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V100 Valve lash thread


Staff member
GT di Razza Pura
Jul 1, 2009
Reaction score
In time, I may do a how-to with photos here, but for now I wanted to quickly note the valve lash spec range below, and note that the very first V100 we've had in for service @ 890 miles, had two (2) valves that were tighter than the spec'ed range. We check them in my shop every time. Doubt many dealers do. Don't pretend. Downside is how complex of a job it now is (FFS Piaggio).

Intake valve clearance: 0.10 - 0.15 mm (0.004 - 0.006 in)
Exhaust valve clearance: 0.30 - 0.35 mm (0.011 - 0.014 in)
The clearance adjustment procedure on the manual:
1. Sku 020851y-pin used ro hold the cranckshaft on postion, common with a couple of aprilia models and eSt to obtain on line.

2.sku 020064y-A longer pin used to Hold the camshafts fixed to a reference point. Couldnt locate it anywhere online

Can someone post a link for that?
Can you verify the pin diameter?

Various threads speak of 3/16" drill working.
Seems pin is 5 or 6 mm, I haven't been in the motor to verify.

Good source for pins is McMaster Carr.
No information on service manual on diameter or length. Just preparing for the 24k km service. Mechanics here are proponents of various "calibrated hand' so wana source the tools my self to make sure its performed properly.

Also , do you have any reasonable guess for the size of the initial shims fitted. The parta catalogue lists 70 sizes in the range 1.75 to 3.5 mm.
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The clearance adjustment procedure on the manual:
1. Sku 020851y-pin used ro hold the cranckshaft on postion, common with a couple of aprilia models and eSt to obtain on line.

2.sku 020064y-A longer pin used to Hold the camshafts fixed to a reference point. Couldnt locate it anywhere online

Can someone post a link for that?
Accuracy is everything... 🤦‍♂️
021064Y Large pin for engine timing
This is a specialty tool normally reserved for licensed dealers.
You may have to get your local dealer to order it for you.
Accuracy is everything... 🤦‍♂️
021064Y Large pin for engine timing
This is a specialty tool normally reserved for licensed dealers. You may have to get your local dealer to order it for you.
right 021064... sorry for the inaccuracy
Has anyone determined if the Hotcams 8.90mm shims fit the V100 ? (Factory V100 shims are 8.80mm)Apparently the 8.90mm shims fit in Aprillias
UPDATE, the HotCams 8.90 shims fit the V100
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FYI I just checked the LH bank valve clearances on my 2024 V100S, mileage is at 16,000km(10,000Miles),rear intake is right at the tight limit, .004”/ .010mm, front intake is tighter than spec at .003” / .070mm
Front Ex is ok at.013”/ .33mm , Rear Ex a bit loose at .015” / .38mm
So I will swap 1 Ex and both intakes, will check the RH bank tomorrow.
I got a HotCams set of 8.90mm shims, OEM Guzzi V100 shims are specked at 8.80mm
Good news is that the HotCams shims easily fit, I actually measured all the 8.90 HotCams shims at 8.85-8.87mm
The OEM shims that are supposed to be 8.80mm in my bike actually measure larger than the HotCams shims at 8.88mm, The bad news is that the HotCams shim kit range's from 1.72-2.60mm and so far my OEM shims are 2.80 and 2.85 so I will have to order from my dealer, if the right hand Bank shims are in the 2.80s as well I will return this kit to Amazon.
Now, for the really good news, you DO NOT have to remove the cams or front cover to change the shims, carefully remove the E-clips,washers and rocker shafts and finger followers,(do not mix them up) just be sure to pack ALL the cavities with clean rags, with that being said, the forward intakes are quite challenging, the hardest part is actually putting the shims back in without dropping them ,the shims go in thickness marking down against the valve,,removing the shims is easily done with a narrow head telescopic magnet.
To set at TDC, line up the holes in the camshafts, Left bank, the cam lobes pointing towards each other and the Right bank, cam lobes pointing away from each other , I use plastic drinking straws cut to 5” that are exactly 5mm diameter.
I don’t recommend attempting this job unless you are very mechanically competent and VERY careful.
P.S. to rotate the engine W/O removing the front cover, you must do it by turning the rear wheel in 6th gear and spark plugs removed, and with the automatic neutral finder on the V100,make sure you are in 2nd gear or higher when you stop after your last ride before starting this procedure,that way you can click up to 6th because you won’t be able to get it higher that 1st gear once stopped,the other option to get into 6th gear if you can’t start the bike on a rear or centre stand and spin it up to upshift is to tie the clutch lever to the bar, transmission in neutral, 65mm axle socket on a drill , spin up the rear wheel enough to click the shifter up to 2nd gear , then you can click up to 6th gear no problem,like I had to because I have my bike indoors
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Can you verify the pin diameter?

Various threads speak of 3/16" drill working.
Seems pin is 5 or 6 mm, I haven't been in the motor to verify.

Good source for pins is McMaster Carr.
It is 5mm, 3/16” works as well, just very slightly smaller
Notice : DO NOT try to bump the engine in either direction with a metal pin through both cams ,it will get jammed in the cams, that’s why I use a plastic drinking straw that is exactly 5mm, or you can use 2 shorter 5mm pins, one in each cam and just turn the engine until both pins align,just make sure you pack ALL cavities with clean rags in case you drop a pin.
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I got a HotCams set of 8.90mm shims, OEM Guzzi V100 shims are specked at 8.80mm Good news is that the HotCams shims easily fit
Thanks for posting. I can source and sell these kits or onesies for anyone reading this.
This site was founded on easy alternatives like this, so thank you for the detailed post.