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Griso Touring Windscreen


Just got it firing!
Nov 22, 2008
Reaction score
I have seen several pics of bikes with the touring windscreen for the Griso and was wondering where people are ordering them from. Erico Motorsports in Denver was not able to order one for me since its a European option.


If you mean the larger of the two factory screens, (Which is really the only one that could properly be described as a screen.) I'm sure it is available?????

Try MPH or Moto International or one of the other long term mobs.

In Oz it's part # is

Part No: 977694

And it is described as the 'Windshield Kit'

I've had the screen on my 1100 and it has been swapped over onto my 1200. For me it is ideal as it takes the wind blast off my chest and gut but isn't so huge and unweildy it destroys the lines of the bike or upsets the handling.

If you really ahe trouble getting one I can order one and ship it but that would be plain daft!

Hello Zedo;

You can also get one from Agoistini in Italy.. it is where I got mine.
Is it any good ?
does it cut down wind noise much ?

I found that the small screen seemed to direct the wind at the helmet and caused quite a lor of wind noise
I have a couple in stock at Moto Intl. It's not officially offered in the US, as it lacks DOT aprroval. Works well, though. Another good option is the Givi A770
I've been tracking my fuel economy since I got it, and I can say that my fuel economy went up as soon as I installed the large screen.
Obviously this depends on the angle and how much profile drag is generated. I have it so the wind hits me at neck height (5' 11").
I now fill up the tank with 260km on the tip metre (around 15L used) - this is in both city and hwy travelling - but I don't thrash the balls off it all the time.

Last week I clocked up 1755km in 20hrs (16 travelling time), the screen works well but still wind is a factor is you intend on travelling above 160 km/hr... I guess if you want to eliminate wind all together a big tourer is the go (eg honda, BMW, Kwaka..) since they can create a bubble around you ...

The plus side is I have attached aux lights (Hella FF50) to the bracketry used for the large screen .... see my thread on aux lights for some photos....

hope this helps....
I've been trying to find good pics of a Griso with the bigger screen fitted.
The pics in the pic thread are small and/or from unhelpful angles, they don't really tell that much.
Could someone post a couple of decent sized pics, maybe one full frontal and one from an angle?
I've seen pics of the Griso and the screen separately, but still haven't been able to form a good picture of what the bike really looks like with the screen on...
Sorry to be so demanding :blush: :P

Here is a "FULL FRONTAL".....


Sorry to ruin your Christmas day :)

This image is actually MUCH bigger than TODD wants us to post. PM me with email and I'll send the original full size.
Thanks Sam! I've been considering a screen too but hadn't found a decent photo of the stock screen to compare to the Givi.

(by the way, your Gris seems jaundiced. A better grade fuel may correct that problem so it can keep up with the faster Black ones:laugh:)

Merry Christmas
Thanks, good pic of the screen but only a third of the bike showing...

I'm hoping for pics showing the complete bike with the screen, I guess my imagination is just not good enough to mentally composite such an image from separate pics of the screen and the bike... :unsure:
Here's a variety of pics of both an 1100 and a 1200 with the factory luggage and screen. Last one allows you to see 'Naked' and 'Screened'.











Colin was unfortunately stolen by the VW shop, Bastards!

pete roper wrote:
Colin was unfortunately stolen by the VW shop, Bastards!

Which one is he, your mate or the chicken? Rotten behavior in any case. :)

Do you happen to have a bigger/better resolution version of the last side by side comparison? I can hardly tell which one has the screen and which one doesn't...

But apparently the screen doesn't make it hideously ugly, good to know.

Thanks for the pix, folks.
Greg Field wrote:
I have a couple in stock at Moto Intl. It's not officially offered in the US, as it lacks DOT aprroval. Works well, though. Another good option is the Givi A770

Greg, how much are they going for?
some_finn wrote:
Do you happen to have a bigger/better resolution version of the last side by side comparison? I can hardly tell which one has the screen and which one doesn't...

But apparently the screen doesn't make it hideously ugly, good to know.

Thanks for the pix, folks.

Sorry about that. I actually think that that pic is of my 1100 without the screen! Can't remember when it was taken, maybe just after I got it or just before I sold it.

I think the factory screen suits the bike well, Greg's mate Steve had the Givi on hi before he cut an elk in half with the 'G' a couple of months ago and it did the job well too.

Only real way to choose is to get to see 'em both 'In the flesh' as it were....

pete roper wrote:

I think the factory screen suits the bike well, Greg's mate Steve had the Givi on hi before he cut an elk in half with the 'G' a couple of months ago and it did the job well too.

Only real way to choose is to get to see 'em both 'In the flesh' as it were....

Well, unfortunately seeing them both in flesh is highly unlikely to happen for me.

I just remembered this screen, "Spitfire" by Italian company F. Fabbri. Might work on the Griso?


Their "Ice" model is somewhat similar to the Givi A770

Greg Field wrote:
I have a couple in stock at Moto Intl. It's not officially offered in the US, as it lacks DOT aprroval. Works well, though. Another good option is the Givi A770

shameless plug.

I ordered one from Greg at Moto Intl. Easy to deal with and shipped quickly. Thanks Greg.
So far only have a few miles on it so I will give an opinion on the touring screen with some more miles..

Givi Screen (they do several sizes) and stelvio hand guards work very well on mine - both fit with no mods and together cost less than the official taller screen.