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NTX Tail Light Trouble


Just got it firing!
Oct 17, 2012
Peoria, AZ
I'm brand new to this forum and forums in general so please be kind! I'm lucky enough :p to have a new 2012 NTX and just discovered the tail light assembly is malfunctioning. There are certain LEDs that ramdomly work while others work all the time. Both running and brake lights are affected. I haven't been able to find much information on what the problem might be or any solutions. I've contacted the dealer about the problem but have not heard back yet. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This sounds like an internal problem with the tail light. This should be a warranty issue, that is the dealer will need to file a warranty claim then replace the tail light assembly.
john zibell said:
This sounds like an internal problem with the tail light. This should be a warranty issue, that is the dealer will need to file a warranty claim then replace the tail light assembly.
Thanks John. I figured it would be a warranty issue but was surprised there were no other discussions. I guess that is a good thing and means the problem is a small one. Now I'll just have to wait for the warranty claim and hope it doesn't quit all together before then.
The internal circuitry in the tail light assembly is not what I would call user serviceable. In my opinion, any tail light problem would require replacement, warranty or not.
I am having the same issue with mine. It fires up fine, but some time during the ride some LEDs just stop working. I posted about it in another thread about my headlights. I am kind of hoping that it will resolve itself during break in, but will have it warrantied at the first service if not.
alxpwl said:
I am having the same issue with mine. It fires up fine, but some time during the ride some LEDs just stop working. I posted about it in another thread about my headlights. I am kind of hoping that it will resolve itself during break in, but will have it warrantied at the first service if not.
Hey alxpwl...what is the issue with your headlights? I haven't noticed any issue with mine.
I think I had a loose relay, because the headlights and fog lights would not come on.Then after a lot of fiddling and a ride they came back on while going down the freeway. I'm really going that both issues are just new bike gremlins, and will eventually disappear.
alxpwl said:
I think I had a loose relay, because the headlights and fog lights would not come on.Then after a lot of fiddling and a ride they came back on while going down the freeway. I'm really going that both issues are just new bike gremlins, and will eventually disappear.

Relays don't really get "loose". There may be a loose wire and if that is the case will most likely come back.

This is starting to sound vaguely familiar. May want to check the aux lights for a short. Open up the rubber cap and take a look at the wires. If you see any rub spots in the wire disconnect them before they leave you stranded. They will eventually blow the fuse and knock out your lights and generator. Fits with your symptom of the missing LED's, not enough voltage getting to the LED controller (possibly???)

As a quick check, just turn your fog (aux) lights off and see if your problem goes away. If it does, disconnect the lights or repair them. Few members have managed to repair the wires and get them to work. I finally gave up and disconnected them and sourced new ones. IMHO, eventually they will bite you in the a$$..... :angry:
I had the same problem with my tail light the dealer noticed it on the PDI and ordered a new unit took about 2 weeks to arrive LEDs connot be changed individualy. Looks like poor quality control back at the Italian suppliers.
Not enough voltage sounds right, so I checked the fog lights before riding yesterday. The wires looked fine and when running didn't seem to effect the LEDs, when switched. I stopped during the ride and checked again. With out the bike tuning the LEDs started faltering, but as soon as I fired it up the started working fine. Now that I can make it happen the dealer will get to see it too.
Well...my dealer just turned in a warranty claim and ordered a new assembly. I hope the new one works better. My voltage is running between 14.0 and 14.2 while riding and as low as 13.9 at idle with aux. lights on too. Voltage seems fine unless the LEDs are designed for higher voltage. That wouldn't seem right though. Time will tell...
Sounds like you got the right solution. Most likely defective lights, but do keep an eye on the aux light wires. They will catch you when you least expect it......like night time and all your lights go out.
Got my new warrantied taillight installed this past weekend. So far, so good! I hope this one holds out. Anyway, it's a great excuse to make the 2+ hour ride to Prescott, AZ to visit Matt and John at "Encore Performance and Fabrication" or "Powersports Outlet" as they're called now.