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V7 coughing and dying


Just got it firing!
Sep 7, 2024
May TX
2014 V7 Special ... suddenly doesn't want to start and idle. Upon starting, revs go to 2000 without any throttle, then bike dies. Repeatedly. Only way I can get it going is to blip the throttle between 2000 and 4000 repeatedly. Once up to cruise, it runs normally. When hot, it will idle but fast and a bit rough. The only thing I did between the bike running fine and this malaise happened was to refuel with mid grade gas. Well once or twice in the past it has died while cornering at slow speed. I checked wiring and don't see any problem. Prior owner told me not to rev engine when cold as this "confuses the ECU". Have not had to, until now. Is this an injector problem? Perhaps that tank of gas was bad? It cannot be the fuel filter as it would cough at cruise in that case. I suppose it could be plugs but again, why do the plugs fire just fine at cruise? If it were a carb bike I would say the idle mixture needs an adjustment, or the idle jet is blocked. But it's not.
Good quality mid grade or regular unleaded gas would not cause this (might cause preignition unless ridden gently) so fuel contamination is likely cause. The bike probably runs better when warmed up and cruising because ECU is compensating based on feedback from oxygen sensor(s).
I have always run this bike on mid grade ... which I believe is the recommended grade. Well from time to time I have put a bit of 100LL in it when I have drained gas from my Bellanca that I don't want to put back in the plane.
Even 100LL contains some lead (1.9 grams/gal.) which is not good for your oxygen sensors and cat if you're still running one. The amount you are using likely doesn't cause much grief.
Good to know about 100LL, I should have thought that through. I have run maybe a gallon of that total.

I am going to start with fresh fuel, then the injectors. Bike has done 11k miles and probably needs that anyway. If that does not do it, will investigate electrical and ECU. I did have the plugs out recently (for valve adjust) and did not notice anything untoward. I will take another look at them.

There's no cat on this bike, the mufflers were replaced by the prior owner. Whether he made any modifications to the ECU at the time I have no idea. But it was running fine except for the very intermittent engine-out in slow corners.
You need to get this bike to a dealer that can hook up diagnostics. That is the only way you will know what is going on.
Therein lies the problem .. dealer network is thin, near MG dealer is in Fort Worth 170 miles
Therein lies the problem .. dealer network is thin, near MG dealer is in Fort Worth 170 miles
And you point is? You are not alone with that issue. If you want it diagnosed, that is what you need to do. For some folks, the nearest dealer is even further. There is no dealer in Alabama, Tennessee, or Mississippi as far as I know. Sloan's in Tennessee may be listed, but they have dropped Moto Guzzi.
Well I solved my own problem. Left hand plug lead was not snugged down on the plug, it was just resting on it. Must have happened when I did the valve clearancing which was several weeks ago. Strange that it would manifest in that manner.

It is somewhat sobering that these bikes are not home-mechanic friendly. Perhaps I should trade it for an old fashioned points and carb model. I do like the Eldorado.