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Stelvio NTX valve noise?


Just got it firing!
GT di Razza Pura
Sep 13, 2022
Reaction score
Hello Everyone.

I am new to Moto Guzzi's, i purchased a rollerized (as far as i know because the numbers dont match but it has roller tappets) 2012 stelvio ntx abs, the issue is that the left cylinder has a ticking noise, at first i suspected it was the valve clearances and i adjusted them as per the tutorial here, but the noise remains.

The right cylinder doesnt have this noise, at least not that noticeable.

Here is a video maybe someone can help me understand it, maybe its normal for guzzi's to sound like this?

Thanks in advance.

I believe that you adjusted the valves incorrectly.

That is a totally synchronous sound and I hear the excessive clearance.

Please tell me how you performed the valve adjustment.

How did you determine TDC on that side before beginning the adjustment?

So, give us a brief rundown of what you did so we can help you.



You’ve made a mistake I’m almost certain.

Lastly: I would not recommend to rev an engine making a mechanical noise like that. Not the most intelligent thing to do.
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Thank you for the replies.

Im not sure how to check the tensioner, but will research.

At first i thought the same, but then i realized it sounded exactly the same as when i picked up the bike.
But then we could have messed up myself and the shop mechanic.

Steps i followed
1. Center stand
2. Remove sparkplugs
3. Removed crankcase boot and used a 24mm socket to turn the engine
4. Used the straw method to find tdc on left cyl
5. In TDC used .8 EXH and .6 INT for the clearances
6. Did each one, tightened everything and rechecked to see if did not move.
7. Repeat process for the other cyl.

By straw method i mean putting a straw in the sparkplug hole and rotate the engine until its at the top, the valves are closed and you can "move a little" the rockers.

Mind you that it sounded like this since i picked it up, i was only trying to "fix" it by setting the clearances back to what they should be and see if that fixed the problem.
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Thank you for the detailed reply! This makes it an easy task now...

There are 2 points where the piston will be at the top in a 4 stroke engine.

It is critical that you are at TDC on the COMPRESSION stroke.

You need to watch the intake valve open and then follow the straw method until the piston reaches the TDC point.

Then, you do the same exact thing on the opposite side. You watch for the intake valve to open and then follow the straw method to TDC.

That being said...I hope you did it this way. I've written this for others who may follow this thread for information.


Photo on 3-10-22 at 10.54 AM.jpg

Your valve clearance values are dead wrong and as I suspected, are the root cause of your excessive valve noise...

Your intake gap is 50% oversized and your exhaust gap is 33% oversized.

Screen Shot 2022-10-12 at 12.45.37 PM.png
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Thank you, Scott,
I have redone the procedure carefully and with these new clearances, still the noise persists.
Using a long screwdriver as stethoscope I kind of located the noise to this area show here:


Both of those screws (marked with the red arrow) give more of the noise than other parts using the "stethoscope"
The valve train will never be "quiet" in the 8V engines. They make a fair bit of racket.

The screws you point to are two very different locations. The top screw on the valve cover, rests over the rocker area. The other one, on the camshaft area. You may have a tensioner issue as John Zibell suggested.

Another video would be helpful if you can. If it is making a lot of racket, please don't rev it.

Screen Shot 2022-10-12 at 5.26.08 PM.webp
Sounds about right.

Here is another video of the issue with the new clearances in place.

Hello everyone, quick update:

Sent the bike to the mechanic for disassembly, I will post the results after diagnosis, hopefully its nothing that expensive.
Have you got any update on this, I think mine has similar noise, just wondering if it is not healthy?
Have you got any update on this, I think mine has similar noise, just wondering if it is not healthy?
Not yet, it is currently being diagnosed.


I will post the information as soon as it becomes available.

Since it's not easy for me to get the parts, we are going to rebuild the second pan gasket (the one that has the oil galleries), and hopefully the tensioner is misbehaving because its loosing oil pressure there. (I read some similar threads here about that gasket causing problems with tensioners)
We have not found the culprit yet, it was not the gasket, although it was torn, fixing it did not remove the noise.
We are looking into the tensioner, chain and chain guides but for that we have to disassemble the head.

Will update whenever I have more information.
I'm sorry for not updating this as much.

Nothing fixed the issue, I'm going to have to change everything on that cylinder, tensioner, guides, even the rockers have what appear excessive play, so they have to go too.

But for now, the Stelvio is parked, it's getting expensive, and I just don't have right now neither the will nor power to mess with it.

Will update as soon as it gets moving.
Did you drain the oil and look for evidence of things coming apart?
I would guess something would make a mess...
Hello everyone, sorry for my delay. bike is still in pieces.
The shop i sent it to work on it, disassembled it and messed it up badly, i just got it back 3 days ago.

LH cyl doesnt fire now, only the RH (LH never gets hot, and bike has 0 power)

a friend and I, are now in the process of taking it apart, see what they messed up and try to fix it.


I have sent the head to a machining shop to seat the valves, they we leaking (gasoline test).

Will keep you posted.

I sent my bike to a mechanic for valvetrain noises, and now the left cylinder doesnt work anymore.
I have been following your saga because my Stelvio left cylinder makes similar ticikin noise, now I just bumped a post in an other forum, might this phenomenom origins the lack of proper lubrication caused failed flange gasket(oil pan), this might too late for you though....
I will give a try , a set of gasket are on the way(GU01003651 + GU01003651 ), I will post if replacing them solved the problem.
I have been following your saga because my Stelvio left cylinder makes similar ticikin noise, now I just bumped a post in an other forum, might this phenomenom origins the lack of proper lubrication caused failed flange gasket(oil pan), this might too late for you though....
I will give a try , a set of gasket are on the way(GU01003651 + GU01003651 ), I will post if replacing them solved the problem.
Thanks, that was the first thing we tried, although we made the gasket from scratch and did not use the OEM ones because they are just not available here.

My stelvio is still in parts in my garage, i have not found a mechanic willing to put it back together.
I am actually considering parting it out just to recoup some of the money i have spent on it.
My stelvio is still in parts in my garage, i have not found a mechanic willing to put it back together.
I am actually considering parting it out just to recoup some of the money i have spent on it.
Sorry to hear that. Did you take it to an authorized dealer mechanic, or just a general motorcycle shop? From what you have said, my guess is the valve timing is incorrect. It can be a bear to get it correct on these 4 valve heads.
Thanks, that was the first thing we tried, although we made the gasket from scratch and did not use the OEM ones because they are just not available here.

My stelvio is still in parts in my garage, i have not found a mechanic willing to put it back together.
I am actually considering parting it out just to recoup some of the money i have spent on it.
that is sad, anyway I will keep posting here might someone with similar issue will find useful. yesterday I have checked the left cylinder head , found oil residue at the head gasket, sounds like these gaskets should be replaced too.... I have degreased the cylinder head to make it sure, if it will be proven Stelvio goes to authorized dealer.... :(