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Breather box alternative idea


Tuned and Synch'ed
Feb 2, 2018
Hey all, been a long time & an accident between drinks (& once again, very minor damage - are all Guzzi's this tough?). Currently, i'm servicing it & due to the time consuming nature of replacing the air filter, i am thinking of either replacing or modifying the crankcase breather box. tmp_25868-20180610_1910011913042200.jpg Top goes to the airbox, bottom attaches to the sump, & the v-piece attaches to the middle tmp_25868-20180610_1910261619096612.jpg But as you can see, it's broken & leaks like the dickens.
Now, in the morning i'm going to bunnings. Since i read elsewhere that plugging any breather equipement is a bad idea, my ideas are as follows: Attach 2 T-pipes to each other & connect the breather pipes (using fittings for the different sizes, of course), create a short box containing filter foam soaked in engine oil & attach fittings there, or simply plug the v pipe hole & drill a hole for a T-pipe just below it. Now, these plumbing supplies are aussie made & dirt cheap. I have black RTV should any sealing issues arise.
Are any of these options going to hurt my bike? If so, which ones? I am mostly concerned about the whole oil vapour/condensation loop that all Guzzi's are designed with
OK. The 650TT had a plastic collector box on it own up by steering head. Was about the size of your fist, valve cover breathers went in, a drain on the bottom for condensed oil to run back in pan and a 2" hole w/foam in it.
OK. The 650TT had a plastic collector box on it own up by steering head. Was about the size of your fist, valve cover breathers went in, a drain on the bottom for condensed oil to run back in pan and a 2" hole w/foam in it.
The smaller box idea is to make something similar to this. I have plenty of filter foam, & breather oil tends to get contaminated - a real concern of mine, not adressed by the original box that i forgot to mention. Another reason to modify. A new V-pipe costs $30, but the materials cost less than half that. The double T-pipe idea is now a triple with a plug in the middle T. I'll see if my local dealer is open, see what they think. Any concerns about PVC & oil?
Due to the lack of any appropriate materials for the other 2 options, tmp_16133-20180611_121110-940684594.jpg I have decided to modify the stock box. The rocker pipes go to the brass inlets, i shortened & plugged the v-pipe hole with dynasteel, & as for the black plug? tmp_16133-20180611_121149-741225299.jpg I drilled a hole to insert that square
That looks simalar to the TT box. You could cap the oil pan and run a hose to a catch bottle if you don't like the mix.