I've ridden my Stelvio 62,000 miles (Hey, I guess that's 100,000 kilometers which sounds more impressive). I've not been able to put more miles on it because I've got other bikes that I ride and have serious miles on them, but I've had 35 bikes in my life, so I have as many standards of comparison as most anyone in the motorcycle world, I suppose.
I'd hate to say "Best Motorcycle In The World" as much as I'd hate to say "Most Beautiful Woman In The World". There are many different types of women; women that are just there to look at, women that you would consider for a lifetime mate, tall women, round women, slim women, different colors, different shapes, different ways of moving, all of which would have to be considered for "Most Beautiful".
I might be able to make a list of "Top 5" or "Top 10" best motorcycles of all the ones I've had or ridden, but those in that group would all have to be considered equal in goodness. I have no opinion on bikes that I haven't owned or ridden.
All that being said, my Stelvio is definitely in any "Top 5" that I might put together ...