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Help with clutch master cylinder


High Miler
Oct 28, 2008
Virginia, USA
It appears that my clutch master cylinder has taken a dump on my 09 Stelvio.

What I mean is there is no resistance or pressure against the lever first thing in the morning after the bike sits all night. If I attempt to start the bike it kind of lurches while starting when the clutch lever is pulled in. If I sit there and pump the lever 10 - 20 times the friction begins to billed up and the problem goes away until the bike sits over night again.

I have bled the hydraulic system numerous times using DOT 4 fluild, its good for a couple of days and then the problem reappears.

In a email conversation with Todd last night he forms me that there is no rebuild kit available for this system, thanks to the attorneys in the USA for that I guess, the pencil d*cks!

Now my bike is under warranty until mid January of 2011, the bike has 21,000 miles on it and Mother Guzzi claims they will not cover the part and claim that is not the problem. Their Tech advisor doesn't know what is causing the problem either. Mother Guzzi also tells me (and my dealer is agreeing) that I am putting too many miles on the bike. Neither bitched when I handed them the money. And what happened to the 2 yr / unlimited mileage warranty? This is the 2nd item they refused to cover, the 1st being the rear shock.

I have no apparent leaks that I have been able to find, when I go to bleed the system again I get a ton of air coming out of the system before hydraulic fluild reappears. I have left the bike for three days on its center stand on white paper and I get no traces of hydraulic fluild on the ground. I assmue the clutch slave cylinder is burried behind the starter some where, I have looked around with a mirror and flash light but haven't seen any fluild collecting anywhere.

Any thought's from the imates on this forum?

Is there a rebuild kit available across the great pond (in Europe) that I can purchase, maybe the lawyers aren't as bad over there. The price of a new clutch master cylinder is rediculous from Guzzi. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
Well that's a bunch of BS. I'm guessing Guzzi is saying that the clutch is a wear item like brake pads and not covered under warranty. If you already wore out the clutch friction material then why would the clutch start to work for a short time after you bleed the clutch. Is there any wonder why they can't sell more than 500 bikes a year in the US? If it's the mater cylinder I would think you could buy Brembo parts from someplace like here, http://www.yoyodyneti.com/category.aspx?categoryID=2986 . If it's the slave cylinder then I got no idea but for you to grab your ankles and let Guzzi stick it to you if they refuse to honor their warranty. I would be calling Guzzi directly and screaming a lot until something gets done.
Two possible sources for air entry into the system. The clutch MC and the slave at the back of the transmission. The slave is the most likely culprit in my opinion since you are getting air before fluid. If you got some fluid then air, it could then be the MC (air entry between the MC and slave). Get your dealer to replace the slave. It should be warranty, but if it fixes the thing, have them file a claim for the slave. If Piaggio won't honor the warranty, there are always those pesky lawyers or if the cost of the slave is low enough, small claims court. Before you have the work done, have the warranty claim denial documented and have copies. Same if they deny after the slave is replaced. Then you have ammunition for any court action.
my rear shock went out with 2000 miles on it and I am waiting on a new warranty shock from Piaggio, it has been approved and should be here any day!!

Curious :eek:hmy: Has anybody out there had issues with the rear shock leaking out of the adjustment knob, on light setting?
Sound like there is air being sucked into the hydraulic fluid.
In this case you would not see any hydraulic leakage but air pockets would form between the fluid inside the line.

My thought would be the bleeding valve is not air tight .... located on higher ground (Under the seat) would act like a intake tube taking air in.
The seating in this fitting damaged?
kwn306 said:
Now my bike is under warranty until mid January of 2011, the bike has 21,000 miles on it and Mother Guzzi claims they will not cover the part and claim that is not the problem. Their Tech advisor doesn't know what is causing the problem either. Mother Guzzi also tells me (and my dealer is agreeing) that I am putting too many miles on the bike. Neither bitched when I handed them the money. And what happened to the 2 yr / unlimited mileage warranty? This is the 2nd item they refused to cover, the 1st being the rear shock.

What a bunch of crap. Unlimited miles is unlimited. I normally detest lawyers, but one may be called for here.
If the air shows up at the bleed valve end immediately, then the MC is not likely a problem.
It is sucking air into the bleed valve, or the slave is sucking in air and it is migrating up.
It isn't a clutch wear issue, why care if it has high miles. Me thinks there was some mis-communications somewhere. Normal clutch wear would of course not be covered, so that must be how someone is passing it on.
Well I have an update.......

I made a call to Guzzi Corp and told them I would send my two Italian cousins (I do have them) over that work in NYC and live in North Jersey to fit them with cement shoes and take them down to the warf and give them swimming lessons in the Hudson River. :eek: :eek:

It appears they have changed their tune and are now more than willing to re-visit the hydraulic issue. :shock: The bad part is they will not pre-send parts (MC & slave) to my dealer. The soonest I can drop off the bike is the 21st, so I guess I will be held hostage for a couple weeks while my dealer does his investigation, files claim, it gets approved, the parts arrive and then get installed. :pinch:

Wayne you were correct with your assumption, they thought it was a clutch wear issue. :?

Oh well, the re-flashed ECU and new exhaust will sit in the garge and wait to be installed :( :(
kwn306 said:
Well I have an update.......

I made a call to Guzzi Corp and told them I would send my two Italian cousins (I do have them) over that work in NYC and live in North Jersey to fit them with cement shoes and take them down to the warf and give them swimming lessons in the Hudson River. :eek: :eek:

It appears they have changed their tune and are now more than willing to re-visit the hydraulic issue. :shock: The bad part is they will not pre-send parts (MC & slave) to my dealer. The soonest I can drop off the bike is the 21st, so I guess I will be held hostage for a couple weeks while my dealer does his investigation, files claim, it gets approved, the parts arrive and then get installed. :pinch:

Wayne you were correct with your assumption, they thought it was a clutch wear issue. :?

Oh well, the re-flashed ECU and new exhaust will sit in the garge and wait to be installed :( :(

Tony and Vinny ..... are always helpful in these situations. :lol:

I'm glad they got the courtesy to look at the problem ... at the least!
draidt said:
Just curious, does your Dealer go by the initials of FBF

FBF ????????????? please explain.....

Maybe FBN (Fly by Night) :laugh: :laugh:

It's Steelhorse Classics in Williamsburg, VA the only dealer we have left in the state. They are not totally bad, they sell MV Gusta's & Urals as well as MG, probably sell 5 MV's to every 1 MG. I think they are in the top 5 in the US for MV sales. They have been a MG dealer since late 2007.

My biggest fault with the dealership is there best mechanic (who is a retired fireman and wrenched on race cars) doesn't ride, he has to rely on a 22 yr old squid to do the test riding and he really doesn't know how to ride a bike unless it's got 5000 hp and will go 0 to 100 mph in like 1.25 seconds.

He came back from a test ride one day and said the MV he was driving was pulling to the right real hard and he had been through the suspension 2 or 3 times and even checked the frame for straightness and couldn't find anything wrong.

I looked at the tires and told him to put the right amount of air in the tires and see if the problem disappeared, they were almost flat, he said I was crazy. I did and the owner took the bike out for a ride and came back with a smile on his face, he told the squid to pay attention to that old man when he spoke.

I told the squid to KISS (keep it simple stupid), stop looking so deep when the problem is staring him in the face. Needless to say the squid doesn't like me.