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Not Good. No wait, never mind - a blessing in disguise.


Cruisin' Guzzisti
GT di Razza Pura
Aug 29, 2009
Salem, OR
Riding my new V7 Stone home from the dealer last month I experienced a "juddering" sensation at speeds above 45/50 mph, kind of like riding over large washboard ridges. Rear tire/wheel or suspension issue?

Rear tire over-inflated, so I adjusted to spec.
Suspension felt VERY stiff, so I made the only adjustment I could - preload - full soft.
Test ride - same thing.
OK, there are no weights on the wheel, so maybe the damn tire wasn't balanced when it was mounted.
Removed the rear wheel/tire and had a local shop check it out - balance good, but he (shop owner that does the work) told me that he could see that the tire is out of round. WTF?

So I get all pissed off thinking about a warranty claim nightmare for the damn tire.
But I settle down and start thinking about what I really want in a tire - RADIALS! - not these price-point - bias-ply - made-in-Thailand Michelins.
So to the GuzziTech forums I go, and several good discussions lead me to decide on the Bridgestone T32. Same size in the rear, but the 110/80 - 18 in front. Quick plug for MotoSportDotCom - no charge for shipping and each tire arrived in its own box! Haven't experienced that before.

So far so good. Haven't ridden the newness off them yet, but they do feel different (better) than the stockers.

Anybody want to buy a Michelin Road Classic 100/90 - 18 with 154 miles on it? The rear tire is going to the dump!

And by the way, should I assume that same-size radials have the same inflation specs as bias-ply?
So to the GuzziTech forums I go, and several good discussions lead me to decide on the Bridgestone T32. Same size in the rear, but the 110/80 - 18 in front. So far so good. Haven't ridden the newness off them yet, but they do feel different (better) than the stockers.
And by the way, should I assume that same-size radials have the same inflation specs as bias-ply?
Disappointing OE QC on the tire, but not at all surprising.
You may have went opposite of what's needed on the suspension. The V7/9 Series are HORRIFICALLY under-sprung and too softly valved for most average adult riders; I've said this hundreds of times here. SET THE SAG PROPERLY! ;)
Tires: Wait until you get some miles on them. Yes, same tire pressures as stock tires.