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New V7 Stone in OZ


Tuned and Synch'ed
Dec 28, 2008
Hi, anyone know if the new V7 Stone is available in white here in Oz ? Local dealer here is a great guy and has a good shop but not very knowledgeable on Guzzis.

I've been told late Feb-early March.

Doesn't mean anything though. I suggest you eviscerate a chicken and try reading its entrails for a more accurate answer :lol:

Don't you just love Voodoo! Pete, can you teach chicken evisceration to the great unwashed?
Hey Magoo/Glenn,

Sorry, I've only just seen this thread as I've been cutting down on my computer/forum time. Its all to do with reducing aggravation in my life. :lol: Tired of the thankless/clueless masses. :lol:

The Stones have been here since last year. Guzzibaz on the Qld forum has one. I've bumped into him a couple of times on the road and whilst not knowing exactly when he got it it was in December at least.

He got it from the new Guzzi shop in Caloundra. Not only did he buy it but it is a demonstrator that has been ridden by Chris Vemulen. (spelling?) His is a black one. He doesn't think there are any white ones here yet but unless you check the entrails who knows? :lol:

He traded his 750 Breva and Lario on it so if you are after a 8 valve thrill that have already been 'fixed' then you know where to look.

Hope your issues are on the improve.

Thanks for the responses chaps.

A few black stones around on the road around the GC and in Action motorcycles and Tony Armstrong's but if I sell the Breva I'll wait for a white one. The matte black doesn't appeal to me at all.

Some may think this sacrilege but I have this foible in that I also can't stand black wheels on bikes. If i do get a stone I'm planning on having the wheels redone in silver and will have the edges polished (very seventies but this is a retro styled bike after all). What say you all ??

My wife bought me some braces for Christmas but alas they are not red, I plan on rectifying that asap as I know a certain Bungendore mechanic would take the piss out of me if I showed up to a rally with WHITE braces HA :D