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V100 replacing front turn signal


Tuned and Synch'ed
Apr 30, 2023
I was falling a friend through a construction zone on the highway when he wasn't watching where he was going and clipped a cone with his left foot (ended up breaking his big toe - did not have proper boots) at 70mph. The cone spun around, hit another cone and the two cones ended up across the highway in front of me. Ran over the small end of one and the other hit my left front turn signal and my left foot. Thankfully I was wearing protective footwear. The dealer was helpful and got me a new turn signal in about 10 days.
Figured replacement would be simple as there us only a single bolt holding the stem on. Ha! That bolt screws into a non captive lock nut on the side of the rad shroud. You can feel the nut but can't get at it. To undo this one bolt and nut you have to remove windshield, trim around the instruments, trim under the windshield, side panel with seat lock, entire side panel with deflector and the rad end cap. There is no shortcut. You end up with removing about 20 fasteners, many of them hidden in recesses. Thankfully the dealer assisted me with location of these. Then yiu have to put it all back together. The large side panel clips to the bike using three pins. MAKE SURE THE FRONT ONE IS IN ITS RECESS BEFORE YOU PUT EVERYTHING BACK TOGETHER OR YOU WILL HAVE A LARGE GAP AT THE TOP AND WILL HAVE TO START ALL OVER AGAIN!!!
Moto Guzzi, why couldn't you just use a captive nut on the back of the rad shroud or provide access to the nut??? This is a crazy and unnecessary amount of hassle for one bolt. Still love the bike and want to give my thanks to Studio Cycle in Toronto for their help.
I replaced all 4 of my indicators for the much larger US style, it was a bit fiddly the 1st time and you have to be patient, but now I know where all the clips and screws are its a 15min job. And yes, make sure the 3 clips are fully inserted as noted by Glen72. I also found that 1 large rubber pipe on the RHS near the air-box was never connected at the factory and a clip on a fuel breather pipe was missing. All sorted now, they couldn't have been too important as I haven't noticed any difference in the running.
Nut is locking type and there is no room to get a wrench on it without taking everything apart. I also found that one of the pivot pins for the windshield was also missing along with the circlip and washer. I have a small model makers lathe so I made a new one out of aluminium bar stock. Pin is 8mm if you need one. Suggest you check to make sure all 4 pivot pins are still there. And wear safety motorcycle boots to save your foot in an accident!
I was falling a friend through a construction zone on the highway when he wasn't watching where he was going and clipped a cone with his left foot (ended up breaking his big toe - did not have proper boots) at 70mph. The cone spun around, hit another cone and the two cones ended up across the highway in front of me. Ran over the small end of one and the other hit my left front turn signal and my left foot. Thankfully I was wearing protective footwear. The dealer was helpful and got me a new turn signal in about 10 days.
Figured replacement would be simple as there us only a single bolt holding the stem on. Ha! That bolt screws into a non captive lock nut on the side of the rad shroud. You can feel the nut but can't get at it. To undo this one bolt and nut you have to remove windshield, trim around the instruments, trim under the windshield, side panel with seat lock, entire side panel with deflector and the rad end cap. There is no shortcut. You end up with removing about 20 fasteners, many of them hidden in recesses. Thankfully the dealer assisted me with location of these. Then yiu have to put it all back together. The large side panel clips to the bike using three pins. MAKE SURE THE FRONT ONE IS IN ITS RECESS BEFORE YOU PUT EVERYTHING BACK TOGETHER OR YOU WILL HAVE A LARGE GAP AT THE TOP AND WILL HAVE TO START ALL OVER AGAIN!!!
Moto Guzzi, why couldn't you just use a captive nut on the back of the rad shroud or provide access to the nut??? This is a crazy and unnecessary amount of hassle for one bolt. Still love the bike and want to give my thanks to Studio Cycle in Toronto for their help.
Sorry to read about your and your friend's misfortunes.

The folks at Studio Cycle are top notch.

Bought my bike (1st Guzzi) from them and I have had nothing but great experiences so far.
I think the staff at the factory gets a little sloppy or forgetful at times. One of the four screws holding the windshield adjusting mechanism was missing. It may have vibrated out though.