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Yellow Paint, Etc.


Cruisin' Guzzisti
GT di Razza Pura
Aug 29, 2009
Salem, OR
So I go to remove the two screws securing the lid to the rear brake reservoir and the whole reservoir moves - loosey-goosey. WTF?
Inspection reveals the two mount bolts secured with nylocs are laughingly loose. And they each have the yellow paint mark, which I understand is supposed to indicate "checked/inspected". The front nyloc was finger loose - close to falling off.

This is a 2024 Stone Ten, bought new in July, and I guess at this point I should be a little worried. While accessorizing/blinging and upgrading the machine with Todd's offerings and others, I have encountered several areas of concern.

Fasteners too tight - like the stuck/rounded spark plug cover M5s we discussed in this forum. And others.
Fasteners too loose - in addition to the rear brake reservoir mount bolts, the SAS cylinder head plate bolts were barely snugged and not sufficiently tight. And others.
The clutch lever boot was incorrectly seated. Also discussed in this forum.
One of the SAS hoses was twisted, but I knew I was going to eliminate it so not a concern.
The rear tire was out-of-round, again, discussed in this forum. Didn't matter in the end, because I decided to immediately replace both bias-plies with radials - big improvement.

But I am not worried. These are all rather trivial annoyances that are easily resolved and often lead to learning experiences. I didn't find too-loose or too-tight fasteners where it mattered, like on the axles, shocks, brake calipers, etc. Although the brake reservoir is pushing it......

Until I encounter a potential crash-causer or break-down-on-the-road-in-the-middle-of-nowhere or safety concern, I will continue to enjoy riding my Guzzi, wrenching on my Guzzi, and gazing at my Guzzi in the mancave, IPA in-hand.

The pics show the loose reservoir - you can see the threads of each bolt.
loose!.jpg loose2.jpg loose3.jpg
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I would let your dealer know it wasn't set-up, just fueled up, aired up & out the door. Hope you didn't pay for it. They do have a checklist, did you get a copy? Maximum profit margin.
Yeah, eventually found a checklist buried in the documents somewhere with nothing checked off and of course an empty line where my signature was supposed to be. And aired-up? Way too much - had to deflate to spec. Fuel? Just enough to get to the station a block away. And other issues I won't go into. My expectations are low based on previous dealer experiences, and I am a firm believer that if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. And if for whatever reason you can't do it, do your best to find someone you can TRUST to do it for you.
So, since I couldn't see any scratches, dents, dings, or other damage that would warrant not taking delivery, I signed the papers, gave the man my money, and then rode to the station, fueled-up, and made it home.
Back in 2021 I purchased a motorcycle of another brand and my experience with THAT dealer is a Bonafide nightmare! I still have the bike, and I like it a lot, but I will never go to that dealer again. For ANYTHING!
Seems most dealers, for cars, bikes, boats, RVs, whatever, are schmuck say-anything to get the sale profit maximizers that want as little to do with you as possible after the sale. Unless it is to "service" your vehicle, and don't get me started there! Haven't been to a dealer for service for over 30 years! I'll do it myself or find a good independent shop that I can trust.

I know there are exceptions, but for the most part, dealers are a necessary evil!
Everyone hates their dealer, until they need them.

I disagree! A notable exception is (was) Dave Richardson's Moto International in Seattle. Great guy, great dealership! I bought two Guzzis from Dave and still have my copy of Guzziology. Dave went to bat for me on a tank blistering warranty claim and installed a new one for me. Helped me out a couple of other times too. He had a good staff as well.
Last I heard Dave was gonna retire in Italy and live the good life - good for him! I'm jealous!
Sure do miss Dave Richardson and Moto International.
Another vote for Dave here! I bought one of the last two cylinder Tuonos from him, he had the tank ordered to replace my swelling one .long before I took delivery and Micha installed it a week later while I waited… The Griso I bought from the ordinal owner came from Moto I as well, Micha tuned the DME to his spec with a pipe from Todd and it’s still awesome!
But I digress, the lack of a PDI is TOTALLY unacceptable and while it seems some of you seem willing to find this acceptable, I for one, don’t. I used to PDI construction cranes and all this stuff was mandatory.
...the lack of a PDI is TOTALLY unacceptable and while it seems some of you seem willing to find this acceptable...

Not in the slightest.

I do believe in a positive communication with my dealer, especially on points of dispute but I have found that you get more traction with politeness and well-chosen words. Enough said.