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NYED-NYD Ride '10?

Love those videos....got 'em all in my MP3 player....just the thing for taking a ride at work!!
I'm good for either day. Just remember that, if there's weather comparable to this past weekend's, ACH may be closed. Hope it isn't, but it could be...
Fun Tim, so Mike, you in for one or both or ?

I'm figuring the Crest could be closed at a moment's notice, so I'm loose on that front. NYD could be good for a San D run if any one is interested. Sound off below.
Todd, I have a better chance of getting the WHOLE day off NYED, as I'm pretty sure the wife's planning on getting the kids over here for dinner on NYD. Wherever a ride goes, I'm in; if it's NYD, I'll probably have to cut my ride shorter.
Unless it gets a whole lot warmer, ice way too likely on Crest at the usual spots just below Newcomb's for me to want to go up there. Either day as long as it is weather/altitude appropriate.
Think Positive.

Meet at Burger Continental and up the Crest at 10 with the Nortons (and Mohawkeye)? Works for me, unless, of course, two or more would rather do something else...
Out for today, but will check back in tonight for tomorrow... and the thread on BJ for Saturday.
I think I'm out too-- need to get ready for the weekend with Owen. Happy New Year everyone, if I don't see you at the memorial service.
Family thing came up, may or may not get out later, guess I'm on my own. I'll be looking for a report on how the Crest is.
Bob, the Crest was fine (just a couple of wet spots in the Shadies, and that's it!). There was a work crew on Upper Big T, just down the hill from the ACH intersection, and a bit of dirt in that area. When I went up (around 9:45am) I had my electric gear on medium-low, and on the way back (just after noon, and down Upper Big T to AFH to ACH) to Lucky Baldwin's in Old Town, it was warm enough to keep the heat turned off. Of course, some of the Norton clubsters look as though they ride only this ride and the Hansen Dam ride, so it was prudent to give them a wide berth (or pass'em quickly).

It was a nice turnout - maybe 150 or so. My friend Tom brought his 1912 Excelsior 500 single to Burger Continental (it doesn't make it up the hill, so he went back home). And I saw a very pretty red Lario, a Quota, and a V7 Sport (maybe stmike's?). I also saw BobberBill; would've been nice to see you, Wallis - maybe tomorrow? There's also a rumor going around that the doc who owns Newcomb's *may* close up until spring to save overhead, but, so far it's just a rumor. Newcomb's still has a short menu, but maybe the turnout today will help make a difference.
Ditto what Mohawkeye said about the nice turnout - mostly Britbikes there, Triumphs, Nortons and a few oddballs (a 1928 BSA, a 1935 Triumph and an old Parilla were standouts in my view, although they left early). I don't usually go on the NOC rides, as there have been instances in the past of some of these bikes literally spewing oil onto the road and whatever else is around them while riding, so I play it safe and just go riding with those bikes that I know not to be incontinent. That Excelsior was brilliant - IIRC, I saw Jay Leno trying it out at Hanson Dam, but having some difficulty keeping it going. But I saw your friend go by my house on his way home. Good for him for not trucking it over. Sorry we didn't get to meet, Mohawk.
Bob, of the two choices, I'd prefer late morning. I told my younger son that we'd go to Guitar Center Pasadena sometime tomorrow afternoon (I doubt he'll be awake before noon). Also, I need to replace the front brake rollers on my Beemer, which takes only an hour or so (but you never know... :eek: )

Stmike, I wish I could've met you also. You may have seen me - I wear a gray kevlar 2-piece with a reflective stripe on the back & arms, and have a bright silver "halo." Nice-looking V7 Sport, BTW.
Well, I did see your cafe sport there - always one of my favorite new guzzi's! A friend took a lot of photos, and I hope he doesn't mind that I'm posting a link to them here for anyone who's interested.

mohawkeye said:
Bob, of the two choices, I'd prefer late morning. .

Don't think I'll be up all that late tonight, so that should work. Tell ya what Mike, if you don't hear from me by 10AM, feel free to call me on the land line, 818-843-6895. If I'm not up by then, I should be anyway. And just to be clear, absolutely no ice on the road as far up as Newcomb's, including the usual spots in shady turns just below Newcomb's, right?

Be good to see you/ride with you, been a while.