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starting a family


Tuned and Synch'ed
Dec 2, 2008
I'm curious about this... how many of you got rid of the bike when you started a family? Did you pick it back up as a hobby later in life? I have a nervous wife... :)
Stopped riding for several years when we first came back to Oz in '87 but that was because we were poor as dirt and had two yound kids who sucked up the money. Having kids wouldn't of stopped me but it did make me a lot less cavalier about how and when I rode when I could afford to register a bike again.

My wife and I are having our baby first in 2 weeks!

She hasn't made me sell the Griso or my Husqvarna Supermoto project bike yet. Sb he isn't slightly interested in riding on the back of a bike but hasn't made me get rid of them yet.
I rode bikes (BMW /5s) from 1972 to 1985 and then quit for some years. I got back into it in 2000 with a K75S then a K75RT and now an '07 Norge.

My wife enjoys a scenic ride on the Eldo on occasion and has been on many bike related missions in the car. When we learned we were going to become parents I sold my '04 V11 Sport - not because I was short of cash but because I wouldn't have any time to ride it. I kept the Eldo and now that the boys are older I replaced the Sport with a G12.

Did I mention I had twins?


Nope, didn't sell any bikes, didn't stop riding-either when she did, or when the kids came along. As for the wife trying to "make" me stop-neither one of us regards either of us as the boss of the other. As it should be, in my opinion.
Once I found a bike for my ex boss whose two daughters became old enough for him to ride regularly again that was bought by another guy who just became a father and stopped riding.

A Japanese biker married to a french lady living in Tokyo told me that his wife made him stop riding.
The same went for his Japanese best friend married to a Japanese lady.
They (almost) all are the same...
Interesting thread. I was without a motorcycle while attending university. We had no kids then, but I couldn't afford a bike at that time. I got back into it when our first son was two years old, and have had motorcycles continuously thereafter. We have three sons, the eldest now being 28 and the youngest 22. The nice thing is, as the boys got older, my wife started riding with me more frequently as a passenger, and we now enjoy long trips together.


Wife's been a pillion rider since before I knew her (and we've been married for 2 weeks less than 43 years :!: ), so this was never an issue. While we lived abroad, we couldn't afford our own transportation and public transport was well-developed. When we moved back to SoCal a used 2-wheeler was cheaper than a second car, so she & the kids got the car and I got the bike.

BTW, she started riding pillion with her first love, Swede Savage, who was racing dirt bikes in the early '60s, then road racing later, and eventually to Indy cars (some of you may remember his crash in 1973).
When we got married, I didn't have a car.. <shrug> I've always had a motorcycle since leaving home. The old man wouldn't let me be near them or airplanes. "All them's good for is to getcha killed, boy.." :shock:
Maybe some day, one of them will.. :cool:
So. She knew the job was dangerous when she took it.
Thanks, seems like economics had a lot more to do with people riding early in family life than wive's nervousness :)

That being said, I used to feel rich... enough so to buy a fancy Italian bike... now not so much :)
Children are the most important thing you will ever do in your life. My wife and I were more than willing to give up some of our luxuries to have and raise our children. We bought a travel trailer and have travelled all over with it and have seen lots of interesting stuff. When the kids got older we let them map out the holidays, lots of good times. I bought a 99 Buell s3t and got back into it once the kids were in their late teens. Age and children do give you a different perspective so its probably a good thing I didn't have a bike for a while, maybe stopped me from doing crazy motorcycle things. Now its one roadie a year and lots of day trips.
I rode before I had a car and stopped riding 10 years later after 2 kids 18 months apart .. moved onto cars - the only pressure was financial, I could no longer afford/justify both. My Breva was my first bike after my 18 year sabatical.

Here in the UK only scooters and real small bikes make economic fuelsaving sense compared to small cars because of the cost of fuel. My car is a small diesel and is cheap as chips to run averaging around 55-60mpg (high 40s in US gallons) so there is no saving in using my bike for boring 60mile commuter runs in unrealiable English weather and I use it just for the fun runs.

My advice is don't give up the bike unless you have too .. just take out more insurance :eek:hmy:

Hi Dloftus,

First, cjlewis610, congrats with your family.
Nearly one month young now. Everything going oké?

I never had any kids (as far as I know... no, just kidding...). I'm 52 now and married just 5 years ago.
My wife has 4 very nice kids (grown up now), from her first marriage.
My youth was going on for a very, very long time... :lol:
But my friends, others bikers of my motorclub, the most got married quite young and had kids.
I'm with my bikeclub for nearly 34 years :side: !!
The only way our bikeclub servived was the fact that the wives of my fellow bikers, were bikers or bikerfan themselves.
Many of my friends went driving a sidecar. The only way to let the whole family enjoy biking and bikeclub.
It is awesome to see a good friend and family driving with a big Fisher-Price playcar at the back of the side car... :D
At some clubweekends we had, we were with nearly 70 adults and 24 kids, the kids vary from 2 to 14 years young...
We had a great time and lots, lots of fun :silly: !!
Now several of those kids are grown up, living together with a girlfriend and are driving motorbike (solo and side car) with our bikeclub.
I have a wonderfull life and my history is like magic...
And is still going on... :mrgreen:

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Thanks everyone for the kind words!

Mom and baby are doing well and we are trying to get some kind of routine. Just need to get some kind of schedule going.