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New (to me) V85 first ride


Just got it firing!
Aug 13, 2024
Fort Mill, South Carolina,United States
I bought a used 2022 V85 from an individual and went on my first ride with it yesterday. I noticed a couple of things that I didn't notice during my demo ride. The first is that over 60mph or so I get what I assume is a high frequency wind buffeting that affects my vision. I start getting almost double vision with distant objects. I'm looking at these wind deflectors to hopefully solve the problem; debyltech.com/products/mc100aa01/ The bike has a GIVI AF8203 Airflow windscreen installed. Does anyone have any additional insight?

The other thing I noticed was that the motorcycle seemed like it was "surging" slighting while I was maintaining a constant speed. I didn't really notice it while using cruise control so my first thought was that it may have been bumps and vibrations causing me to make slight variations in throttle input. The previous owner had the cat eliminator kit and Mistral boost module installed but removed and included them separately to return the bike to stock. My last, but maybe least likely, thought was bad gas or wrong octane. I haven't filled up yet. Should 87 octane be OK? The manual says E5 or E10 which I believe translates to 87.

Thanks very much in advance!
Welcome again. Per the scrolling paragraphs at the top of every page, most of your questions will be answered here using a search. It's near impossible to constantly talk about the same subjects over and over here. Many of us here make a living working on this brand, and a few here are retired and well-versed in all things Guzzi.
This isn't a horrific opinionated social media website. It's a real private FACTUAL Tech site. Try a search and spend a little time reading.
I specialize in fueling, as you'll see in this section. V-Boost is gimmick. US 91 octane is the MIN.
Try setting the ride mode to rain. In the road and sport modes, it is a bit sensitive. Same power, just a different delivery method. Also, if it it's an early 22 it might not have the latest map.