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Breva 750 ignition switch


Just got it firing!
Apr 14, 2014
Kingston, ONT
I tried to revive my 2007 Breva 750 after a long winter…battery is well-maintained and fully charged (12.7 V)…installed the battery and switched on the ignition switch. The lights and tach/speedo did their usual thing, but when I hit the starter, I got a single "click" and the lights went out. When I turned off the switch, the lights came on again (!!) and the gauges did their swing, and then lights went off again. When I tried it again, I got a ticking noise from behind the right side cover (louder than the fuel pump), and then the same sequence as above. Any suggestions?
If there is only a clicking sound then either the relay or solenoid is not getting enough current, or they are bad. First check the battery condition and connections at the battery, relay, and solenoid, as these are the most likely problems and the easiest to remedy (I know you already checked, but I had to say it again). Check the connections on the starter and solenoid, as any looseness here can look like a weak battery.

If you are getting clicking from the right side, up top, then it's the relay and not the solenoid making the sound. Of course this could mean the relay is doing it's job, but check it first..

Replace the starter relay with one of the other identical relays. The starter relay is the rearmost one on my V7C, but I can't recall about the Breva. The wire diagram might help. If the bike starts then, you know the starter relay was bad.

If it doesn’t start with the good relay, then check to make sure the relay is sending current to the solenoid. Put a voltmeter’s lead on the solenoid, with the voltmeter’s common lead grounded on the bike’s frame. Pushing the start button, see that there is approx. 12 volts. If less, and the relay is know to be good, then the relay isn’t getting sufficient current itself. Check the starter switch further up the circuit.
If you've got 12V at the solenoid, then the issue is in the solenoid.

Note there's a modifications for alternate wiring that simplifies the relay circuit for better current. I can post that later, but look at these checks first.


I connected the battery from my boat to the bike and now the starter turns the engine over a couple of times and then the solenoid drops out and clicks. I swapped relays - no improvement. Cleaned all the contacts - no change. Checked the voltage at the solenoid - 11.25 V. The connector on the wire to the solenoid feels a bit sloppy, so will likely replace it. Are Guzzi solenoids fixable? (I took the solenoid on an old Chev 4 cal apart, cleaned it up, and put it back together and it worked again…).

Do you think the voltage at the solenoid is too low? If so, I could take the starter switch apart….

Sounds like both batteries are weak. You should have about 12.5 volts at the starter. Get a new battery for the bike that is properly prepared. That is juiced, allowed to set for at least 3 hours, then brought to a full charge before being installed. This should solve all your problems provided you have done the starter relay mod as well. https://www.guzzitech.com/forum/topic?f=160&t=4908
Thanks, John…the bike battery is definitely cooked and I will replace it today (voltage dropped from 12.7 to 10.5 after trying it in the bike a couple of days ago). The voltage reading of 11.25 I noted in my previous post was measured at the solenoid, not the starter, so I'm hoping that replacing the solenoid connector will solve the problem.

All better! New battery, and treated it to new plugs. I'm still puzzled by failure of the solenoid to hold in when I hooked up my boat battery, which cheerfully cranks a big marine diesel….oh, well… thanks for the help….Julian
sign216 said:
It is puzzling. You'd think a big marine battery would have turned the cycle over.

Well, ride on.

Not that puzzling. I've seen that on several occasions. If the bad battery is really low or has an internal problem jumping from a good battery just doesn't help.