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Last gen Griso vs new gen Thruxton

Michael Boeglin

Tuned and Synch'ed
GT Contributor
Nov 3, 2017
Vancouver, WA
to me, the Griso is one of the most beautiful and well laid out motorcycles in terms of power, suspension and brakes. The latest Thruxton, however, seems to be giving it a run for its money. I don’t know if or when a new gen Griso will appear, or if we will be in for another five years of scramblers and baggers. Would love to hear what this group thinks.
The Griso was designed in 2002, and was first shown in 2003 (below) with the (then) well defunct 998cc 4V motor under Aprilia's direction (and then new ownership, which is pre-Piaggio of course.) Released in 2006 in Europe, and as a 2007 model in North America with the 2V 1100 motor, then to the 1200 8V motor in 2009. The power is suppressed, suspension mediocre and brakes tolerably standard (with no ABS option of course to those that it matters.) The 1200 8V motor met it's Euro emission lifespan demise. And for reasons only they know, they chose to invest in the antique tech small block instead of diverting funds to the big block. So the Griso production run technically ended at the ~12 year mark. Pretty stellar IMO.
All said, the Griso is a fun but overweight machine for what most consider a Ducati Monster competitor (and likely why they change hands often from what I've seen.) I’ve owned a total of five, two 1100s, and three 1200 8V. That said, many here have owned them since new and ridden them long distances. A sport-naked machine it is not. Which is a good segway to the Thruxton; I owned a Thruxton R for one year when it was first released, and plugged it into my RideMalibu.com rental fleet. It went out a (whopping) total of three times in that year. I loved the lines of it, but honestly it could have said almost any name on the tank under the UJM sun. Fun but ultimately pretty boring in the end (again IMO.)
I (unfortunately) do not see Guzzi bringing the Griso back to life. They have hinted to a throwback Le Mans. Time will tell I suppose... and until then, I'm building my own version of what I wish they would; www.GTMotoCycles.com

Ah, I loved the original prototype for the Griso. I was a little disappointed when they pulled the switcharoo with the motor. I have that motor in my 93 Daytona, and I love it, flaws and all.
My Griso was the first one sold in Maryland when it came to the states. I still have it, but it needs a new clutch right now. I have done a lot of miles on it, it is good at eating miles. It is sporty, but clearly not a sportbike. It is kinda like a power cruiser without excessive power. For me, I really like it but we also own 3 other Guzzi's. That is likely the only issue I have with it, if I only owned the Griso it would stand out better. But we own three other, older, Guzzi's. All three of them have more character than the Griso does. While the Griso works really well, and is always a fun bike to ride, it dosen't have the charm, the appeal, of the other Guzzi's. So it gets hind tit. But I don't think I will ever sell it.

Anyway, I don't see Guzzi releasing a new Griso style bike anytime soon. I wish that wasn't so. I would love to see a replacement for the Griso, or a new LeMans. But Guzzi seems to have found a different market segment where they can sell retro motorcycles and MUVs. It is easier to compete there, being technologically inferior doesn't hurt them in those markets. Heck, it is likely a selling point in the retro market.

Additionally, I think what Todd is doing is sweet. If I was buying a new Guzzi, the only options that appeal to me out there are what he is doing.
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to me there is no comparison..... GRiSO over Thruxton 10X a day, but that is MY preference. Many (obviously) feel otherwise. The GRiSO isn't as Todd says a 'naked' sports bike, but it is definitely a performance bike, and not a "Power Cruiser, but not a Touono or FZ1... BUt lets be honest ALL of those bikes bring more to the performance quotient than most riders will ever see on public roads. I had an original VMax and a Gen 2 FZi, and for me the GRiSO fits right between them. Comfortable, fast, nimble once you get the suspension dialed in, powerful, but not crazy, and loaded with what has to be called a 'thug' personality. I love my 4V 1100. Found it 3 years ago, and It completely revived and rejuvenated my 45 year old addiction. Fastest? NOPE, Most power? NOPE... Best Handing.... NOPE... Fuel economy, lightest, most comfortable, reliable? and the list goes on, NOPE, but there is NOTHING like a GRiSO and Guzzi it is a shame Guzzi turned away from the big block Sports oriented CARC line of Norge, Griso and Stelvio.... Will e interesting to see what spawns from this new 85 series. They need to be in the 100HP+ if they want to e taken serious in sporting circles. My $$ says they have ceded that territory to Aprilia, Guzzi is going classic.....

If youre considering one or the other, go with the GRiSO.... Character, Quality, Unique, Capable, intoxicating.
Well, an interesting discussion for me, as I actually own a standard 2017 Thruxton and a 2014 Griso (so I guess those ballpark Torque/power figures must suit my riding preferences and NZ conditions...). I love them both, mine are both awesome, have to keep them from each other's throats in the shed so no-one gets hurt. I'll write some impressions in a few days, just a bit under the hammer at work right now.
These are 2 sweet variations on a theme though: the bravo and the sweet, sharp, nimble British beast...

more soon... cheers, Pat
Ok, I will start by stating that I appreciate that I may be preaching to the converted here however, I thought I would provide a brief synopsis of my experience when trying to compare another bike of the same genre.

Whilst I have had many bikes over the years, I must say that I have a preference for V-twins, a preference for naked bikes and a preference for Italian bikes. That narrows things down greatly, and if you want something that will start every day and for which you can get parts easily, then this leaves you with Guzzi and Ducati.

These two brands have provided me with two of my favourite bikes. The Guzzi Griso 1200SE and the Ducati Monster 1200S.

So, I purchased a gorgeous 90th Anniversary Griso 1200SE a few years back. Then more recently I purchased a Monster 1200S. I owned both for some time, and can, therefore, comment with a little more weight than someone who has just ridden a test bike or taken one for a spin.

This little post then is engineered for anybody out there who was thinking about laying down their hard-earned cash for big, naked Italian.

There is no doubt that they both have their pros and cons. I won't go into great detail about each (I will leave all the tech stuff for the magazine writers), but I will say which bike I miss and would have again.

In a nutshell:

There is little doubt that the Monster is more powerful (the 1200S puts out 145bhp - and I had an aftermarket exhaust), compared to the Griso's 115bhp (plus aftermarket exhaust).

The Monster is faster in pure terms.

The Monster is more technically advanced with lots of wizardry and rider aids.

BUT, the Griso is powerful in its own right and has more user-friendly power.

The Griso is (in my hands) faster in the real world (not in a straight line or on the racetrack).

The Griso feels real.

Other bits:

The Griso depreciated by 15% when I sold it. The Monster depreciated by 30%.

The Ducati parts were significantly more expensive.

The Ducati requires a technician to do anything. The Griso lends itself to basic maintenance.

Ride on up to a bunch of bikes or the local cafe and the Griso gets the attention.

But above all else, it is the Griso that puts a smile on your dial every time you put a leg over it. So this week I purchased another one.
Ride on up to a bunch of bikes or the local cafe and the Griso gets the attention.

But above all else, it is the Griso that puts a smile on your dial every time you put a leg over it. So this week I purchased another one.

I have to agree. Three years after buying my 2016 Griso I still get that stupid looking grin on my face every time I throw a leg over, throttle up and move out. Its a bike with a unique feel that stirs the soul for sure.
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