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  1. IceAgeStu

    V7 850 E5 seized clutch

    Hi AllHas anyone else experienced a seized clutch on a newish V7?Problem: Clutch fork will not move to allow clutch to be engaged. Pulling on the clutch lever is very stiff and only serves to flex the fork. Lever and cable are fine, freely moving and correctly attached.Context: The bike...
  2. M

    Do V7iii’s have clutch delay valves?

    Pretty much as stated. I notice when shifting aggressively, there is a noticeable delay when the clutch is fully let out and when I feel the engine RPM decrease from being hooked back up to the transmission. It’s a small, but noticeable delay, enough that I’m a little confused because I figured...
  3. H

    New Clutch Cable Woes

    Hi everyone, first time posting in this forum. I’ve got a V7ii Stornello that I bought used last year and is my first motorcycle. Was out riding a couple weeks ago, and on the way home the clutch cable snapped (it was rubbing and fraying from the adjuster at the lever). I installed a new cable...
  4. J

    V85TT trans failure--help?

    I apologize in advance for the length, there's a lot going on here—I'm trying to ask around on behalf of my father, who is having a rough time with his new V85TT. As a bit of a background, he bought the bike towards the end of April and while trailering the bike home from the dealership, the...
  5. frocker

    V7 C - No slack in new clutch cable

    Hi folks, first post here since getting my bike, so hello! Forgive me for skipping introductions, I'm in a bit of a bind.My 2008 V7 Classic has just hit 18k, and had my clutch cable snap on me. Picked up a new one and tried to fit it, but there's not enough slack. I've got both ends of the...
  6. Mumbufuku

    Norge clutch engages at very end of lever travel

    Back at it again with another issue(maybe). My clutch lever will only engage within the last 1/2 inch or so of travel. the grab point seems to happen sooner(from full lever pull to fully out) after the engine and transmission warm up a bit. I know its a hydraulic clutch and there is no...
  7. Mitch Clyman

    V9 Gear Indicator While Coasting

    Hey Guys Why when I’m coasting with my clutch in do I sometimes see gear changes on the gear indicator? Also I swear I get a green dash light sometimes when switching gears... I’m not really looking so I can’t be sure...Best Mitch
  8. B

    2013 V7 Clutch Adjustment (again, sorry)

    Hi Chaps. The signs of poor clutch adjustment are present - absent neutrals, tricky box at stationary and an inclination to creep forwards. I'm hoping clutch adjustment (although the Nut is solid!) will improve these issues. But just a couple of questions - shouldn't the cable end fit into the...
  9. F

    Weird noise

    Hi, A weird noise comes from my V7. Like a "printer" sound :) Pulling the clutch doesn't change that noise.I've recorded an audio/video clip:Do you think it is safe to ride?Thanks! f4b
  10. SamBarltrop

    V7 Classic - Guinea pig in my clutch

    Hey guys, I've got a funny noise coming from my V7 Classic clutch.Every now and then, when Ive got the bike in gear with the clutch disengaged (lever pulled), it makes a funny squeaky sound akin to a guinea pig (my best description). If I engage the clutch or put the bike in neutral and let...
  11. BCarnage

    Length of Clutch cable/hose

    I put some taller bars on my Audace. I made it all work but would like to put a longer clutch hose on. It is the only thing that was slightly short. Another two inches would be perfect. Does anyone know if the hose on the on the Touring, Eldorado or MGX models are longer and if so by how...
  12. Nickscave

    V7 Classic - Loud squeal following 9k mile service

    After my 2009 V7 Classic was serviced at a reputable Moto Guzzi dealership, I experienced a loud squeal on the ride home (approximately 20 minutes into the drive, and on surface streets) and immediately pulled over. The squeal went away when I pulled the clutch lever in, but it did continue...
  13. Eric LA

    Clutch Doesn't Disengage When Hot

    Hey everybody,I have a 2013 V7 Racer, and I've had issues with the clutch ever since I bought it new. I've had repairs done, I've installed a new clutch cable, I've re-routed the cable, etc. At this point my most recent clutch issue is this: When I start the bike up in the morning the clutch...
  14. H

    Screeching sound

    I am new to MG, and almost immediately after buying a second hand V7R 1TB, there was a loud screech (like a slipping fan belt sound) coming from the engine. The dealer took the bike back to fix it, and ended up installing a new thrust bearing and clutch.So today I went to pick it up for the...
  15. roadventure

    Wide Clutch/Brake Levers?

    Is anyone aware of a WIDE lever set that would fit the California?I am looking for something similar to this which I had for my Royal Star Tour Deluxe...
  16. Holeshot08

    2012 Stelvio NTX Clutch Slave Cylinder

    Howdy folks, last week I was riding and stopped at a light and noticed with the clutch in the bile was creeping forward while in gear. Got it home and up on the hoist and noticed oil all over the engine and above tranny. Looks like brake fluid. Anyone have a Slave Cylinder failure on the...
  17. M

    Griso 1100 noisy clutch - any suggestions

    Firstly, Hi - this is my first post and very glad to find you guys.I have just purchased a 2008 Griso 1100 (I expect its a 2007 model registered in 2008) Its only done 6700 miles. I purchased it from a dealer some 350 miles away without seeing it and went on their description.I have noticed...