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Total Width of Norge Panniers when fitted to bike


Tuned and Synch'ed
Nov 5, 2008
South East England
I would be grateful if someone could let me know, please, the overall width across the Norge panniers when fitted to a Breva 1100/Norge.

I am currently considering whether to purchase a set of MG panniers for my Breva 1100 but am concerned over the resulting additional width at the back end of the bike. I have been told that both the Breva and Norge style of pannier will fit my bike but that the Norge ones are more narrow.


They are pretty wide compared to many bikes where the panniers are an integral part of the design. The Guzzi panniers on my Breva are 1,000mm OA. That's about 200mm wider than those on the Triumph Trophy I owned amd 250mm wider than the Givi setup on my Buell. While narrowness is a good thing, mirror OA width is also important. That's 980mm on my Breva, which has the old style round ones.

Having had various bikes with hard panniers, my preference now is for the Givi 21 litre top-loading ones. They are easy to load and don't leak. As I said, those on my Buell are just 750mm OA wide and yet offer 21 litres as opposed to the Guzzi ones' 29 litres. the Norge style panniers I think are still 1,000mm OA but have larger capacity. The Guzzi panniers have a dubious handle design which holds water and lets it run inside when the lids are opened.
The early advertising for the Norge pointed out that the handlebars were as wide as the panniers. The Breva bars are the same, but have a shorter bar end weight, perhaps an inch or so less. So that should give you a clue.
Re:Total Width of Norge Panniers when fitted to bi


Many thanks for the information and in particular for the observations relating to a top loading design. I will now investigate how the Givi E21 can be fitted to my Breva, the resulting overall dimensions and the overall positives and negatives against the MG Breva 1100 approach.

It seems a shame to me that MG do not offer a smaller, top loading alternative pannier tailored for the Breva 1100 and its mounting system.

(As I have not been a frequent writer to this web site and the above note may be taken as rather negative to other readers, I would like to state that I remain exceptionally pleased with the bike. It is an absolute joy to ride, the few spares that I have needed have been quick to obtain and reasonably priced. Haywards, the garage from which I purchased it, have been first rate in terms of their sales, service and advice.)

Re:Total Width of Norge Panniers when fitted to bi


Thanks for your reply. Assuming that the MG statement is correct, it follows that the overall width of the panniers should not exceed the 870 mm bar width dimension specified in the Norge brochure.

Re:Total Width of Norge Panniers when fitted to bi

OK - just did the measurement thing with my hand-dandy Home Depot measuring implement and it appears at the widest the panniers are about 36.5 inches across or 927 mm. My bars are only about 34 and a bit across (864ish mm).

Re:Total Width of Norge Panniers when fitted to bi

Thanks for taking the measurement and for the information.

Re:Total Width of Norge Panniers when fitted to bi

Good to hear that the Norge/painted Guzzi panniers are a bit narrower than the Guzzi black versions. Those (Aprilia panniers as fitted to the Futura tourer) horrified me when I received them with the new bike. If I'd seen them beforehand I'd have selected Givi panniers instead.

Mostly I ride the Breva with just a Givi topbox - I have two; 26 and 46 litre - because the bike remains as narrow as possible and top-loading luggage is so much easier to use. With the Buell mostly I ride with just the Givi 21 litre side panniers because side panniers place the load in a better position than a topbox. If I hadn't become so lazy of late I'd knock up some frames so the Givi panniers could be transferred from bike to bike - as the topboxes can be. This thread prompts me to assess how wide those panniers would be on a Breva, whose bum is a bit wider than a Buell's.

This is the frame I made for the Buell based on basic Givi side rails for a VFR750 - grit blasted before painting. Something for a Breva should be a lot easier because convenient mounting points already exist.

Side view with 26 litre Givi topbox as well.

Allow for perspective effect please! The overall pannier width is only 750mm which is at least 50mm narrower than the narrower pannier systems out there.
The reflectors are made of quadrants cut from 50mm reflective tape which allows fitting to rounded surfaces.
Re:Total Width of Norge Panniers when fitted to bi

You must be psychic. On the way home from work this evening I stopped by at a local motorcycle accessory store to examine the Givi 21 litre panniers. I was wondering how you had attached this type to your Buell............................

The tubular framework looks very neat but sturdy. Did you bolt the panniers directly to the framework or did you fit Givi interfaces (e.g. moulded upper lugs) to the metal framework?

Thanks once again for the information.
Re:Total Width of Norge Panniers when fitted to bi


I started with just the Givi bent tubular side frames, which come complete with fittings to suit many Givi panniers and topboxes. The other bits I added to fix the frames directly to the bike, mount the indicators and big LED rear light, and mount a Givi Monolock topbox plate.

I've just assessed fitting the E21 panniers to the Breva, which would be simpler than for the Buell, but the overall width would be about 840mm. The muffler could remain in the higher position though, which allows better ground clearance.
Prompted by this year's impending trip, I decided to at last make the effort to fit panniers to the Breva. Although I probably need panniers of 30 litre volume, I do like the idea of the top opening Givi E21's as recommend by Graham. As Givi do not make a fitting kit for the Breva 1100, I bought one from Hepco and Becker together with a set of E21's. I then fabricated a rather crude set of bolt on adaptors so that I could try out the E21's. The adaptors can be easily removed so that the Hepco and Becker fittings can be used with the Hepco and Becker 30 litre panniers if I later decide to do so.

The total width of the Givi E21's as fitted to the Hepco and Becker frames is 895mm. This is slightly greater than Graham's prediction owing to my use of Hepco and Becker fittings rather than bespoke ones.

Having tried the E21's out on a couple of short rides, I can see why people like them. Even if I end up buying a set of 30 litre H and B's for longer trips, I will probably use the E21's for all other use. I just need to make their fitment look a bit less agricultural.....................

If this is of any interest to anyone, I will be pleased to post a couple of photographs.

Regards, Mick
What about Hepco Becker - Just fitted the 40 litre ones to my Breva1100 and they look great, big but great. I know that HB do junior panniers 30 ltr. Fitting the frames was easy peasy.