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strange happenings... again


Just got it firing!
Aug 7, 2023
Reaction score
hi all,
my 2016 stelvio is playing up again.
it first happened shortly after i bought the bike ,last year. it began to misfire ,more of an occasional miss and would run rich.the exhaust tailpipe was blackend. i changed the ht's , new plugs and plug caps which made no difference. eventually i balanced the throttle bodies and reset the tps and the bike ran really nice afterwords. so far so good.
the bike has run ok untill this weekend. ihave just had a trip to the north of ireland. 200miles to the ferry,50 further to the campsite....no probs.
on a run out ,moving off from stationary,the bike started to judder and shake,like it was barely running on one cylinder...coughed and died. immediate key off and restart....nope .it turned over but wouldnt fire. left it for 1 minute and it started ok. ever since then it appears to have gone back to running rich ,the occasional missfire at idle...this doesnt happen if i close the throttle slowly and dont plip the throttle . also on the run back home the engine ran really rough ,like it was miles out of balance almost felt like the big ends going ...it cant be cos i dont think it would have got me home ,300 miles,and there is no knocking noises or debris in the oil.
im going to balance the throttle bodies and reset the tps again to see if that makes a difference...spoiling a really nice bike at the moment.
anybody have any ideas ?
Insufficient information.


Aftermarket anything?

Items spliced into the wiring loom?

Fuel filter changed out?
not a clue....i havnt done it.

just reset valve clearances. ever so slightly tight so now back to 0.15 and 0.20

started engine and started ok then started to miss slightly then revved it and it started to judder and stall.
Yesterday, after a service (plugs, valve clearance, air and oil filter, engine oil, transmission and rear drive lube change), it started to stutter, but I noticed this was on a low tank of gas, and that it got better when the tank was full. So, after noticing that there would be water around the inside of the gas cap after riding in the rain, I took apart the gas cap and cleaned the whole thing, then took off the rear tank cover, and noticed that the vent opening was plugged with "crap', so cleaned out both metal pieces and then took out the pump and filter, and drained the tank, and there was significant water in with the gas. After emptying out the last drop with a little pump, I let it dry out and then put new gas from a new container, and it runs so much better now...who thought water in gas was a problem!...obviously not me! Also great kudos to Todd for the GTM tool allowing me to reset the tps after servicing. Also in the past, I have replaced the positioning of the vent lines as they can get caught behind the tank as well as building new fuel lines as I found that the original MG lines can kink if a ham handed mechanic gets his grubby mitts on them...that would be me!
Something to try if you've looked at other more obvious things.
1. I was going to also suggest water in the tank. Something worth checking.

2. Also, if you have never changed the fuel filter, at 8 years this is way overdue.

3. A TPS reset is warranted. Be sure to rotate the throttle fully until it stops, and then release all at once so that it snaps shut fully and you hear the loud “click” of it striking the throttle stop plate. Do this 3 x before resetting the TPS.

You can get the part you need in the STORE. I believe GTM sells both the OEM and a full metal replacement. It is best to send him a message via the CONTACT page within the STORE, to double check with any questions you may have BEFORE ordering. If you do this, you will be set up right as rain.

4. Also, I know you said you serviced the bike but I never assume the abilities of anybody here.

Please take a careful look at this and verify that you did not make any errors in your work. Also, there is valuable information contained within the lengthy how to article.

Pay special attention to the fact that only 1 side do you open the air bleed screw, while the other is closed completely. I have found this part messed up on every motorcycle that ever came into my hands at my workshop. It will cause erratic running as well.

changed fuel filter,checked valve clearances,balanced throttle bodies at 3500revs and idle, reset tps.
definatly smoother but pops and bangs when shutting throttle. one plug looked darker than the other.
My points are likely not your issue but it wouldn't hurt to check. Confirm your airbox doesn't have any holes in it from original casting. check for oil in airbox. Confirm that air filter is fresh. Clean the stepper motor and throttle bodies. It would be worth emptying the tank to ensure no water is in it.
changed fuel filter,checked valve clearances,balanced throttle bodies at 3500revs and idle, reset tps.
definatly smoother but pops and bangs when shutting throttle. one plug looked darker than the other.

Stock or aftermarket pipe?

The popping occurs even with a stock pipe but it is usually significantly muted by the stock can. Most people really notice it when they change out the canister to an aftermarket one.

Try rolling the throttle off instead of allowing it to snap back. You will find the ECU is better at decreasing the fuel delivery this way and the pops significantly decrease.

For truly exceptional fuel control and the elimination of almost all of this type behavior, please check out the PowerCommander 6 and Autotune fueling solution for your model in the STORE tab.

I have had it on my Stelvio for 10 years now and it has truly been exceptional.

you may have something there....it has a mistral pipe fitted with a db killer fitted. i did also find rolling off the throttle ,being smoother,did effect the fueling.
you may have something there....it has a mistral pipe fitted with a db killer fitted. i did also find rolling off the throttle ,being smoother,did effect the fueling.

Not as dumb as some think, not as smart as some wish.

The reason “rolling” off the throttle is smoother than letting the throttle snap closed abruptly, is because you are walking the fueling down gradually instead of an abrupt shutoff which changes the fuel:air mixture instantly causing a condition in the pipe which ignites the unburnt fuel in the exhaust pipe, hence the popping sounds.

Your bike will make those popping sounds forever and they will be very noticeable with the Mistral pipe with the DB killer installed.

It will be positively obnoxious with the DB killer removed!

The giant and heavy stock exhaust would muffle those way down to where you would not notice them but you more than likely don’t have the original exhaust any longer.



So, it is what it is unless you do what I and many others have done…

If you want a perfect running Stelvio with the sharpest and smoothest running engine ever, then you simply get this and install it yourself, it isn’t difficult at all. It will hands down be the best $1,430 USD you will ever spend. Guaranteed.

I have run this system for over 10 years now and I have the absolute best running Stelvio in the world. The fueling is PERFECT. Absolutely perfect.

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Have a look at the cam sensor

My B1100 took to cutting out at idle

The sensor didn't seem out of wack when checked with a meter

However it was swollen up and the problem went away when replaced.

Make sure that you don't lose the shim if there is one fitted