
My best friend was out of town this past weekend.

The weather has been sunny then rain rain rain. A little sun, rain rain rain. 🤯

Also, the seller has sellers remorse and I may be selling her back to him.

I'm waiting for him to decide what he wants to do.

Don't get me wrong, I love her for what she is but I am not sure that I am an antique motorcycle guy. 72 years old is really old.

I do like modern equipment with modern engines, transmissions and especially brakes. Also, it is a lot of money invested in 1 single motorcycle.

If the gentleman I bought her from decides he really wants her back, I told him he could buy her back from me. I would understand as he was responsible for a lot of her restoration work.

We shall see here soon.

I did take her on a 100 mile ride to a local airfield down in Urbana on Saturday. That was nice.

I am self-conscious of my size on this motorcycle too.

I'm losing weight but slowly.

Honestly, I feel like an orange sitting on top of a grape!

I hate that.
For me, it's old but still very very lovely.

I think I am just new at this game and if Mark decides he wants her back, I can easily honor his request.

It's not life or death to me and surely I can ride something else I think. 🤔 😆😁
That is the honorable thing to do, and you will have had the experience of enjoying «her» for a time !
You REALLY need to get some Go-Pro / video footage of you driving and of you riding it !
Something to preserve and share these memories !
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