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Final Drive Gear Oil Leaks V7 & V9

I’ve been investigating a final drive leak on my 2018 v7 after reviewing the thread on here.

I’ve just gone and test run tested some basics - cleaned the breather, checked it wasn’t overfilled. If anything, it was slightly under filled. Breather ball bearing moved freely. However it is still there - seems to persist from the inner of the wheel.

I also noted a slight gritty noise has developed whilst riding, and now when I spin the rear wheel on its centre stand, there is a slight, regular knock on rotation in either direction. I can’t really tell whether it’s from the rear wheel or gearbox area. This is not something I’ve noticed before. With this in mind, what would an experienced person look at next? Could this be a transmission issue?

I do have a video of the noise, but I’m unsure how to post it.

Many thanks
The knock is the u joint or driveshaft touching the housing because it is totally at it's fullest travel on the CC. totally normal. When on the ground it won't do it.
Ah, that puts me at ease, thankyou. Still gotta sort this bevel box leak next!
However it is still there - seems to persist from the inner of the wheel.

If it is leaking from the center of the wheel hub then this is probably the internal ring gear seal. If it is, it will need to be removed and resealed. Workshop job.
Thread merge to cover this topic in one thread. Covers both V7 and V9 rear drive issues. Starting with below...

View attachment 12600
I had the same problem on my v7 850 and it was overfilled at the factory and came out after 3500 miles. I had my mechanic check it out since it was in warranty and he drained the rest of the oil in a measuring cup and it was the right amount. So this proved that it was overfilled. The overflow tube must have been blocked and finally opened up to allow the extra oil out. They took the rear tire off and there was no seal problem.
My V7III had the final drive leak at about 4K miles. It was initially overfilled. My excellent local dealer fixed it under warranty and at 13K it's just fine. Unfortunately it seems a fairly common issue. That's the only problem I've had.
Left signal not functioning, defective left cylinder plug thread all will be replaced ( whole cover) by dealer under guarantee . I swear fuelling and vibration below 3.500 RPM smoothed after first service( they changed the gear and cadran oil too). As masters in Guzzi always say everything gets better as you ride . I love my Guzzi.
Just bought a 2023 V7 Stone, and at about 4000kms, I got the same rear drive hub leaking oil problems noted by others here. I'm hoping that the dealer finds that the bolts in the drive housing were loose, or some similar easy fix.

The really odd thing is that the problem is intermittent. The oil (maybe 10-15ml) leaked at some point in the first 200kms of a 400km ride, when I first noticed oil on the rim and tire. The second 200kms I was checking every 50kms for more oil, and there was none.

I actually bought the new V7, trading in an 2016 V7 Mk2, that had exactly the same leak start at 55000kms. This was due to loose bolts in the hub housing, and was not a whole lot of fun to fix. I figured that MG had sorted the problems out by the time they got to the 850 version. Maybe not.

Really annoying as otherwise the V7 with the 850 motor has been absolutely great.

UPDATE: Dealer took a look at hub. Found no issues. Drained and refilled hub. I put 900 kms on the bike since with no leaks. Best guess is slightly overfilled by factory, and somehow decided to spit out just a bit of oil at random.
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Thread merge to cover this topic in one thread. Covers both V7 and V9 rear drive issues. Starting with below...

View attachment 12600
Not a problem, my 2021
v7 850 had the same issue. Apparently, they do not know how to measure the oil and overfill the gearbox. Had mine taken into the shop when I had the same problem and they measurerd the oil when draining it and it was the exact amount. This meant that the oil already lost all over my wheel etc was extra oil. I have not had the problem since.
As a V85 owner I can't fiigure MG design. So there you are riding in the dessert at 48C red dirt even hotter, and bitumen if exists is sticky & gooy & full of 3 trailers plus a couple road trains, and you come across a CREEK CROSSING, with freezing water...

Is it possible to "easily" (aka hand tools) to drill/tap/take out a bolt & screww in a pressure relief for the diff housing, so when gets hot doesn't pop that "spaceage" un-obtainium 'o-ring' that could get replaced with silastic tube 'stuff' / bathroom sealer.
Maybe a 'vent-tube' up high , in case creek is saddle deep? I call BS on +- 20ml oil on a diff, lucky if can find out hear.

so is a 'breather' possible to fit? any ideas thoughts appreciated.
Hi, all! Struggling with the same need-to-diagnose leak in final drive area. One big question asked in this thread which hasn't quite been directly answered:
If we must replace the seals in the final drive, do we need to have the special MG tools (for pulling/setting seals) listed in the manuals? (pics below from manual for my V7II ABS)
Or have experienced riders developed workarounds using other tools?
One entry in this great thread discusses lifting a seal with a screwdriver; a rider then says that method tore up the seal.
Sharing the details, including tools and techniques, of any workarounds / experiences would be REALLY helpful.
Replacing the seals would be a new level of experience for me. There's no info too basic for a guy who hasn't done this stuff before.
If experienced contributors think an answer should be a new post/thread, please give the link here!
MANY thanks for considering this request,
Bill special tools v7iiabs manual 1.jpg special tools v7iiabs manual 2.jpg


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    special tools v7iiabs manual 2.jpg
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Service manuals are made for experienced mechanics. There is a lot left out because of this. Everyone has different abilities. At least you searched & paid attention. Half the battle.
They make seal pullers and they are not screw drivers. I improvise instead of using all the factory tools. A deepwell socket sometimes can be used to install on a seal w/shaft. I have made quite a few, even welded some up. I also have my own set of factory stuff for what you can't make but need often. Have fun, work safe.
One entry in this great thread discusses lifting a seal with a screwdriver
Never do this.

You will almost certainly mar up the seal channel and it will leak forever and be unrepairable.

You remove seals with a seal puller or a very controlled 90 degree pick.

This is not really a DIY type job. If this is your goal, you can save money by removing the rear drive and taking it to your dealer to reseal. Then you simply reinstall it onto the motorcycle.
I had the same problem of an oil leak from rear differential.. I have a 2021 V7 850. Mine leaked not long after I bought it and had it taken to the dealer for repair. There was no problem with the seals etc. THE FACTORY OVERFILLED THE DIFFERENTIAL. My mechanic drained the remainder into a measuring cup and it was the right amount. This meant that the oil that came out was an over amount. Its been fine since. Drain it and refill with the right amount before trying a repair.
Hi, all! Struggling with the same need-to-diagnose leak in final drive area. One big question asked in this thread which hasn't quite been directly answered...
You must pull the wheel and self-diagnose in order for us to help you. As noted, check the oil quantity first (measure the drain quantity). If it's the outer seal or flange related (check the bolts, always ignored by most), you won't need any special tools. If it's the inner seal (not very likely), you will need many of the factory tools. it's not a DIY project regardless.
24.5k miles, rear drive leak, sent bike to dealer. Hope they have parts in stock.
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