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V7II transmission oil: orig 85w-140, shops using 75w-140; causes leak?

William Craig

Just got it firing!
GT Contributor
Jul 13, 2015
Thetford Center, Vermont
Hey, folks--- Recently "repossessed" my 2015-16 V7II Stone. (After a crash totaled my Norge, bought the V7II back from the friend I'd sold it to.) Took it to shop for refurbishment. They put 75W-140 in the transmission (aka final drive aka "differential"). This contradicts the shop manual's call for 85W-140.
Recently developed a messy leak which threw enough 75W oil around to make it hard to determine the source. Could be drain plug (loosened, washer fail?) or could be one of the deep-in-there seals (e.g. GU90407591 GU90353030?).
I'm aware from forum that the 75W-140 has been recommended for the new V7-850s. But I can't find any intel saying MG now recommends the 75W in the V7II.
Could the difference in viscosity be the cause of the leak?
V7II riders, What's your experience?
One thread suggested that the air vent plug,if clogged, could cause overpressure.
How do I diagnose whether air vent plug (top plug on hub) is clear?
BTW, I drained the 75W, replaced drain plug washer, refilled with 85W. No sign of renewed leak yet, but watching close.

It makes no difference on the bottom #. 75-85 no difference. But, 140 top # is important. Get that straight 85 out of there.
The shop put in too much oil. It's covered a million times here. 160CC or 5.4 ounces. Put in 5.6 and it will blow it out! Hopefully it didn't damage the seal.
Thanks, everyone! Sorry I wrote "85" after first ref and assumed we'd assume /140. I was feeling I was using too many characters already! :wasntme:
As for the possible effect of using 75W/140 vs 85W/140, thanks, Raven, for your thought. I am never sure about how seriously to take such a difference. The manuals specify, and give dire warnings! But then manufacturers change their minds and issue new standards. Confusing to a non-engineer.
Thanks, Vagrant, re 160cc! The manual, of course, calls for 170cc, but you're passing on collective wisdom re going a little under? I appreciate it. (And yes, a lot of things get said more than once ! on forums, but I never found V7II-only info about the 160cc advice.)
And Kevin, I'm gonna check out that plug!