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Damaged V100 clutch basket

More to report. My clutch always had a noise when disengaged, but it seems to be getting louder. The pulsing I reported before is less but still present. When the bike is in neutral and the clutch is out all sounds normal. But when the clutch is pulled in, there is a noise, kind of a rapid clicking or clacking sound.
I'm kind of worried, closest dealer was clueless about it, anyone else have a similar sound experience???
It's a 2024 Mandello S, and the clutch seal rebuild was done.
Impossible to say from this info.
Need to be checked by the MG shop.
Question though, did the clutch work and sound normal before?
If worked well and sounded normal, I would be lead to think something wasn’t assembled correct when the clutch rebuild was done.
But what do I know, I just try to figure out online 🙃
So, I have a "new" V100 (non s), 2023 model year. It was a showroom bike from the dealer and got a good deal being a 2023, base model, and on the showroom.

Anywho, I've been riding it more and I too, have noticed, many a times not able to get from 2nd to 3rd, it just seems "stuck". I often do a blip of the throttle, let it wind down, and then with a "harder" lift try to go from 2nd to 3rd which usually works. I use the clutch, I do have the Quickshifter upgrade/update but I'm still more fond of manually using the clutch. I decided to search the forums to see any other folks, and, found your post, plus, other issues with the transmission/gears on the V100.

For example, even with the clutch pulled in, going from neutral to 1st gear, is a definite "clunk", I call the "Guzzi Clunk". The dealer said that's the "personality" of the bike and I noticed the other Mandellos and Stelvios in the showroom did the same thing. Coming from the UJM space, it's a definite "that's not right" knee jerk reaction, as, the shifts on my Honda and Kawasaki have always been super smooth. My Kawasaki has 105k miles to boot.

I reached out to the dealer to see if Campaign Code: PGJZZQ2302 was performed on the bike, but, to experience that 2nd to 3rd "lock out" just as you described, seems to be more alike than a random coincidence.
For posterity, went on a long ride for the first time yesterday (2 hour jaunt) and I noticed a glitch in my riding style. I wear riding boots (track type) when I ride.

I noticed during fast accelerations and quick shifts, my foot seemed to rest under the gear lever, and I noticed, not always, did I let my left foot dip forward to let the gear lever to "fully" return to it's starting position. In those scenarios, my 2nd to 3rd shift was very difficult.

I changed my riding to fully remove my foot from under the gear lever completely between gears, to try to let the gear lever return to its fully seated position. There was a noticable vast improvement in my shifts without a single instance of a missed shift. Conjecture only, but, maybe the Quick Shifter position sensor isn't reading a null position after a shift and somehow messing with the clutch and not allowing a normal gear shift somehow.

Not saying it's a fix, but, after riding for 40 years I never noticed that quirk in my shifting until yesterday. Once I corrected it, everything seemed fine. I expect the UJMs I mostly ride which didn't have the QS feature had enough leeway to account for my riding style. The new electronics and QS aren't as forgiving.