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Stucchi crashbars for the Norge?


GT Reference
Oct 28, 2008
Crashing a Norge and having to change a fairing is a rather costly affaire, as I'm finding out, hence a renewed interest in crash-bars. I seem to recall discussing the Stucchi crashbars for the Norge on here, but can't find a dedicated thread, so I'm opening one.

Online sales point: http://www.stucchiluigi.it/eng/scheda.asp?Cod=PRR979914
A pair of more detailed pictures: http://www.stucchiluigi.it/eng/articolo.asp?ID=19

Looking at the pictures, I'm left with a couple of questions.

* How/where are the bars fixed on the front of the engine? And how likely are those fixation points to get damaged in case of a spill/crash?!
* Do the extend sufficiently to protect the nose fairing in case of a tip-over?
* How much will they withstand when the tip-over does not occur at stand-still?
* Will the "knee bumpers" still fit and/or will those bars get very uncomfortable for long-legged riders like me?

Anyone on here who has mounted them?
I am interested as well - from the detailed pics, it does not look like they are connected to the front of the engine at all - which would seem to render them semi-useless as crash bars - but what do I know.

I hope the person who was buying them has installed already and will post some good detailed pics - especially of the front mounting points.
A friend on a French forum contacted Stucchi, and according to what he transmitted of the replies, the bars are fixed to the frame, with an additional brace. Oil checking should be possible if you have the newer lower fairing with the access hole — which I don't.

Guess one of us should do the same, and contact Stucchi...
Here's an alternative. I think they're the same front bars I've seen in person (undoubtedly highly effective but butt-ugly).
Can't remember having seen the pannier protectors, though ... me wants!

The Bars have grown on me since I first saw the pictures. Seeing them them on a Red (Faster) Norge on the Stucchi site
and Rene's unfortunate low speed go down and the resulting damage, sold me on them. So yesterday
I called a Dealer who I knew had a set in stock, OOPs 1/2 day late, he shipped them out in the morning to someone else in the US. $375.00 US plus shipping. I'll find out tomorrow when they will get one in. The dealer , who I respect a lot says he was skeptical on the looks until he fitted one and "It makes the bike look tough"
Brian, I doubt that, actually. Those panniers cost over 400€ a piece (or 630€ for the kit).

As another example, the handlebar tubes cost something like 26€. The little bit of plastic that goes around and that has the starter/kill and the warning switches costs around 100€.

draidt: pics please? ;)
RJVB wrote:
Brian, I doubt that, actually. Those panniers cost over 400€ a piece (or 630€ for the kit).

As another example, the handlebar tubes cost something like 26€. The little bit of plastic that goes around and that has the starter/kill and the warning switches costs around 100€.
As someone said to me recently, is it Guzzi or Gucci?
A too easy pun ;) Our bikes got style with function, not meant for posing ... can't be Gucci ;)

I think you'd find that plastic costs more than metal with most if not all marques :-/
I just got a reply from Stucchi with a bit more information:

Lisa from the Stucchi Team
We inform you that this kit can assure protection in case of crash for the 20% more than the weight of the bike itself.
We have a customer that had a crash at 130 Km/h and ruined only the crashbars and had little damage to the bike. (photograph attached can demonstrate how our crashbar kit resisted to the impact)

Bars to protect the panniers (as on California) are not available at the moment for Norge models but we think until the end of this year to project them and have availability.
As soon as it'll be possible we'll put in the News Area of our website photograph, reference and relative price.

The image of the crashed crash bar mostly shows a scraped bar...

Fitting instructions:
Ah - the light comes on. So the front piece of the crash bar connects to the front engine mounts, and then each side pice connects to the head and the front piece - making it simple to remove the side pieces for maintenance and providing solid connections at the front and back for the bars.

Should work as well as the standard head gaurds for the naked Guzzis and provide some needed protection for the tupperware. I think I shall have to check MI and see what they cost.
I see someone figured out how they attach. We covered this pretty well on the Wildguzzi board. I have a set on the living room floor at present, and in that discussion, I provided pics of the pieces and how they attach to the bike, and connect together. Since the silver powdercoat nearly matches the Norge silver, I don't expect them to be too noticible on my bike. They should be on prior to Luaps rally in May. Yes, I plan on taking the Norge.

Zoom Zoom,
John Henry
RJVB wrote:
Can't remember having seen the pannier protectors, though ... me wants!

I was told these bars were unavailable to the public. Ivar was trying to obtain a set for me when the others became available. Also, there would involve making holes in the side panels. I like that the Stucchi bars don't involve making holes. I don't generally like doing things that cannot be undone, like making holes in bodywork in this case.

Zoom Zoom,
John Henry

edit: Sorry, this was supposed to be attached to the post with the police bars pic.
Hey; John Henry when do you plan on installing the bars ? Would like a blow by blow description if you run into problems, uh situations. Plan on doing mine the same time I do the forks.


Dan, I plan on doing them soon. Now that the weather is improving, (no heat in garage), I'll be doing them soon. Near as I can tell, I'll need to remove the belly pan and put a jack under the engine, since both front bolts need to be removed at the same time. What I don't know, is if I'll be able to get to those bolts without removing additional body work. I will certainly post my findings when the time comes.

You doing Virginia this year?

Zoom Zoom,
John Henry