• NOTICE: The owner of this website and GTMotoCycles.com completely lost his home on the morning of January 8th in the L.A. Wildfire Storm. Most of his neighborhood is gone, and a few friends were killed along with their pets. The GTM SHOP and STORE are functioning normally, but we DEMAND EXTREME PATIENCE on orders as we are a SMALL business and Todd usually has his hands on nearly every order before it goes out. You can find more info on a post named L.A. Wildfires in the USA section. Our heart and best go out to everyone effected in this horrific disaster.

NZ is not part of Australia!

Hi Graham
yep you;re right about the lack of protection some people use butt we wear the vented kevlar jackets in summer as the leather just cooks you, its got me stuffed how the cows wear it all year:) .
later swagzz
Well I just read this all the way through.Interesting how the Aussies are always the ones to bring up the sheep.I believe at last count there were more of the critters in Aus but you had to travel further to find them and give em a bath 1st to get rid of the dust.How do you say fetish in Strine?
Keep up the them and us banter and no one else will ever look to close.
Hang on a minute, yes we do have a few sheep outback, thats why you guys come over herein droves.
Great reading guys .. Can't both of you just agree on a dislike of Zard Efricans or Poms ?

I guess the "sheep" thing is just a Welsh fondness that came across the seas long ago.. B)

Here in England/UK/Britain/EU we don't even know what we are part of anymore .. though a price worth paying if it has stopped us slaughtering each other (and dragging you guys in as well)

Art (British mongrel)
Happy New year guys,

Humour is a great thing, now Aussies and Kiwi's get along fine, infact one of the great things about our country is we work and play well together. Maybe its time we got stuck into the Poms, now that could be interesting.

Have a great day
Oi! There's a queue for that. Get in line. Happy New Year and don't you Aussies love your cricket! :whistle:
Didnt think it would take me long to find an aussie bringing up sheep shaggin :D . Now Im pretty sure that the welsh are the instigators of this passtime , BUT the aussies are the true pioneers ( the velcro glove springs to mind ). What I find interesting is that no one has mentioned the
I hear the aussie bob sleigh team has approched the aussie cricket team for a meeting , they wanted to find out how they went downhill so fast, apparently after this meeting the aussie batsmen were filled with optermism ( they were seen putting on sun screen ) but the person who stayed longest at the crease was the lady who irons thier pants. One spectator got a bit miffed and wanted his admission refunded , he went to the toilet and missed the whole aussie innings . What could Ricky Ponting put in his hand to ensure the next ball was a wicket .... a bat ( he'd be a lousey funeral director ... keeps loosing the ashes :D
I have a lovely lambs wool sheep cover for keeping my bum comfortable
whilst perambulating on my motorised velocepide. :mrgreen:
Also the sheep that it came off is probably well and truly stuffed ,roasted grilled or BBQ'd
by now.
Hey, you North Americans, just like Canada isn't part of the USA, New Zealand isn't part of Australia. Sure we're related in much the same way but there are a lot of differences. Eh, Mike.C!

How about a slot for NZ? It would be interesting to see what crops up apart from me, Kiwi Dave and BeBe.

That makes 4 of us. Based in Auckland and recent purchaser of a V85TT.....
There's thousands of 'em over in West Oz. Some bugger told 'em the Canning Stock Route was an annual event!
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How come Greenland is left out of the forum categories ? According to my information, it's the world's largest island, but it doesn't even get continent status.

Why is Greenland an island but North America not?

When a dozen people with Guzzies from Greenland register they can get lumped in with New Foundland & Labrador !
Hey Graham,

You and me are both thankful for that. Looks like ya got a /NewZealand Heading now.


Ohh... the wide open space of OZ, the sun in your eyes, the bugs plastered on every thing, and you've only done 800km's since lunch.

B) B)

Kym in Bairnsdale
and that's WHY NZ should be separated lol,
800km, on boring flat, dusty straight roads.... NZ is not called 'godzone' for nothing,
800km's ?? Over here you'll have passed by mountains, volcano's, forests, oh, and actually had to LEAN the bike multiple hundreds of times. Hehe!!
I'll also point out the on Henry Cole's series "World's greatest motorcycle rides" Lil ole NZ got TWO, yes, that's right, TWO episodes.

As it's a bike riding website the group should be NZ/and the west island? :D
There are so many reasons why NZ is not Aus and vice versa, no offence intended. Here's some:
Whakapapa (look it up!)
Te reo (same)

An ever evolving list!
(I didn't even mention Phar Lap, Crowded House or pavlova-no need.)

Nga mihi nui.
My Kiwi friend says Australia is a great place with only one problem…all the damn Aussies! 😆😆😆
This is happening all around the world.
"Fifteen Swedes ran through the weeds, chased by one Norwegian." :cool:
Used to be known as the start of the (unofficial) Norwegian National Anthem
There are so many reasons why NZ is not Aus and vice versa, no offence intended. Here's some:
Whakapapa (look it up!)
Te reo (same)

An ever evolving list!
(I didn't even mention Phar Lap, Crowded House or pavlova-no need.)

Nga mihi nui.
And MOST important of all, You forgot the Hobbits that live there …
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This is happening all around the world.
"Fifteen Swedes ran through the weeds, chased by one Norwegian." :cool:
Used to be known as the start of the (unofficial) Norwegian National Anthem

When I was an exchange student in Oslo, Norway, I was never afraid of the Norwegians or the Swedes. However, I was terrified of most drunk Finnish males. Those guys believe being drunk is the National Sport of Finland and they get crazy on alcohol! :D

The Finnish people have more ways to say "I am drunk!" than anyplace in Scandinavia!

Even the Russians leave drunk Finns alone! >:)>:)>:)
American saying: "Don't mess with Texas"
Scandinavian saying: "Don't mess with the Finns"
Tougher than nails!
In 1939 the Russians looked over that way and said "Let's invade Finnland and make it part of Russia".
This was a few years before re-cycling. All those empty bottles of Koskenkorva (Google it!) were put to good use. The Finns invented the "Molotov Cocktail" (Google that too). In spite of hundreds of tanks, and thousands of troops, the Finns drove them back to where they came from during "The winter war" of 1939. Very impressive resolve. And no doubt good Vodka.
Man, are we getting off topic.
Any Guzzi riders in Suomi?