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Leg Heat Fix?


Tuned and Synch'ed
Jul 23, 2010
Tucson, AZ, USA
Full disclosure: I do not own a Stelvio and have never ridden one. The Stelvio is however on a very short list of bikes that I am interested in for my next ride (likely purchase fall 2013).

I read a review in Motorcycle Consumer News recently which while overwhelmingly positive, mentioned one area of particular concern - especially for me being somewhat long-legged (35" inseam):

"Alas, the Stelvio has one very serious flaw in terms of ergonomics. The left cylinder is closer to the rider than the right—too close for a rider with long legs. With your knee against the cylinder cover, which has a plastic insulating jacket on its back side, the heat averages 150°F on a hot day, enough to make contact while riding in jeans uncomfortable. But, even worse, just beneath the cover, on either side of the intake port, the cylinder fins will run 200° or more, which is enough to cause blistered skin even through heavy riding pants. Shorter riders may not encounter this problem, but a taller rider will be obliged to find a fix—the heat is intolerable."

While heat is very subjective, I'm wondering if there isn't a simple fix? Something like this for instance: http://www.quickcar.net/index.php?crn=2 ... how_detail. I wonder how these would work if a pair where sewn into the lower leg just below the knee of my riding pants?
I do notice this but have managed without doing anything about it, usally wear leather with knee protection.

I was thinking that a small fabricated guard may work, simply to limit how close my knee would approach the engine, but so far I've been Ok, just reposition on the saddle if it gets a little warm or flick my knee out into the air stream.
It's ONLY subjectivity, which in the grand scheme of things, means nothing.

Don't care if some dudes in magazines/news (that are used to liquid cooled bikes anyways) said that it was happening.
Guzzi have been around for a while and it's never been an issue.
Also, the same guys testing those bike forget to maybe mention that an engine always put out more ambient heat during break in.
I have a Griso and it's more compact (ergo wise) than the Stelvio but I never really feel or pay attention to engine heat and I live in a hot environment.
It's a non issue for me...

FWIW, a good friend of mine bought a 09 Tuono and was complaining about her bike being hot at idle.
According to her, it's not doing it anymore now that the bike is broken in.
A properly fueled engine is a non issue. I have the same inseam and never notice the engine heat even in a pair of blue jeans. Even in slow moving traffic. The stock exhaust is bit hot when you get stuck in heavy traffic but there is an aftermarket guard from Stucci that helps quite a bit.
I've done over 100k miles on big Guzzi V-twins and NEVER burnt my legs. Others have done many more miles without the need for skin grafts. Sounds to me like that writer is just desperately searching for something to complain about.
I have over 8200 miles on my NTX now, the only time engine heat was bothersome was riding it home in traffic on the first day....first heat cycles and all.

It's a non issue, though if I lived in a hot humid climate and commuted in traffic a lot I might feel differently.

My advice is to blag a ride on someone's and get those impressions first hand, not from a magazine article.
Heat seems to be a very subjective issue - Had mine here in Hot/Humid Houston since the first week in June and most of the 4k miles have been over 95deg on the display

Seemed a little warm for the first 1k during break in when I wore jeans - although it was fine with armoured riding pants, although I can feel still feel a bit or warmth on the left side if riding in a cross wind going right to left thru the bike

Seems cooler as more miles pile on - overall really a non-issue to me and NO WORSE then the airhead BMW's on the same type of day
Just ran 200 miles in CA heat, max 99 degress. I have 35" inseam (6'-3") and I have never had a problem with heat or clearance to the cylinder, unlike the 1200gs where I slamed my shin every other time i dropped my boot to the ground.
I say do like u are programed to do: If things get hot, spread your legs!! :lol:
I think I'm around 36,000 miles on my 2009 Stelvio. I'm 6'3" tall. When does this heat problem show up?

I too get MCN, and generally like it. Not sure how they came up with this one.
Great feedback, everyone. Thanks! I'll start test riding bikes next summer and will gain some firsthand experience on this topic then. Again, heat is a subjective thing; some feel it more than others. I ride a big water-cooled bike now and sometimes under the right conditions (sitting in traffic chief among them), things can get down-right uncomfortable. I don't know... maybe my balls aren't big and hairy enough to ride a Guzzi..?! :whistle:

Wayne Orwig said:
I think I'm around 36,000 miles on my 2009 Stelvio. I'm 6'3" tall. When does this heat problem show up?

I too get MCN, and generally like it. Not sure how they came up with this one.

Same for me. Guzzis are the coolest bikes on your legs of all of them. Never have felt any heat off the Stelvio, and that includes 100 degF commutes.

I think that MCN was just looking for something to talk about. But ride it and try it, your mileage may vary.

Lannis said:
Wayne Orwig said:
I think I'm around 36,000 miles on my 2009 Stelvio. I'm 6'3" tall. When does this heat problem show up?

I too get MCN, and generally like it. Not sure how they came up with this one.

Same for me. Guzzis are the coolest bikes on your legs of all of them. Never have felt any heat off the Stelvio, and that includes 100 degF commutes.

I think that MCN was just looking for something to talk about. But ride it and try it, your mileage may vary.


Yep, I now have 32,000 kilometres on my 2009 Stelvio, ridden in all temperatures, and I have never noticed heat coming off the cylinders. Not even a bit. I think that sometimes motorcycle testers start getting imaginative if they can't find any real faults with a motorcycle. :D

pnguzzi said:
I say do like u are programed to do: If things get hot, spread your legs!! :lol:

This should apply to the fairer sex only. :D
But, seriously folks, take my....no. I mean I am inseam "challenged" with my left knee resting sometimes a couple of inches and sometimes an inch away from the head. In the flatlands when the temp was getting to the high nineties and wearing only the outer protective Olympia gear (mesh) I could feel the heat off the left but it was never unbearable. Any crosswind draws it away and with a strong left sided crosswind I could feel the right side heat a bit. But still not a lot.
Toadride said:
pnguzzi said:
I say do like u are programed to do: If things get hot, spread your legs!! :lol:

This should apply to the fairer sex only. :D
But, seriously folks, take my....no. I mean I am inseam "challenged" with my left knee resting sometimes a couple of inches and sometimes an inch away from the head. In the flatlands when the temp was getting to the high nineties and wearing only the outer protective Olympia gear (mesh) I could feel the heat off the left but it was never unbearable. Any crosswind draws it away and with a strong left sided crosswind I could feel the right side heat a bit. But still not a lot.

I do agree with that. I think you will feel the heat no Matter if you are 31 (myself) or 36 inseam and you will feel it no matter if your knee is 1 or 5 inches from cylinder. But I do not think you will get burned in jeans. I did not at temperatures up to 32C. Just move your knee away from the bike a bit to cool down.
I always ride in actual riding pants (mesh) in summer with knee pads installed. I never feel the heat even if my knees touch the jugs.
Riding pants certainly help me. And the left side, being closer, is usually the more noticable but if there is a crosswind, I notice it on the right.
I noticed a lot of heat when My bike had under 500 miles, in slow heavy, traffic, and with the temps above 90. Now the heat is hardly noticeable and even feels good when the weather is cooler.
StelvioGT said:
I always ride in actual riding pants (mesh) in summer with knee pads installed. I never feel the heat even if my knees touch the jugs.

And who here doesn't like touching jugs. :D

After riding my Griso through a Texas summer the heat is a nonissue.
In Northern Ontario (Canada) we would welcome any type of heat on our legs right about now.