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  1. N

    Engine light flashing

    Hello, today I was taking my V7III on Giau Pass, near Cortina d'Ampezzo, and a few times the engine light started flashing. First on the motorway, cruising at 120kph, and twice while climbing the mountain, all at relatively high revs. The bike has just got through the first service. This the...
  2. T

    V7 2022 stone oil leak leftisde airbox hose

    In February this year I bought my first motorcycle a moto guzzi v7 stone 2022 853cc model. At around 200km I kept experiencing engine oil leak. After further investigation I spotted the leak is coming from this hose which I think it's connected to the airbox component of the bike. I don't think...
  3. W

    2016 Moto Guzzi V7 II Stone Help

    Hi! On Saturday, I'm checking out a used V7II I found on Craigslist and was hoping for some tips, specifically on this model and year, and things to look for when I check it out to make sure it's a good buy. First bike. Excited!
  4. SamBarltrop

    V7 Classic Monza Fuel Cap

    Hey guys, im considering purchasing this fuel cap for my 11' V7C. Claims to fit... 83mm bolt circle? https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.de%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F223283766545Could anyone guess whether or not it actually will fit without redrilling holes in the tank, and if...
  5. Benjamin Eley

    2004 Breva 750 LED Turn Signal HELP

    Hi, I recently replaced the OEM turn signals on my Breva with these LED turn signals from AF1.https://www.af1racing.com/store/Scripts/prodView.asp?idProduct=77187They are a perfect fit that even have the right plug so they plug right in... But, they are LED so they flash maniac fast, which...
  6. Benjamin Eley

    Suggestions for exhaust for my '04 Breva 750

    Hi guys, I have a 2004 Moto Guzzi Breva 750 and I am looking to put some aftermarket exhaust on it. I've been looking into GPR Exhaust and the Dual Homologated FURORE NERO (BLACK) Slip-on kit caught my eye first. But I noticed they also have a Dual Link Pipe kit (2 to 1) designed for some of...
  7. Rebekah lee

    V7 III brand new, with check engine light....

    Hey i picked up my V7III Stone last friday. I have only put 200miles on it, and it already has the check engine light on. I would take it straight to the dealer, but they are an hour and a half away and I don't want to ride it that far with the light on. Any suggestions?
  8. G

    Newb in need of help

    Hello, all! I'm a lurking wannabe who is finally about to pull the trigger on either an '00 Jackal with 40000km or an '08 Norge with 63000km. The Norge has been dropped at least once, with a bit of fairing damage but otherwise looks in good condition. The Jackal looks pretty much stock, other...