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To Adjust Valves or Wait?


Just got it firing!
May 10, 2024
Peru, Indiana, United States of America (the)
I just bought a '23 V85TT Guardia d'Onore and only have 520 miles on it. In six days I am leaving for a 3k+ mile trip and thus the dilema...should I adjust the valves now prior to my trip or wait till I return. I am doing an oil and filter change tomorrow. I really prefer not to do mechanical work on the road. I know the 1st service at 900 miles call for the valve adjustment (also understand to protect the warranty issues). I believe I know the answer (do it now) but interested in the experts thoughts. Many thanks in advance!
I just bought a '23 V85TT Guardia d'Onore and only have 520 miles on it. In six days I am leaving for a 3k+ mile trip and thus the dilema...should I adjust the valves now prior to my trip or wait till I return. I am doing an oil and filter change tomorrow. I really prefer not to do mechanical work on the road. I know the 1st service at 900 miles call for the valve adjustment (also understand to protect the warranty issues). I believe I know the answer (do it now) but interested in the experts thoughts. Many thanks in advance!
As GTM said, do it now, plus I'd do an oil and filter change before you go.
Thanks to all for confirming what I thought! Just seems weird to me to adjust them so soon given the sound of the motor.
You are new here, so understand that you're asking mostly highly experienced (and many Pros, as noted on the scrolling paragraphs top of every page) that have been around these bikes for decades, and know better to assume that anything as delivered has been check/set (PDI'ed). Did you get a PDI sheet from the dealer? Likely not. Several dealer demo bikes had failures due to just this (valve lash adjust or lack of), on test rides of all things. No comment on sound. Not many social media moron comments here - I delete them. ;)
Welcome. Safe travels.
You may very well find the valve lash within spec and not needing anything.

By checking, at least you will have the knowledge and no mystery.

Given your leaving on a long trip, I would also start at the front of the motorcycle and finger check every nut and bolt to verify nothing is loose to the finger touch. Do this from front to back.

Also, take a flashlight and shine it on every part front to back like a CSI episode, and just look carefully for anything out of the ordinary.

Good luck!
Scott, we also have a common loose fasteners thread here. I’m about to delete this thread.
I was in the same dilemma two months ago. So I did a full service, including transmission, engine, and rear end oil. Better safe than sorry.
Also, just for grins, check the rocker shaft retainer bolts. FYI, the rear end takes 160cc of oil and start with 15% less in the engine than called for. Then check after running a few miles.
Scott, we also have a common loose fasteners thread here. I’m about to delete this thread.
My point was that given his expressed intention of putting several thousand miles upon his new motorcycle, that there is in fact, a more critical function a 900 miles service should perform, other than a valve inspection, and that is a physical and visual inspection of all fasteners which may have loosened up during this initial mileage.

If bringing this to the OP's attention, is now deemed "social media moron comment" and worthy of deleting the thread...well, it's your show and your rules...