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Times they are a Changing…


GT Reference
GT di Razza Pura
Jun 13, 2020
Eastern Ontario - Western Quebec
Tuesday I got the call , «You’re last work day is Friday » , but you’ll be on the payroll until November ( per WARN )
Yeeee Hawwww !
We were planing on retiring in December or Jan, but Hey I’ll take it !
No more waiting till the end of day to sneak off a bit early to go for a ride !

I think I’ll have enough to keep me busy, but maybe I’ll have to buy another a bike or two as make work projects :rofl:
Won't do any good. You STILL won't have enough time to get done half the stuff you think you should get done..... I don't know how it happens but trust me.....
lol, well there a bunch thing you « Could » do, want to do and need to do…
I’m sure there may be some that I’ll just never get around to :wasntme: Just lucky I guess
I keep on thinking that when I'll retire I'll have all the time in the world and all I'll be doing is riding and tinkering in my shop. Based on some stories looks like I aint gonna have any extra time... LOL
Tuesday I got the call , «You’re last work day is Friday » , but you’ll be on the payroll until November ( per WARN )
Yeeee Hawwww !
We were planing on retiring in December or Jan, but Hey I’ll take it !
No more waiting till the end of day to sneak off a bit early to go for a ride !

I think I’ll have enough to keep me busy, but maybe I’ll have to buy another a bike or two as make work projects :rofl:

Enjoy your retirement.
Before I retired and had to carefully schedule Guzzi and other bike rallies, I often thought that I might just pack several weeks worth of stuff, hit the road, and ride from rally to rally, two or three or four consecutive weeks.

But when it came to reality, I just don't like being on the road by myself that long. With my wife, certainly - we've done month long road trips. With my mates, certainly - wherever we want to go, I'm in.

But I like being at home, too!
