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TO Vespa

Sorry todd, I wasnt as clear as i should have been.

They referred specifically to the ECU reflashing stuff and powercommander. In their eyes, this voids the warranty.

To me, it seems like blaming software for smoking some computer part months after installation, but maybe im wrong.

Remember the magnusen-moss warranty act.
Spaceclam said:
Sorry todd, I wasnt as clear as i should have been. They referred specifically to the ECU reflashing stuff and powercommander. In their eyes, this voids the warranty.
Thanks, but to everyone I say see Nick's post above for reference... Power Commanders have been the cause of ZERO warranty issues since '01. Blaming problems on them is blatant ignorance to the product.
Re-flashing the ECU is no different then using the Axone, which I would guarantee re-flashing by the dealer, from anything other then how the bike was delivered, would certainly would not meet US/EPA requirements. This has been a major point of contention over the years for the end-user, dealers and the EPA, regardless of make.
I take it that these words have been brought on by TO service, who recently had to field a no-start issue on a PC-V'ed Norge, in which all that required was battery replacement (battery was bad), and instead was over-looked, and the bike was sent down the road with major issues and warning lights (no ABS or speedo) caused by T.O. tech disconnected grounds, with the Power Commander being blamed as the "problem." Ludicrous.

On a positive note, Monica of T.O. reached out to me yesterday morning via e-mail, of which I responded immediately to, with me offering to go over to clear the air. I have not heard back from her yet.
I would have to agree with you about the warranty. I have also edited my old post, just to make sure there is no confusion here.

But i am REALLY excited that monica actually went through with this and got a hold of you. This could be the start of something cool. :)

GT-Rx said:
On a positive note, Monica of T.O. reached out to me yesterday morning via e-mail, of which I responded immediately to, with me offering to go over to clear the air. I have not heard back from her yet.

I think that's a very positive turn. Let's hope this continues and marks a turning point it the relationship with Guzzi of Thousand Oaks. If so, the Guzzi community will win big.

See you Sunday at the Rock Store?

When this thread started I sent an e-mail to a contact at MGNA.

This is what I sent.

" I'm hearing allot about the service at what was Thousand Oaks
Vespa/Moto Guzzi. They recently changed ownership the tech stayed,
but with new owners....

I pulled this off the forum.

"I always thought i had a good one and was first to champion my local
dealer. But, after my conversation a few days ago where i was told by
the tech that no new "03 map" was available and that everybody else
was installing the wrong maps on the wrong bikes, i had to re:think
my where my loyalties stand....

Needless to say i'm now in search of a new dealer/tech...... "

I wasn't aware you could put a wrong map into an ECU since Axone
recognizes the bike it is attached to. Am I incorrect or does this
technician need an "update" "

Here is the response I received.

"Hi John,
Only the Breva 1100 can be re-mapped both forwards & backwards, not that you'd want to go backwards.

Guzzi didn't make a big deal about the GRS-1103 map so it's not surprising that a Tech would not be aware of it. In addition, you can't install the wrong map on a Guzzi. Some models show the current map when looking at the ECU with the diag tool & others do not. A Tech just needs to try the update, if ever you see "reprogramming not possible" that means the latest map is already installed.
The Guzzi dealer in Long Beach is good & so is the new Sherman Oaks dealer. "

So it seems you guys have other options.
the sherman oaks dealer IS the old thousand oaks dealer. he just moved.

I have heard both good and bad things about long beach. I would be curious to know the tech at vespa SO. I know the owner is a sleaze, but the tech might be quite good. Anyone with such experience?
I asked Jameison about putting the ECU map of the 1200S into my B11. I said it would f*&k it up.

If one lives in the valley, my personal preference for service would be (IMHO):
1. Todd
2. Dave in Santa Barbara.

Why would anyone want to go to Long Beach (again JMHO).

However, I cannot believe this topic has lasted 7 pages.
I'm told it works very well in the 1100. I haven't tried it yet as the last customer I had in with a B11 was perfectly happy with how his bike was running and didn't want to change. Nothing wrong with that. Next time I have someone in who ISN'T happy I'll offer them the chance and they may well say yes.

As for the whole warranty thing? This is always a bit difficult. I see no reason why some things should be knocked back for warranty but sometimes they are. Quite often it is insanely small, cheap things that get knocked back while really expensive shit goes through with nary a whimper! Don't ask me, I'm just a lowly service agent!!!

As far as I'm concerned anything that isn't 'Broken' by the owner is covered by warranty as long as the swervice regieme has been adhered to and I'll go in to bat for my customers on that. Sometimes I'll get stonewalled and there is nothing more I can do. Sometimes if it's a cheapshit bit of stupidness, (like steering head bearings in a V7 classic! :roll: ) I'll do it out of my own pocket because I think its the right thing to do. But quite often if I whine and cajol and send pics or evidence that a part is 'Donald Ducked' the claim will be approved in less than 24 hours, and that includes all sorts of pricey stuff like CARC's, dashboards and ECU's.

It's a funny old world!

Thought I'd post this -

I received an e-mail from TO Guzzi/Vespa announcing their Grand Opening this Saturday, the 16th from Noon to 3pm. Food, drinks, one day sales and a chance to show the new dealer that we are willing to give them a chance.

See you there?



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Thanks for posting John, I have previous engagements this weekend. Let Monica and the owner know that I will be over next week to meet them.
Will do - enjoy.


Done - Nice time - good turnout and several other Guzzi riders I knew or at least recognized were there as well as another group I ride with. One of them is interested in an Aprilia, and another was looking at the MP3 (left foot problems are necessitating a shiftless ride) so it may have been a good visit for them as well. The comments I heard included how open and welcoming the new folks were. Sounds promising (keeping my fingers crossed).
