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carc back lash

Jesus! Not this old chestnut again.

Its a constant mesh bloody gearbox. There will be backlash in the driveline. Its perfectly normal. Don't you blokes have anything serious to worry about?

The Nuove six speed is bloody bulletproof , its been in production, with and without face cam shock absorber, for eight years. In that time the Internet has been eerily silent about problems.

Likewise the shaft and CARC bevelbox have been singularly problem free apart from the early ones with the shitter bearing in them.

What drives me fucking bonkers is that people seem to go out and buy a Guzzi and then seem to assume, nay, actually HOPE , that their bikes will go wrong and appear to take some sort of vicarious pleasure in seeking out problems that don't exist.

I dunno what it is. It seems that Guzzi is targeted by those who want to nail their colours to the mast of a failed product! I'm sorry but I say 'F#ck You'! For the first time in forty years Guzzi has money behind it and is producing truly world class. And what do we get? A conga line of suck-holes determined to see the name relegated to the history books!

I have yet to have what I would see as a MAJOR issue with a post Piaggio bike, sorry, I've seen ONE in a Breva 1100 gearbox. Apart from that all my customers' bikes run fine, no aftermarket stuff apart from pipes and those that have fitted map modifiers have almost universally chosen to remove them.

If you are *Worried* about your Guzzi? Sell it and buy something else and take your hopeless whining paranoia onto some other board.

mrcanns said:
How much back lash does the carc unit have ie measured at the wheel rim?

Pretty sure this was just a general question, not a problem.......

On my 2012 Stelvio, in 1st gear on the stand, engine off the wheel will move about 1" stop to stop.
something else to consider is that it might not be CARC lash, but poor fueling. I thought my Griso had pretty bad CARC lash new and the reviewer talked about the abrubt on/off, but after I fixed the fueling thanks to Todd's help with ECU flash and PC V with autotune, my Griso is so much smoother.... So consider fueling issues also.
canuck1969 said:
mrcanns said:
How much back lash does the carc unit have ie measured at the wheel rim?

Pretty sure this was just a general question, not a problem.......

On my 2012 Stelvio, in 1st gear on the stand, engine off the wheel will move about 1" stop to stop.
thanks for that canuck,
and thanks to you to Pete, its always helpful to here that you've never had a problem with anything, and I'm genuinely pleased for you, I had the good fortune to read your lastest post before I set off home a 60 mile ride in the pouring rain,
it kept me smiling all the way! cheers Paul
I've heard the Australian diplomatic service are trying to recruit him, apparently tact and quiet diplomacy are no longer required. The Ozzy foreign secretary was heard to say....'strewth we need someone who's as subtle as an air raid' :D