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  1. T

    Battery drain while riding

    I haven’t been able to find anyone else having this issue on the forum. I’ve only seen the battery overcharge issue, which I didn’t experience.I bought brand new 2019 V7 III from the dealer a couple years ago and have been through quite the journey with it.Recently after converting...
  2. sanddweller

    Sidestand Light wont go off

    Ok got a longish history on this that may or may not be related.1. Bike has been in Bribsane Australia while I have been in Dubai for 21 months. 2. I Visited Brisbane last in December and decided to ship th ebike to Dubai. Rode it to Brisbane dealer, had it crated. Id just clocked over...
  3. M

    1980 1000SP jump started with car

    Hello... I was recently given my grandfathers 1000SP... It had a bad battery and when it died on me one day, I ignorantly tried to jump the bike with my wifes car and something started to smoke when I tried to start it (still kicking myself). I pushed it home, got a new battery and now it won't...
  4. frnco

    Guzzi V7 dies with "clacking" sound and won't start again

    This is what happened to my V7 II 2016 (serviced for my first 600miles a month ago btw...):I was riding at low speed, trying to find a parking spot, so I could have been riding ar 10mph or less, and the bike was slowing down... at one point I hear a weird clacking noise (not a click but more a...
  5. P

    V7 stone battery issue; no start, how and what to rewire

    HI Guys, I am a Guzzi fan from Amsterdam, having battery troubles with the 2012 Guzzi Stone. I purchased a new battery, and this morning the battery was completely empty..again..Somebody told me that this is a common problem with these new guzzi's since my last one from 1986 did not have...